The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Real Time Strategy ::. Terminal Orbit The Demo v1.1b (Updated)

Terminal Orbit: The Demo v1.1b (Updated)
Author: Tigerworks Submitted: 22nd September, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Real Time Strategy Downloads: 1321
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 17/04/2024

Edited By Joshtek on 17/04/2024

The Terminal Orbit demo 1.1b is here.

The Click RTS to end all Click RTSs...
The Terminal Orbit has come.

Now 1.1b with graphics mode options and DMC2 fixes.

Review This Download (3.5kb )

This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (66)
Posted by Tigerworks 23rd September, 2002

No banana. No huge starting army ;) No, I'm not telling you the cheats. No, the skirmish isn't way too hard, just set your factories continuously building construction units and build lots of shell turrets with them.
Posted by colej_uk 23rd September, 2002

Nice game Tigerworks, it reminds me of a game called Earth 2140, ever played it?
Posted by Simdrone052 23rd September, 2002

Reminds me of TA more than Earth, earth had 3D environments, and the sequel to it (moon) was a complete ripoff. TA IS THE BEST RTS OF ALL TIME, BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!! This is the best Click RTS of all time...
Posted by Eagle32123 23rd September, 2002

downloading... i doubt its better than C&C, but for a klik game, it looks kik ass.
Posted by S Radley 23rd September, 2002

Tigerworks, you're a friggin genius. You know that, right? It's totally beyond me how you coded an engine this good.
Posted by colej_uk 24th September, 2002

Lol, I got Earth 2140 free with a magazine ;)
Posted by gustav 25th September, 2002

really impressive :3
Posted by Pioupiou 26th September, 2002

awesone game !!!!! also reminds me of TA (the best RTs of the world ;))
Posted by Pete Nattress 26th September, 2002

the earth series of rts's was awful, but this game looks very cool indeed... well done!
Posted by N.i.k.o. 26th September, 2002

The best Klik-RTS i've seen. I hope you're going to finish it.
Posted by Wompo 28th September, 2002

I have some REALLY ODD problem with sounds... when I started the game all I heard was VERY loud buzzing etc. Damn my ears still hurt. :(
Posted by David Evans 28th September, 2002

Every time I win it crashes! :-(
Posted by David Evans 28th September, 2002

Another bug! Go to the campaigns section and terminal orbit. Select the top option ond press down a few times.
Posted by Alex Carnegie 28th September, 2002

geez this is amazing - unbelievably polished and professional, good work! I've never seen a klik game like this before, a few years ago this would have passed for a commercial effort.
Posted by Nicholas 29th September, 2002

Posted by Tigerworks 1st October, 2002

Yes. For £1000 that is.
Posted by HaMSteRtAiL 2nd October, 2002

Posted by Tigerworks 3rd October, 2002

Posted by Tigerworks 3rd October, 2002

Real Time Strategy
Posted by Tigerworks 4th October, 2002

Posted by HaMSteRtAiL 11th October, 2002

oh, :) what did u use to create this game? TGF, FUSION?
Posted by David Evans 11th October, 2002

Yes!!! I've finaly won without it crashing! (the 4th time) :-D. All it does is go back to the main menu :-(.
Posted by Tigerworks 11th October, 2002

Lol. I made it in MMF 1.5, impossible in TGF as it pretty much starts on 300 objects and only has 3 alterable values. MMF 1.2 only has 3 alterable values but MMF 1.5 has 26 and Terminal Orbit uses about 20 of them in the active objects which are the unit bases.
Posted by Shen 12th October, 2002

Sam: The units work fine on my computer...
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 13th October, 2002

Really cool game!!!! just some glitches in the sound. it looks like TA at first sight but they are different. One big difference is that all units in TA is in 3D.
Posted by FLOZi 19th October, 2002

That looks mega cool! Much better than my TGF RTS (which was abandoned when i discoverd TGF's active object limit!-So I went into TA modding instead ;))
Posted by Niklas[Mpp] 25th October, 2002

it looks very cool :D
Posted by Tigerworks 28th October, 2002

It's a download, not a preview ;)
Posted by The Chris Street 4th November, 2002

Ive been putting off downloading this, but I have some free time now, so download I shall begin
Posted by Bob gratton 12th November, 2002

To tigs : Is it possible to create a non-installer version of your game Terminal Orbit. Because I`m on a shared computer station (at school) and I can only install files in my account (can`t install files in system directory...). Send me an e-mail :
Posted by TS Team 25th November, 2002

Nice, when do you expect the full version to be done? This inspires me.
Posted by Aniboy2000 22nd December, 2002

What does TA stand for?
Posted by Tigerworks 26th December, 2002

Total Annihilation This is only a beta, I am making loads of improvements. Notably the new concept of Mechs. You'll have to wait and see.
Posted by Shen 26th December, 2002

I can't get campaigns working!
Posted by AfterStar 1st January, 2003

Shen:Only the Skirmish game plays!It's a very early version of the game so don't complain! The whole idea is influenced by TA!Am i right? =) THE best engine&programming i ever saw making with klik products!The game is addictive and with a little more effort it can have the C&C 1 quality! Thought it crashes often because of usingunits&counters the same time,i enjoyed playing it! One question:Will it be a FREEWARE or COMMERCIAL GAME?(hoping for freeware =) ). Looking forward to it!THE FIRST "REAL" RTS made with MMF...!
Posted by AfterStar 1st January, 2003

!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????WELL THIS IS REALLY WEIRD! How did that (?) "ARISU NEXUS" or whatever picture got infront of my message... Really strange,never added or seen the picture... Can u others see it? The whole idea is influenced by TA gameplay & Earth2150 story i would rather say!
Posted by Tigerworks 13th January, 2003

Odd, people still check back here? Lol. I haven't ever played Earth 2150. TA is the only RTS I've played a lot. Ideas from it may show through because... I mean, TA is the best, so making unit movement different to it would be making it worse :P
Posted by Tigerworks 13th January, 2003

By the way it will be commercial. Sheesh, you didn't think I was gonna blow an opportunity for money like that, did you?
Posted by AfterStar 10th May, 2003

Klik games don't sell much(or shall i say "don't sell at all")! Reason?Because someone can get a copy of a good commercial game for $10 instead of buying a Klik game! People are hard for buying Klik games!
Posted by Shen 10th May, 2003

They do if they're good
Posted by J.J 28th May, 2003

Posted by AfterStar 4th June, 2003

No they don't! Try selling Eternal Daughter......and you will get a very small amount of copies sold,even if its the best of the best Action/adventure klik-game ever made!
Posted by Dr Zaius 7th June, 2003

But Eternal Daughter was a side scolling adventure game, when was the last time anybody bought a side scolling adventure game, Klik or otherwise? By the way keep up the goodwork Tigerworks!
Posted by Lewis 19th September, 2003

looks pretty good, I hope diffrent terrain will be created. I hope it sells well. I have TA and i dont think its too similar just the look of the graphics, apart from the fact that TA has a 3d envirinment
Posted by utema_software 11th December, 2003

the units all look the same
Posted by Fluffmcduff 30th January, 2004

Posted by muhaha 17th November, 2004

woah!!!!! How do I download this? The link brought me to a crazy site!!!
Posted by Tigerworks 1st December, 2004

If you hadnt noticed this game is over a year old and no longer available to download
Posted by alastair john jack 24th December, 2008

So you won't be bringing it back then?
Posted by deadeye 16th January, 2009








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