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Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

9th January, 2004 at 13:29:10 -

The reason I said I pass on the raping boys thing is because I just don't see your point (perhaps you could explain it a bit more), but anyway. And I wouldn't lock a topic containing a post that said "Paul rapes small boys" if it was

a) mentioned by yourself at a previous point in whatever fashion (as in this post)
b) by a member who, as far as I understand, you know fairly well (JD or BlueEmu in your case, for example)
c) taken in good humour by yourself in a later post
d) if the author obviously meant no real offense, perhaps indicated by a or a or whatever
e) if I have reason to believe you rape small boys (cue stupid smilie, as described above)

So, you see, with your specefic if not somewhat worrying example, there are many contexts which would be considered acceptable. So if you were to give me another example, the action I would take would depend on the context.

Enough with that... back to the admin's supposed freedom of speech. Whilst it is true that I can say what I like, that is not to say another admin will stop me. In fact, quite a lot of the more risqué things I have said in the past have been edited/removed by another admin (no idea which one)... so my own freedom is merely as great as yours, when push comes to shove. So this is how DC is nowhere near a dictatorship - we have more than one person pushing the buttons.

Mr Coffee, I didn't know that, but surely racist publications are severly frowned upon? I don't profess to know much about the big ol' U S of A but I'd have thought they would be slightly more civilised than that. In lieu of these new facts, may I ammend my example to "You can't say George Bush sucks his dads cock" on TV.

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

9th January, 2004 at 13:34:24 -

wong says what i say without the sharp bits for realists like myself.

i've just been rereading what i've said, and to clarify: when i say "you don't deserve free speech" doesn't mean you're not getting it; just that you shouldn't come here expecting it.

thank christ i'm on holiday from work, otherwise i'd never have the time to write so much.

Deleted User
9th January, 2004 at 14:44:42 -

Pete why don't you change your avatar that could make you different


Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

9th January, 2004 at 14:49:01 -


Deleted User
9th January, 2004 at 14:56:46 -


The poodle pic makes me sick
I would call hitler a dog or a pig

P.S=just joking



The Smegster


VIP Member
9th January, 2004 at 15:28:10 -

I think pete does an awesome job and should continue, my opinion..




Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member
9th January, 2004 at 15:45:37 -

This thread and Pete's avatar combined makes him seem very political. Yeah! Pete Natress for president! (just kidding)


Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

9th January, 2004 at 15:46:47 -

actually, JD, i wasn't referring to you. perhaps you have a guilty conscience?

yes, i am aware of the old "lock topic and make a post that no one can reply to" syndrome but that's usually just to clarify why the post has been locked... and maybe the addition of certain relevant opinions... i was trying to refrain from doing it, but it's very tempting in some cases. i'm sure anyone would do the same thing in certain situations. we're not perfect.


The Archivist


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!Mr BallPicture Me This Round 50 Winner!
9th January, 2004 at 16:02:28 -

"Freedom of Speech" is an ideal, but I think "Freedom of expression of oppinion and information, but not when the former is told as if it were the latter" is more reasonable.

:: Joshtek ::

Oreos? GO! OREOS!


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
9th January, 2004 at 16:31:22 -

Yawn. Boring is this. Not bother reading everyone's crap will I.

Seriously, this is getting old. I myself am on the fence, I don't fully agree with faction, but I think the Nazi thing has gone way too far, and the whole idea is out of context anyway. Think I might go on a break from the boards for a while, can someone send me a pigeon with a message or something when this crap has all calmed down?


Karnage [Ragnarok Games]

9th January, 2004 at 16:45:19 -

TDC, right now, is in turmoil. TDC is more like the Greek Republic, with the normal members being the slaves who have little to no influence, the famrers and artisians (in our case the less-powered admins like Pete and Wong [yes, i believe pete's doing the most to clean up the mess on tdc. {I'm not just kissing your ass.}]) who have some influence, and the rich people (shadowcaster, rikus) who control everything, but let the middle class have a say occasionally.

Remember, there's a little darkness in all of us... we just express it best.
--Ragnarok Games


Mine's a pint of the black stuff


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberEvil kliker
9th January, 2004 at 17:05:11 -

I can't believe this whole thing started, or at least escalated to it's present rediculous propertions, in the TGF vs MMF topic.



Possibly Insane

9th January, 2004 at 18:52:06 -

I think I can sum all this up with a few simple words...

What a load of WILLIES!

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden


Possibly Insane

9th January, 2004 at 19:03:38 -

"You may think that, in your country, you have freedom of speech, and therefore, by proxy, you deserve it here. Firstly, you don't have freedom of speech in your country, and secondly, you don't deserve it here. So you're pretty wrong, aren't you."

Oh my fucking god. Nazi proof wrapped and ready to rumble. I don't care what some Hitler wannabe says, I am gonna say whatever the hell I wanna say! You don't like freedom of speech bitch face? BLOW MONKEYS! I'm not gonna bother with an actual point cos I never read 'em so why would I write one.

"Because the same protestors could not then go and publish a newspaper in America saying "George Bush sucks his Dad's cock!" and get away with it."
Why publish it in a newspaper... the tabloids always lie. Put it in a documentary so we all know that it's 100% true.

I think our point is when we say "nazi admins" is that this site is not a country, and ShadowCaster, Pete you are not world leaders. Your two bit nerds sitting in a garage telling your mommies you don't want any prune juice. So friggen get over yourselves, get over the site and let us enjoy ourselves before you admins are making topics "Hello... is anybody there?" and getting ZERO replies! ZERO!!! ZEEEEERROOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden




VIP Member
9th January, 2004 at 19:41:49 -

"we're the admins. you're not"
I can't beleve you said that. What are you saying? We cant speak here? We cant make suggestions?

You need us man.


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