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Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
20th October, 2012 at 20/10/2012 21:30:11 -

I did the Hellcat ages ago. The Liberator and Zero are new though, so hopefully the style looks consistent.
Not quite sure what I'm going to do with them yet - possibly a side-scrolling, turn-based strategy...

(click on the image to view fullsize, if it has been scaled to fit)



20th October, 2012 at 20/10/2012 23:39:22 -

Really nice!

I'm not qualified to offer any critique but I like what I see! Is this for a new game?



Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
21st October, 2012 at 21/10/2012 02:16:33 -

Not sure what I'll do with them (probably nothing). I have a few game ideas that they'd be suitable for, but I haven't really started making anything yet, and to be honest I'm lacking any motivation.
It's a long time since I pixelled anything though, so it's good just to keep my hand in. Just started a matching aircraft carrier, which should take a while...

Sorry for broken link above - update is here:

Edited by Sketchy



Cake Addict


Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Hero of TimeStrawberry
21st October, 2012 at 21/10/2012 17:31:26 -

J'adore! Especially the smaller ones.


Tell 'em Babs is 'ere...


Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
22nd October, 2012 at 22/10/2012 01:43:20 -

Merci beaucoup
I made another two. It turns out they're really quick and easy to keep knocking out...


The Helldiver's a bit too big really, but hopefully I can get away with it.
Then I just need Japanese torpedo- and dive-bombers, and maybe a flying boat for each side



It's my lap


360 Owner
22nd October, 2012 at 22/10/2012 08:25:47 -

Je t'aime, B24 Liberator.

Hey, I can spit out some french too!

Can I also suggest imageshack for future picture uploads?




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
22nd October, 2012 at 22/10/2012 09:03:11 -

Very impressive. I love the old WW2 planes, those are very well made. Haha, if you have any ideas for a game out of this, I might just help work on it.

Please, please no imageshack. All imageshack images break in my country.

Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.



It's my lap


360 Owner
22nd October, 2012 at 22/10/2012 09:10:53 -

Originally Posted by Muz

Please, please no imageshack. All imageshack images break in my country.

What country is that?

I was just thinking since the IMGboot picture he already has up in the opening post is down, imageshack might suit better.

I've never really had any problems, myeself with their image hosting.



Cake Addict


Wii OwnerIt's-a me, Mario!Hero of TimeStrawberry
22nd October, 2012 at 22/10/2012 10:21:51 -

I like to use Photobucket, I find them pretty reliable.

I like the new planes, too! It's always great when you find a style you can really get into and make lots of great looking sprites of a similar style or theme. I also found that I was able to pump out quite a few pixel characters (like my avatar) a few weeks ago. Maybe I'll show them here soon.


Tell 'em Babs is 'ere...


Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
22nd October, 2012 at 22/10/2012 18:17:53 -

As promised, the Japanese torpedo- and dive-bombers:

Imgboot is actually an okay host - for some reason, it just didn't like it when I uploaded an image with the same file name as one that already existed. It's only broken now because I deleted the file.

The easiest game to make would be a side-scrolling shooter, vaguely along the lines of "R-Type" - but I don't really like that kind of game.

A "Sopwith" / "Wings of Fury" clone would be good, but as you may have seen from my post in the klik-coding section, I can't figure out the physics - and plus I'd have to animate the planes rolling, which would be a huge pain.

What I intended to do ages ago when I originally made the Hellcat, was a turn-based strategy like "Critical Mass" or "Over The Reich"...
...except it would be viewed from a side-on perspective, so it would be more tactical because of gravity - you'd have to use "energy fighting" tactics; be able to aim bombs precisely; etc.
The problems are exactly the same as with making a "Sopwith" clone though.

Another alternative would be a cross between that and an "R-Type" clone (kind of like "R-Type: Tactics" but not grid-based). I could have it turn-based, but the planes would always face right, and the screen would always automatically scroll right each turn. Just not sure how deep or fun that would be...

So yeah, anyone have any suggestions?

@Liam: I'd love to see all your little characters - you should post them


Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
22nd October, 2012 at 22/10/2012 23:42:17 -

Really really nice work, good conservative use of the pallette. May I just offer as a small criticism some of the proportions of a couple of the planes; Hellcat and Helldiver look a little too short and fat to actually fly, but again that's just a small criticism. I especially like the Liberator and Betty. - Listen to my music.


Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
23rd October, 2012 at 23/10/2012 01:32:36 -

You're absolutely right about the proportions, but it's intentional. They're all based on scale drawings, resized to 63% of their original width, so they are much shorter and dumpier than the real thing.

They're supposed to be kind of caricatures (partly inspired by the graphics in "Advance Wars", which I really like - ).

The "bumblebee effect" is actually what I love about these big radial-engined warbirds (as opposed to Spitfires/Mustangs/etc) - even in real life, they really do look too heavy to fly.

Plus, it gives you a bit more room to add extra detail


Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
23rd October, 2012 at 23/10/2012 12:30:26 -

Excellent work, and well done on your research mate! And those Advance Wars sprites are fantastic, love the way each of the colour-ways is not simply the same sprite with a different pallette, but actually a slightly different sprite, definitely adds character to each one of the teams.

I had an idea a while ago for a side-scrolling aeroplane game, basically it was just bombing missions, being able to precisely target the bombs taking into account stuff like wind, velocity of the craft, height of the craft - but you could control the escort fighters as well.

The start of the mission would be to fly over to the target, defend your bomber from enemy craft with the fighter planes, release the bombs and then return to base, and you'd get points for each of the objectives reached (ie destroy whichever target, make it back to base, keeping most of your fighters intact). Then the points could be used to repair craft, buy fuel, buy bombs, or possibly even stuff like more accurate equipment. Better equipment and bigger bombs would mean you could do harder missions, and so on.

The screen would be split into two, with a horizontal view which would be more useful for the dogfighting and controlling your height, and a top-down view which would be for aiming the bombs. - Listen to my music.


Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
23rd October, 2012 at 23/10/2012 23:11:49 -

All the artwork in Advance Wars is awesome (except the Black Hole army). It's not just that the units of different armies all have different sprites - they're all cartoony versions of actual vehicles, with a little artistic license.
The orange army has all American equipment - the bomber is a B52 Stratofortress (with a few engines missing), the fighter is an F15 Eagle, the recon is a hummer, etc. The blue army is all European (with a Vulcan and Mirage III), the yellow army is all Japanese, and the green army seems to be a mixture of Russian, German and American equipment.
The yellow army bomber and fighter are clearly based on the B4M Betty and A6M Zero (although they've given the Betty jet engines), which are two of the planes I've done already:

Note: The sprite I did was based on a later version of the Betty, with extended nose glazing, bulging bomb bay, etc, which is why it doesn't look quite the same.
(and yes, I'm a bit of an aeroplane geek)

I did see some concept art for a sequel, which was absolutely amazing, but I can't find it again now

That game idea sounds good, but I think the dogfighting element would be more fun than the bombing part. Whichever concept I go with, escorting bombers is certainly going to be a part of it.
I'd quite like to make a lot more aircraft, and then have a historically accurate campaign mode where you play missions throughout the war, starting with old models of aircraft, and then upgrading as new models became operational - that's what "Over the Reich" does.
eg. If you're playing as the USA, you'd start with P-40 Warhawks which were no match for the Japanese Zeros, but by the end of the campaign you'd be flying Hellcats and Corsairs (and your pilots would have gained experience too, if you kept them alive long enough).

Edited by Sketchy



2nd November, 2012 at 02/11/2012 12:15:03 -

Outstanding work. I really hope you do make a game with these somehow. You ever play Area 88?



Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
2nd November, 2012 at 02/11/2012 18:00:52 -

I haven't played that, but I don't like shooters. If I go for something action-based, it'll be more like these:



Nothing to see here turn back


VIP Member
23rd December, 2012 at 23/12/2012 21:48:53 -

The forum member fordom made a game like that like 4 years ago (at least, probably more).
I believe it was a clone of the first of the two videos you posted. However much of a troll he is he's always been a skilled coder.

Professional vaporware developer


Cornwall UK


VIP MemberWeekly Picture Me This Round 43 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 47 WinnerPicture Me This Round 49 Winner!
23rd December, 2012 at 23/12/2012 22:35:53 -

"Death from Above" ( ) is the only klik game of this type that I've seen. It was quite well made, but the slow pace and dodgy flight dynamics meant it wasn't actually any fun to play (Sopwith may be much older and simpler, but it's so much more playable than DFA and even more popular clones such as Triplane Turmoil).



Peace & Love


26th December, 2012 at 26/12/2012 02:02:12 -

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Professor Shpachtel, Either it is the professor or your illness


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