The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. SpaceHerdy

Author: Museum CareTaker Submitted: 20th May, 2009 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 284

Edited By Museum CareTaker on 5/20/2009

This game is part of the Klik Museum-
Game Created by: Lee-Patrick Chapman
Original Release Date: 1997

Herdy is the youngest of Four brothers. "Terdy" studied and became a sewage scientist, "Nerdy" created a new software operating system full of bugs (meaning he will always have work in programming updates!) and lastly "Werdy" - a very well known intergalactic Diplomat. Feeling left out, Herdy decided to stick to his family tradition and follow in the paw prints of his great grandfather.... a SHEEP HERDER! You are hired by the local Sheriff, the pay could be better but atleast Herdy is getting some experience!

The biggest Challenge was to fit it onto ONE floppy!...
Main game idea was created with graphics and sound in around 7 hours (1997), I then picked it back up and overhauled it for about 6 weeks - Added new map, bonus, bribe, tyrants, 2p. time trial and end sequence. Redrew Sheriff and added better control. BUGS! - Due to the actual Klick and Play software i was unable to rectify the following;"Dissapearing Sheep", "Sheriff Animation Freeze", "Herded Sheep that decide to POP out of Pen at the end of the level","Precission Control of Sheep", "Hanging on time trial" ... I`m sorry but the software is rather old now, But i prefere to use it than any other

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Posted by nim 20th May, 2009

I remember this game being pretty good in terms of presentation, but it suffered from most bugs associated with the built-in bouncing ball movement. Those sheep are circular but don't expect anything close to circular collisions most of the time.

Also, this was the Most Downloaded game on the Click Cafe for almost the entire time that site was running.
Posted by Sketchy 20th May, 2009
Rated :

Yeah, presentation is great, but the bugs not so much.
If this were to be remade in MMF2 it could be a really good game though.
Posted by Jess Bowers 20th May, 2009

My favorite part of this game was always the cut scenes. I just love it when the sides of the mask come together to create the robo-sheep. Just fabulous.
Posted by Rhodesy 29th May, 2009

The map screen was my favorite .
Posted by Rhodesy 29th May, 2009

You should add Vortex Runner Mr Nim...





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