The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. DataJack

Project: DataJack
Project Started: 31st July, 2008 Last Update: 22nd November, 2013
Project Owner: Rick Shaw Project Members:
Project Type: game Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 27

features list (tentative)
Posted 11th Aug 08, by Rick Shaw  
current features:

*capability for multiple, highly-moddable weapons (4 so far plus deployable c4)

*full 360 degree instant-hit bullet system

*environment effects: shadow casting, hiding in shadows, terrain types affect footstep noise

*destructible, dynamic environment with destructible walls, spent shell casings & cartridges, explosion scars etc.

*basic AI: highly extensible method for multiple actors with individual line-of-sight calculation

*bullet modelling: armor piercing bullets can penetrate thin barriers, bullet damage is adjustable

*pseudo-3D terrain: no z-level calculation, but ramps and ledges as seen in screenshots, ledges provide cover

*support for hackable, interactive level security "networks" that allow remote disabling of turrets, cameras etc.

*localized ambient noise that fades in & out with distance from source

*isometric movement, ducking, crawling

*cover from bullets or detection provided by ducking behind low barriers


planned features:

*crawling & hiding under desks

*more weapons & attachments (grenade launcher, laser sights?)

*more inventory items (smoke grenades, night vision, various cyberpunk-themed gadgetry)

*grenades & grenade arc physics

*full human-like AI guards with sensitivity to noise and sight, alert levels, patrols and inspection, guard communication with HQ etc.

check below for another recent update with screenshots

Posted by Asholay 16th June, 2009

"crawling & hiding under desks" - for when the going gets too tough...


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