The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. General Chat ::. ( NSFW, Adults Only ) Got ah few pounds ta spare governor?

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20th June, 2014 at 20/06/2014 05:55:23 -

Greetings. This is my first time doing this, but I thought I would give it a shot. I set up a paypal donation button on my blog as well as outlined my vision for the game.

If you have a moment please take a look. It also possible to download an early build of the game. Although the next update will be a massive improvement in many areas.

Afterwards if you are impressed, or at least slightly intrigued, please consider pressing that big yellow button. Thank you.




VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
20th June, 2014 at 20/06/2014 23:05:24 -

Just wanted to post my opinion of your game.

The graphics look great and I have no doubt that the game will be great for fans of hentai however I do have an issue with the subject matter surrounding the Game Over conditions

Rape is a very harrowing and traumatic experience for any man or woman to go through. I can't see how having this included would benefit your game. If this is the route you intend to go down with this game I expect a few people will be put off playing it.

I'm not writing this to be abrasive or anything but I just cannot understand how anyone things that trivialising such a sensitive subject by including it in a game would be a good idea. Honestly it baffles me.

Good luck with the project and all that but I would urge you to take a different route if at all possible



Slow-Motion Riot


21st June, 2014 at 21/06/2014 12:45:41 -

Suggesting that someone making a hentai game avoid using a rape mechanic in their games is pretty much like trolling. It rarely succeeds in changing someone's mind. It's considered a 'feature' or even a conventional aspect of those games. Making it donations-only shields developers and legitimizes the software project in a way, since the developer can always say, "If you don't like it, don't play it and don't give me money." They're not really objectifying women since it's "purely a fantasy" and "they're not making any money at it, it's just [my] hobby."

I felt that Core of Innocence was a reprehensible game too, but I'm sure that there were some people who donated to the developer. No doubt this game will have its supporters as well, having much more than nudity in it. Much like in CoI (or even more so), this project developer's talent is misguided and is ultimately harmful to others, particularly women.

Normally I would consider donating to indie and hobbyist developers, but in cases such as these I never push the button.




VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
21st June, 2014 at 21/06/2014 20:34:50 -

I wasn't trolling (maybe I don't quite understand Hentai) but just voicing my concern about what is a VERY sensitive subject. I do wish tetsuya_shino all the best with his project however I will not be donating nor playing the game.



21st June, 2014 at 21/06/2014 22:39:32 -

Thank you both for your well thought out posts.

Apparently, neither of you belong to the target group that the game is aimed for. If you are not interested in the game or even displeased with it's existence, that is perfectly fine. You have the right to your own opinions; to have your own likes and dislikes.

However, to even suggest that I approve of or condone actual rape simply because it appears in my game, is both outrageous and logic defying.

Your explanation of how you came to that conclusion would surely be entertaining.




VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
21st June, 2014 at 21/06/2014 23:05:35 -

I never suggested you approved or condoned it, never even entertained the thought actually. What I did allude to was the fact that featuring it in a game, even if it is to satisfy a Game Over condition, seems to trivialise the horrific act itself.



Slow-Motion Riot


22nd June, 2014 at 22/06/2014 00:45:13 -

I never stated you condone rape. I mentioned that you're objectifying women in your game.

Using a rape mechanic in your game is not the same as saying, "all you guys ought to go out and rape somebody." I never accused you of that at all. However, I'll go ahead and state your choice is in poor taste, denigrates women, and reduces them to "three holes and two hands." The fact that you're comfortable with using the rape mechanic - or rather, making a hentai game at all - gives indication you're comfortable with the notion that your creative efforts support that kind of world view. It's irresponsible. I've called out other forum members for the same kind of statements.

I hope you drop this project and spend your time and effort on something less hurtful to - and less ignorant of - greater than half the world's population. But I'm not holding my breath. Your effort is simply one of many out there that continue the grand tradition of catering to that "target audience," eh?

I mean, kids post their games here, for crying out loud. You're only getting away with this because the admins are asleep at the wheel.



Slow-Motion Riot


22nd June, 2014 at 22/06/2014 00:47:23 -

Originally Posted by lembi2001
I wasn't trolling (maybe I don't quite understand Hentai) but just voicing my concern about what is a VERY sensitive subject.

Didn't mean to make it sound like I was accusing you of being a troll in this thread. I apologize for that, lembi2001.



24th June, 2014 at 24/06/2014 05:09:40 -

There is a reason I wrote NSFW and Adults Only in the title. Even then, you have to click the link then you are taken Content Warning screen where you must press a button to enter. I can't be faulted if a child chooses to ignore these warnings.

As I said before, you have the right to your own opinion. However, you once again keep making assumptions as to what my personal belief on the matter is, as well as saying I indirectly support it is laughable. Really.

I shouldn't need to remind you that if you aren't interested in donating nor playing the game, there was no reason for you to post, and continue to post. You are so focused on trying to prove your own opinion, you fail to realize we shouldn't even be having this conversation in the first place. Does a vegetation go online and complain about the raising cost of beef? The smart ones don't.

So let me say it clearly; your opinion is unnecessary. I am not trying to be spiteful, but really, this thread did not require a response. If the thread had been 'what is your opinion on rape in video games?' then your replies would have been perfectly acceptable. But that wasn't case here. I posted a promotional message. Interested parties should view it, those not interested should ignore it.

And to suggest I should drop my project because you are personally offended by it? Would you listen to yourself? Why would you think I would value your opinion? Who are you to me? Do you actually think your words have weight to them?

You know, I will give you an example to make this crystal clear for you. There is a member on this forum, a crazy racist guy who's name escapes me. But I know you know who I am referring to. Heck, with the magic of the internet you could be him.

Anyway let's say this guy was making a video game version of Schindler's List. And in this game the enemy Nazi soldiers were bad mouthing, murdering, and raping Jews. Even if the game was portrayed from the German perspective, solely developing this game wouldn't make that guy a racist, murderer, or rapist. With me so far?

However, because that person makes all those offensive random comments on the forum outside the confines of a game, film, etc., that is the reason he is perceived as a loon. It's not a difficult concept to understand, so hopefully you get it now.

Again, creating or viewing media of an offensive nature does no way lead to direct endorsement or approval of said activities. You are not aware of a person's true beliefs while that are creating or viewing such content. And you only make yourself foolish thinking otherwise. (Let's not forget that 'offensive' is subjective.)

If you had actually bothered to research my game you can see my central theme is also war. I invite you to google ' Nanking_Massacre '. Soldiers raping and pillaging is the weak is a common theme in war media because, wait for it.. that's what commonly took place. Not every war, and not every soldier, but history has proven this to be true.

You also assume, incorrectly, that a female victim who has been assaulted in my game will just shrug it off and forget about it. I do admit this is the case for most hentai games. Most eventually have the victim enjoying the rape near the end. I think that is awful and I won't be doing that.

In my game you will be able to talk to everyone after they are saved, and if they were a victim to some form of abuse they will mention it. How often and to what extent will vary from character to character. In other words my game will have much much more depth then your average hentai game. Honestly, it is because I loath the way most professional, Japanese hentai game companies create their games that has spurred me on to make my own.

Of course the average Japanese hentai gamer, the target audience, is expecting more of the same; the 'three holes' logic you were talking about before. So while I want to create a different (superior?) atmosphere in my game, I must make certain concessions to attract those would be customers. Because this is a product. I have to be constantly aware of what they expect while at same time aim to make a 'better mouse trap'.

You keep saying ignorant, but my game takes more planing, research, and effort that anything you have made or will ever make. You know this to be true. Moreover, 'sex sells' is no exaggeration. I know a guy from Canada that made a simple hentai game and made several thousand dollars. He is currently working on his third game now. With luck I stand to make the same amount or more once my game is completed.

Your personal feelings don't change the fact this market exists.

So, I am done here. I sincerely hoped you learned something.



Slow-Motion Riot


24th June, 2014 at 24/06/2014 13:07:16 -

Originally Posted by tetsuya_shino
There is a reason I wrote NSFW and Adults Only in the title. Even then, you have to click the link then you are taken Content Warning screen where you must press a button to enter. I can't be faulted if a child chooses to ignore these warnings.

Point taken. You have me there. But that's only one aspect of the reason I've a hair up my ass about this thread.

However, you once again keep making assumptions as to what my personal belief on the matter is, as well as saying I indirectly support it is laughable. Really.

You're trying to make money in that industry, reinforced by your illustrious Canadian example. I see nothing laughable about that.

I shouldn't need to remind you that if you aren't interested in donating nor playing the game, there was no reason for you to post, and continue to post. You are so focused on trying to prove your own opinion, you fail to realize we shouldn't even be having this conversation in the first place.

I'm not the one suggesting others go through mental gymnastics to legitimize a hentai game. I'm personally attempting to state the obvious regarding hentai (and by extension, your game's) depiction of women.

I normally consider financially supporting worthwhile indie projects. But not this one in its current form.

So let me say it clearly; your opinion is unnecessary. ... I posted a promotional message. Interested parties should view it, those not interested should ignore it.

Your game does not exist in a vacuum. The oppression and objectification of women are global and observable. That's where I'm coming from, not my opinion (though my personal opinion is certainly inspired by the real world).

And no, I should not ignore anything I see, particularly promotional messages. The primary reason women continue to be abused is that ignorant men are not called out for their reprehensible, abusive, and damaging behaviour (and software projects).

And to suggest I should drop my project because you are personally offended by it? Would you listen to yourself? Why would you think I would value your opinion? Who are you to me? Do you actually think your words have weight to them?

Hey, I'm just a user on a forum. Never tried to be anything else. Just responding to a thread is all. Albeit, one where someone's asking for donations to create a work that highlights treating women as sex objects.

You know, I will give you an example to make this crystal clear for you. ... It's not a difficult concept to understand, so hopefully you get it now.

Again, creating or viewing media of an offensive nature does no way lead to direct endorsement or approval of said activities.

Nice strawman, and attempt at legitimizing your efforts. But if you don't wish your game to be lumped in with the identifier of 'hentai' that you used yourself, then (for example) don't let players skip through the narrative text. Otherwise your game exists to simply help somebody have one off at the expense of women. Like the rest of the hentai genre.

If you had actually bothered to research my game you can see my central theme is also war. ...

Nice attempt at legitimizing your game here. All wargames are worthwhile, amirite? Historical fiction is always worthwhile, amirite?

The one concession I'll give you here is that it's a fictional conflict. But you mention yourself that these things (rape, torture, etc.) happen in the real world all the time.

You keep saying ignorant, but my game takes more planing [sic], research, and effort that anything you have made or will ever make. You know this to be true.

Tremendous amounts of effort go into fruitless projects all the time (yes, my own included). The amount of effort needed to create something does not legitimize the content. The phrase "busy idiot" comes to mind, and that's not of my own invention.

And I'll avoid the stainless steel jaws of your artfully-placed ad hominem.

Moreover, 'sex sells' is no exaggeration. I know a guy from Canada that made a simple hentai game and made several thousand dollars. He is currently working on his third game now. With luck I stand to make the same amount or more once my game is completed.

There it is!

Your personal feelings don't change the fact this market exists.

Make money off wank material. Just like so many others.

So, I am done here. I sincerely hoped you learned something.

Actually, your story is similar to that of many other entitled men out there. You feel persecuted that someone's poking holes in your "baby,
' and like a honey badger you're lashing out, regardless of your justification. Problem is, you're ignorant of the route you're taking to (1) make money and (2) use your talents. There are consequences to being a creative person: receiving critique is one of them.

Bottom line: you do not live and produce in a vacuum. You admitted yourself you're doing this for the money. So why should I consider you different from any other content developer in the hentai world? Why should I not call you out for what your work is doing?

And you mention nothing about my main contention that your game content objectifies women, simply putting forth the contention you're trying to make money off this project instead. What kind of justification is that? If you want to make money, make an iOS casual puzzle game that doesn't feature naked chibi and fanart.

Whatever, dude. You crossed the Rubicon, now own up to the route to your conquest.




VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
25th June, 2014 at 25/06/2014 00:51:48 -

Tetsuya, I never intended for you to be insulted by this, but after all this is a forum. A forum provides it's users to discuss things and provide opinions on subject matter they feel strongly about.

RAPE is one such thing I feel strongly about.

I believe all rapists should be punished in accordance with the trauma inflicted on their victim. To include it in a game actually sicken's me. I know you entitled the topic (NSFW - Adults only) but the fact of the matter is that at no point before you reach your blog pages does the subject matter become clear. I'm not saying the game is centered around rape (I didn't read all the blog pages as I was too angered to continue) however the mechanic is in there. It is apparently integral to the game. This is the issue I have with game.

Launching personal attacks on someone who is only voicing a personal concern/issue with your game is not the way to carry on. As stated before this is a public forum where the right to free speech exists.



11th July, 2014 at 11/07/2014 23:11:46 -

Hello... I have read most of this thread, and I strongly agree with the people who were offended by this game. I especially identify with saying that he is very talented, but is putting his talents to extremely poor usage. I also love the fact that you had the guts to tell him to drop the project, which I agree with as well.

I want to say that the game's creator has a rather sarcastic attitude, and from it, it is clear that he is not a nice person, and perhaps even is a 4chan user. for example:

"Your explanation of how you came to that conclusion would surely be entertaining."

It is pretty obvious to me that this person can't be reasoned with, and is not worth arguing with. However I want to let you people know that you are loved. You are not alone in dealing with this bully who likes to objectify women in games in order to make money. Light and innocence shall prevail! <3



At least I'm not Circy


VIP MemberStarSnow
12th July, 2014 at 12/07/2014 00:31:53 -

Hentai games exist for the same reason hentai porn exists. So that a bunch of men can fantasize about sex while working through the frustrating reality that no wpman in their right mindset would ever introduce them to the reality of sex. The only reason the OP would be so adamant about producing this game is if he falls snugly into the sexless category or is just finding a debased reason to make money the easiest way imaginable shy of prostitution.

ChrisD> Employer: Say, wanna see a magic trick?
ChrisD> Employee: Uhh… sure, boss.
ChrisD> Employer: Your job! It just disappeared! Pack your things and leave! Pretty good trick, huh?


12th July, 2014 at 12/07/2014 02:32:01 -

I heard that Rosenkreuzstilette was originally gonna be a hentai game, but wound up not being one. and of that I am GLAD, because I love Spiritia. she is just so awesome, I wouldn't want her to be ruined in that way!


Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
15th July, 2014 at 15/07/2014 10:55:51 -

I absolutely can not believe this bullshit!

None of you idiots get mad when people are KILLED in games but rape? Oh No! That's pure evil! We must fight the developer so he doesn't make his rape game while you let all killing games on the market do perfectly well, you lot make me sick.

You are not the target audience for this game and suggest it should be stopped because you personally don't like it is just wrong, you do not own the world's culture.

Sex is a part of life, purely and simply.

Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.



VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
15th July, 2014 at 15/07/2014 13:31:36 -

Originally Posted by Maltar Draco
Sex is a part of life, purely and simply.

Rape is not sex. It is one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed towards a man or a woman. It not only leaves a physical scar but a mental one also.

I agree we are not the target audience but we have a right to voice our concerns.


Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
15th July, 2014 at 15/07/2014 19:06:53 -

Originally Posted by lembi2001
Rape is not sex.

Originally Posted by

1. the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
3. statutory rape.
4. an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation: the rape of the countryside.
5. Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.

verb (used with object), raped, raping.
6. to force to have sexual intercourse.
7. to plunder (a place); despoil.
8. to seize, take, or carry off by force.

verb (used without object), raped, raping.
9. to commit rape.

So yes, rape is sex. It's not a very socially responsible way to have sex, but is sex.

Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.


Slow-Motion Riot


16th July, 2014 at 16/07/2014 00:15:01 -

Originally Posted by Maltar Draco
So yes, rape is sex. It's not a very socially responsible way to have sex, but is sex.

Now you're just being obtuse.

...If only what we posted on the Internet stayed with us for the rest of our lives...




VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
16th July, 2014 at 16/07/2014 08:25:37 -

Originally Posted by Maltar DracoSo yes, rape is sex. It's not a very socially responsible way to have sex, but is sex.

Socially Responsible??? Socially Responsible??? Are you honestly telling me that if, god forbid, you were raped you wouldn't feel violated? You would just think, "Oh, that wasn't very socially responsible of that person to do that to me." Would you hell. You would feel violated beyond anything you could possibly comprehend.

It's this sort of thinking that means rape still occurs today. It is abhorrent and CANNOT be excused on any level. To respond with "rape is sex, just not socially responsible" is disgusting. You are almost condoning the act itself with this statement.


Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
16th July, 2014 at 16/07/2014 13:04:15 -

I am truly laughing, right now at just how mentally retarded you are. Of course I believe rape should be punished by law. Not that you care anyway, you just spew whatever bullshit suits your political agenda. You even go so far as to accuse me of condoning it just because I live in the real world and not your 'We need to fight this!' fantasy world.

I can practically read your minds, I knew you were going to accuse me of condoning rape (You always do when yo don't get your way!) and you're going to try to change the issue because you know you are wrong and pretend you won the previous issue. Your hysterical kind is so predictable!

Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.


Slow-Motion Riot


16th July, 2014 at 16/07/2014 18:16:20 -

Yup, I keep forgetting you're one of those guys. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

Keep up the superior work, Maltar.


Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
16th July, 2014 at 16/07/2014 19:40:50 -

What a troll!

Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.


Slow-Motion Riot


16th July, 2014 at 16/07/2014 22:25:51 -

You taught me nearly everything I know about it.




VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
16th July, 2014 at 16/07/2014 22:26:28 -

Originally Posted by Maltar Draco

I am truly laughing, right now at just how mentally retarded you are. Of course I believe rape should be punished by law. Not that you care anyway, you just spew whatever bullshit suits your political agenda. You even go so far as to accuse me of condoning it just because I live in the real world and not your 'We need to fight this!' fantasy world.

I can practically read your minds, I knew you were going to accuse me of condoning rape (You always do when yo don't get your way!) and you're going to try to change the issue because you know you are wrong and pretend you won the previous issue. Your hysterical kind is so predictable!

Where do you get off calling me Retarded? Did I say you were condoning Rape??? NO, I said it is ALMOST condoning rape by responding with "rape is sex" - your words not mine. I live in the real world too, doesn't mean I have to like what goes on in it and AGAIN I AM FREE TO VOICE MY OPINION.

You are correct in stating that Rape should be punished by law, however due to the TRAUMATIC events that the victims suffer they often feel incapable of reporting the crime. I am not changing any issue nor am I hysterical. I just cannot understand how anyone including you can stand by and accept this topic matter. I do not have a political agenda and I do not spew "bullshit" as you so eloquently put it.

If you want to have a rational discussion regarding this then let's do it, however I do not appreciate being called retarded. This is a subject I feel VERY STRONGLY about and will argue with anyone who would like to try to defend it in ANY way.

To say it happens does not mean it should be accepted. To say that rape is sex is ridiculous, yes the act of rape features the act of sex however it is more to do with the removal of the ability to provide consent, it is about exerting power and dominance over the victim. At no point can the victim stop it from happening and at no point does the aggressor feel ANY remorse for the act they are carrying out. I would like to see anybody stand up in front of a judge and jury and try to defend the act of rape by saying "it's just sex".

As you quoted, according to

1. the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
3. statutory rape.

I have highlighted the key points in this issue. Unlawful compelling, Forced upon a person, physical force or duress. How anybody can defend the subject matter is beyond me.


Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
17th July, 2014 at 17/07/2014 10:57:02 -

Much better argument this time, mate.

Lembi, you know that this thread is supposed to be about giving constructive feedback to tetsuya's game, which you know is of zero consequence to you; whether this game is made or not, you and the people you love will be completely unaffected by it. So why do you insist on the continuation of derailing of this thread?

And oh...

Originally Posted by lembi2001
You are almost condoning the act itself with this statement.

The one word you put in here "almost" almost changes everything!

Edited by Maltar Draco

Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.



VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
17th July, 2014 at 17/07/2014 16:07:55 -

Do you not consider this to be constructive criticism then? Constructive criticism is designed to help the author identify what does and doesn't work well. Numerous users have identified that this part of the game is not well received.

I understand that the outcome is not controllable by myself or anyone on here however the author was asking for donations for a game featuring this mechanic. I am not derailing the thread in anyway shape or form. It is a natural evolution of the thread due to the content matter and the sensitive nature of the game mechanic.



At least I'm not Circy


VIP MemberStarSnow
23rd July, 2014 at 23/07/2014 07:39:20 -

Video games are for kids. All sorts of people play them, but generally speaking; they're for kids. That's why it's irresponsible to introduce sexual imagery into video games; The rape makes it worse because it's also morally objectionable. The majority of klikers are between the age of 14 - 20 -- which also means you're introducing your game to a group of teenagers and asking them not to click the NSFW link -- not likely. I'm sorry Tetsuya, but you've got to be mentally slow to think a topic like this would blow over well around here.

We need to be realistic, though. Tetsuya is a noob and whether or not the hentai rape content is considered, this game is going to be awful. The only people interested in playing this wretched crap-pile will be people who are just as socially maladjusted and obsessed with shitty anime rape porn. I foresee 20 downloads maximum. I doubt any of them will be paying customers. I'm not too worried about thousands of kids downloading Bond of Blood and thinking rape is acceptable, but I think the least he could do would be explain that hentai is rape pornography. 'Hentai' might be a universally comprehensible terminology among irresponsible and morally objectionable internet fetishists, but most of the known world don't understand what that term means.

Rape isn't just sex; That's not even a defensible opinion. Rape is usually about assertion of power. It's often purposely violent and it's practically celebrated by hentai artwork. I can't personally fathom how anyone could find hentai interesting in any regard - the artwork itself isn't admirable because most of it is completely amateur and done in the vague style of whatever manga variation the artist picks. Most of these hentai games source artwork from backwater cannon anime artwork websites where 'artists' jump at the chance to include their artwork in any kind of game for nearly free. Nearly - meaning there was probably some kind of shady image library transfer before this deal goes down; Oh, and fappery.

There's no point in paying any attention to Tetsuya or his game releases. I wouldn't offer him help if he needs assistance in any regard. I don't think he's any kind of harm - just irresponsible, morally objectionable, socially maladjusted, and obsessed with shitty anime rape porn. Eww... go away.

Edited by The_Antisony

ChrisD> Employer: Say, wanna see a magic trick?
ChrisD> Employee: Uhh… sure, boss.
ChrisD> Employer: Your job! It just disappeared! Pack your things and leave! Pretty good trick, huh?

Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
23rd July, 2014 at 23/07/2014 16:01:14 -

Wow... Grim, seriously? That's what you're going with? "Video-games are for kids." So what? That is not an argument, sure... most games are for families, as are most EVERYTHING! I saw How to train your Dragon 2 today without any kids with me and I think that film was absolutely brilliant, IMDB is filled with reviews for kid's shows written by adults saying how great they are.

If you believe these things should only appeal to children and that adults aren't allowed any culture then you are dead on the inside.

And yes, some things specifically are for adults. Family Guy for instance, is a great cartoon and I very much enjoy watching it. It is not irresponsible to make or defend Family Guy, it is only irresponsible to let children watch it, not that you are capable of comprehending that in any way, shape or form.

There's a very good reason why we have this, you know.

Originally Posted by GrimFusion
There's no point in paying any attention to Tetsuya or his game releases. I wouldn't offer him help if he needs assistance in any regard. I don't think he's any kind of harm - just irresponsible, morally objectionable, socially maladjusted, and obsessed with shitty anime rape porn. Eww... go away.

And what you guys are doing to Tetsuya, basically is gang-rape. Irony!

Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.


At least I'm not Circy


VIP MemberStarSnow
23rd July, 2014 at 23/07/2014 21:42:15 -

Originally Posted by Maltar Draco
Wow... Grim, seriously? That's what you're going with? "Video-games are for kids." So what? That is not an argument, sure... most games are for families, as are most EVERYTHING! I saw How to train your Dragon 2 today without any kids with me and I think that film was absolutely brilliant, IMDB is filled with reviews for kid's shows written by adults saying how great they are.

If you believe these things should only appeal to children and that adults aren't allowed any culture then you are dead on the inside.

And yes, some things specifically are for adults. Family Guy for instance, is a great cartoon and I very much enjoy watching it. It is not irresponsible to make or defend Family Guy, it is only irresponsible to let children watch it, not that you are capable of comprehending that in any way, shape or form.

There's a very good reason why we have this, you know.

Originally Posted by GrimFusion
There's no point in paying any attention to Tetsuya or his game releases. I wouldn't offer him help if he needs assistance in any regard. I don't think he's any kind of harm - just irresponsible, morally objectionable, socially maladjusted, and obsessed with shitty anime rape porn. Eww... go away.

And what you guys are doing to Tetsuya, basically is gang-rape. Irony!

I'm not assuming adults aren't allowed their own 'culture'. You're ignoring that that more than half of the world specifically attempts to appeal to adults. The only market within which rape is somewhat acceptable is porn. Hentai qualifies as porn. So far, you've attempted defending porn by comparing it to children's movies. Great logic there, Captain.

Children's movies that include adult-oriented material don't include rape themes or pornography. Programming like Family Guy may specifically be written for adults, but doesn't routinely include porn or rape scenes. Grouping rape in with sexual innuendo, crude humor, and loosely qualified adult-entertainment is kinda twisted. It's not the same ball-field. While hentai could be considered a form of entertainment, its fans usually like to substitute popcorn and mountain dew for a box of Kleenex and a bottle of hand moisturizer.

I don't have anything against porn. It'd be a little hypocritical of me to claim pornography is evil or say it has no place mixed into any other form of media. When it is done, it's done with proper notice and caution. That's why organizations like the Motion Picture Rating Association and the ESRB exist. Klik games don't have a system like that in place and Tetsuya hasn't made much of an attempt to explain why young users should avoid downloading Bond of Blood. "It's hentai" isn't enough and not including a detailed warning is strictly irresponsible on a website in which most of the content aims to appeal to teenagers.

Sexuality is a relatively private matter. People generally don't read porn magazines or air popular porn movies publicly. When I meet someone, I have no expectation that at any point I'll understand what their fetishes are. Perhaps that's why I'm so appalled. People who can't keep their sexuality a private matter are creepy. Flaming a creep on a forum isn't the same as gang rape - not even euphemistically, drama queen. Apples are not oranges. Learn what the word irony means.

Edited by The_Antisony

ChrisD> Employer: Say, wanna see a magic trick?
ChrisD> Employee: Uhh… sure, boss.
ChrisD> Employer: Your job! It just disappeared! Pack your things and leave! Pretty good trick, huh?



VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
23rd July, 2014 at 23/07/2014 23:27:28 -

Maltar the subject matter is NOT defensible in any way shape or form. For some reason you seem to have a hard on for it and are trying to defend it. I don't understand why, unless of course the subject matter itself interests you and that is what you get off on. If so, fine but it doesn't mean the majority have to have it shoved down our throats (no pun intended).

I am all for freedom of speech and all that crap however this does not belong on this site. This does not belong on a family site. The only place this would be seen to be acceptable are forums that celebrate the subject matter.

Tetsuya knows how the site operates and should have known how it would be received. Asking for money for this abomination just annoys me even more. As Grim said, I won't be offering advice or help to Tetsuya in the future and would advise anyone else to do the same.


Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
23rd July, 2014 at 23/07/2014 23:29:37 -

Originally Posted by GrimFusion
I don't have anything against porn.


Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.

Hill Gigas

Reviewing Madman


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberI like Aliens!Turtle Power!GOTW WINNER CUP 2!SnowmanGOTW WINNER CUP 3!
25th July, 2014 at 25/07/2014 21:53:49 -

To any visitors- Welcome to the Daily Click, 2014.




VIP MemberIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerI like Aliens!Has Donated, Thank You!PS3 OwnerI am an April Fool
25th July, 2014 at 25/07/2014 23:50:59 -

Originally Posted by Hill Gigas
To any visitors- Welcome to the Daily Click, 2014.




Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
30th July, 2014 at 30/07/2014 21:04:00 -

This is awesome


Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
30th July, 2014 at 30/07/2014 22:52:13 -

Originally Posted by Hayo
This is awesome

Dude, you have got to bring tomatoman back...

On a more serious vibe, I do not agree with this stuff being in games at all.



Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
31st July, 2014 at 31/07/2014 18:39:00 -

I will ask him, but he is into politics now.


Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
31st July, 2014 at 31/07/2014 22:02:47 -

Well if this topic does not tickle his taste buds, we will have to have an epic pro/anti car multi page ramble, just for old time sakes .



Possibly Insane

9th August, 2014 at 09/08/2014 16:39:32 -

Welcome to the daily dick, been annoying you since ... well ya since when?

Perhaps we should start a new thread, just to talk about NFSW content on TDC?


Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
27th August, 2014 at 27/08/2014 17:18:12 -

You fucktards couldn't care less about multimedia fuison, your only business here is attack those who do and the whole anti-porn disguised as an anti-rape thing is just bullshit you peddle to harm actual game creators, seriously. FUCK YOU! If you are not going to use any clickteam products then GET OFF THIS FUCKING SITE!

Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.


Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
27th August, 2014 at 27/08/2014 17:51:35 -

I really wish we had more people on this site. But this is still great!

Maltar Draco

  22/08/2013 19:25:19
27th August, 2014 at 27/08/2014 19:38:00 -

Who is paying for this website's server anyway? It has very clearly outlived it's purpose and keeping it online with no admins would be nothing more than a mistake.

Edited by Maltar Draco

Maltar Draco, I do PC gaming.


Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
27th August, 2014 at 27/08/2014 22:44:26 -

Clickteam does.



Has Donated, Thank You!
28th August, 2014 at 28/08/2014 03:31:49 -

@ Maltar: Have a little faith. Their are times when the activity dies out around here. but it always picks up.


Possibly Insane

28th August, 2014 at 28/08/2014 11:50:58 -

Awesome hijacked thread.

Can't we move it to the clickteam forums?
Or perhaps this entire community?

I still think it's a great hangout



Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
28th August, 2014 at 28/08/2014 15:28:42 -

That would be an idea. Just a TDC subforum on the CT site for goofing around and such. The CT boards are really active but it's so serious!


Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
28th August, 2014 at 28/08/2014 17:21:57 -

Maltar Draco: Mind the language sunny jim! I know most people on here still use MMF to some extent (myself included). We just do not publish what we do much anymore, as we are old farts that existed before facebook, hence, we feel no need to openly discuss our lives (such as what brand of toilet paper we use) in public.

Edited by an Administrator



Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
28th August, 2014 at 28/08/2014 17:27:38 -

I started using North River 100% organic toilet paper last month. First I was afraid my fingers would go through it but that doesn't happen a lot.


Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
28th August, 2014 at 28/08/2014 17:34:50 -

Hi Hayo,

Many thanks for the feedback on North River toilet paper. Last week I brought Andrex toilet roll, expecting to wipe my behind on small Labrador puppies. I was greatly disappointed at the severe lack of Labrador puppies, but as toilet papers go, it is pretty good.



Possibly Insane

29th August, 2014 at 29/08/2014 19:50:13 -

Darn, the blog with this uberspiel is gone!

Well, at least I can try one of your wipes.


Hill Gigas

Reviewing Madman


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberI like Aliens!Turtle Power!GOTW WINNER CUP 2!SnowmanGOTW WINNER CUP 3!
3rd September, 2014 at 03/09/2014 16:45:50 -

I was told there would be more North River toilet paper in this forum.



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
5th September, 2014 at 05/09/2014 09:20:40 -

We can but hope, Hill Gigas .



Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
5th September, 2014 at 05/09/2014 23:01:16 -

What happened to the rape game?


At least I'm not Circy


VIP MemberStarSnow
6th September, 2014 at 06/09/2014 04:57:02 -

A terms of service violation. I doubt the OP deleted the site themselves, so I guess Blogger doesn't like half-assed rape-themed nerdporn games either. Good on Blogger! I think this kid needs a serious wake-up call anyhow. I can't speak on his behalf, but I know in my case I don't follow through on games unless something about the theme of the game inspires me and continues to inspire me throughout development. If this kid's inspiration is hentai, holy f***; That's kinda f*****-up.

ChrisD> Employer: Say, wanna see a magic trick?
ChrisD> Employee: Uhh… sure, boss.
ChrisD> Employer: Your job! It just disappeared! Pack your things and leave! Pretty good trick, huh?

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