The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Choppy

Author: AndyUK Submitted: 6th July, 2007 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 370
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By AndyUK on 7/13/2009

Edited By AndyUK [Ectoprods] on 7/7/2007

Edited By AndyUK [Ectoprods] on 7/7/2007

Edited By Flava on 7/6/2007

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Choppy is a small 10 screen retro game where you simply have to collect keys and get to the goal!

the graphics are very basic, and the controls are very simple

Up or Shift to rise
left or right to move in those directions.

I made this in a few hours because i was bored and it seems that TDC is in need of a bit of content as of late.

It also seems ive not submitted much lately either.

Thanks go to Phizzy for doing some playtesting.

Version 1.01 update

fixed two bugs

dying on level 4 will take you to level 4 again (not 3)
losing all your lives on level 5 will take you to the title screen (not to level 5 lol)

and changed the cheat so people without a keypad can do it now

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Posted by Flava 6th July, 2007

Gah I suck at games like these!
Couldn't even get past the first level
Posted by Torava 6th July, 2007


Scrolling screen and small window could be good upgrades.
Posted by waffleton 6th July, 2007

Haha, great. ^^
I'm doing a very small quick game too, the DC seriously needs moar activity. Now!
Posted by AndyUK 7th July, 2007

Thanks guys! 100%! amazing!

I'll release a bug fixed version soon.
Posted by AndyUK 7th July, 2007

ok ive made a new version with 2 bug fixes (and changed something else that i cant tell you because it's a cheat)
Posted by Del Duio 7th July, 2007

Eh.. I won't vote down, but this is kind of too hard. I couldn't get past the first level before moving on, sorry Andy

Seems like the chopper falls too quickly?
Posted by waffleton 7th July, 2007

Haha, in just one day this game has more downloads than both Antikrops DX and depp. x) I fail, don't I?
Posted by AndyUK 7th July, 2007

Yeah i thought it might seem a bit hard, however that doesn't mean to say it's TOO hard.
It's supposed to be like that to make it last longer, lol.
Posted by Zethell 8th July, 2007

Pretty good :] alittle easy once you learn the movements, but its pretty cool and entertaining.
[thumbs up and great work]

You can use DMC2 to stop the music from restarting everytime you die.
Posted by Zezard 8th July, 2007

Well, it's too hard to keep me playing until I finish it... But I think it's good.
I think it would have been hard enough if you got three tries per level, instead of three lives per game.

Somtimes I got the feeling that a keyboard had too low sense for that game
Posted by AndyUK 8th July, 2007

MMF2 has no DMC2 support.

although i guess i could have just made it a TGF game instead, lol.

review anyone?
Posted by Yai7 8th July, 2007

Did anyone ever played "Choppy the PorkChop"?
It's a click antique, and probably not many remember it, as it considered to many as piece of crap, but who am I to decide?!? I liked it that way it was.
Posted by AndyUK 8th July, 2007

Nope, never played it.
Posted by DaVince 9th July, 2007

Waffleton: if you didn't change your nickname so much, people would get used to you and your 'name'.
Posted by DaVince 9th July, 2007

Heh heh, nice song there. Jazz Jackrabbit samples.

I liked the game, though some levels were quite annoying. Thumbs up.
Posted by waffleton 9th July, 2007

What has getting used to my name have to do with how many downloads my games get? NONE!

But yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm keeping this one for a while x)
Posted by Bricnic 9th July, 2007

Damn, I think I got pretty far but eventually lost on the level where the keys are all resting on platforms (makes it difficult because if you fall slightly too far you die). Nice game though.
Posted by AndyUK 10th July, 2007

Posted by AndyUK 10th July, 2007

Maybe i should make a super hardcore version just for you then, phizzy.
Posted by AndyUK 11th July, 2007

although i think sir shab is making something along the lines of a sequel.
Posted by Yuhkaz 12th July, 2007

Thumbs up, addictive but simple.
Posted by ben mercer 14th July, 2007

Pretty cool, the only problem is that the controls feel a little off.

For example you cannot move up or down at a very slow speed; it feels "sticky" and makes precise movement difficult. Obviously you want to be able to move precisely on this type of game, otherwise it is very frustrating
Posted by AndyUK 14th July, 2007

yeah but i suck at making things work right.

Still at least my engine allows the chopper to hover quite well.
Posted by ben mercer 14th July, 2007

For future reference, you need to use alterable values for the choppers X and Y coords, then set the actual X Y coords afterwards.

The reason why this fixes the problem is because alt values can store decimal values, whereas an object can't have a decimal value for a position.
Posted by AndyUK 15th July, 2007

This was made in TGF though, Which i don't think supports decimals at all.
Posted by AfterStar 16th July, 2007

Simple but nice little game.
Using Shift instead of the up-arrow to manage your chopper helps a lot.
Posted by DaVince 29th July, 2007

"What has getting used to my name have to do with how many downloads my games get? NONE! "

More than you think, actually. People will know you so they know what to expect, and thus download a game more quickly.
Posted by 12th January, 2009
Rated :

This is really fun!





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