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Review: SPy 2 Saffron Filter
Author: Zip
Added: 08/11/2002

Wow its finnely here after 2 years of waiting its here! SPy2. I remember when spy1 was released and when spy2 was announced on south park gaming message board (spgmb) I was like YES but I didn’t know it would take over 2 years to finish. I remember the release dates it was going to be released in the summer 2001 lol. Anyway now that I have it I’m happy and you can really see that this is the edge of TGF (illegal errors all the time , stupid bugs that you cant fix anyway but its really fun to play

GFX: wow, lets start with the cutscens, wow, sure the first ones aren’t that good but later on, WOW, beautiful best cutscens I ever seen in a click game. And the cut scene for the last levels are so damn good (and no I’m not saying this because I'm a sp gamer its true) same with the in game gfx the first levels are so-so but it gets better and better it cant beat games like EDs in game gfx but its more good.

SOUND: most of the sounds are the same from SPy1 some new music tracks (midis from "real" games like metal gear) but they are cool and fits the levels, sfx are from the tgf lib and some other "real" games (counterstrike anyone)

GAME PLAY: this part is the best part, it got 20 weapons I think, from silencer to laser sable (which has a cool feature, you find out on your own).
You can also choke and punch.
The levels are mixed some requires stealth some you can go around and shoot everything some are mixed with both. There are also levels where you have to do special stuff like neutralize viruses.
There are many levels, there are a few that is ZZZzzZZz (boring like vicincity 1) but 90% are super good.
Besides the solo campaign mode there is also the Y headquarters where you can train in some VR missions, test the weapons, meet some characters and some secrets to find( *h* **i*e*s funny )
there is also a add-on menu this is for the add-ons Jon will release later (another 2 years for every add-on )
There is also lot of cheats to get some are really cool like bullet time J.
The boss levels are also cool the time crises look is really great (last level ownz!!! Good work Scott)

PROBLEMS: ugh I hate this part there is a lot of problems most of the problems are from that Jon and Scott pushed TGF to the edge it can barley handle it lots of illegal operations errors but they doesn’t happen in missions (at least not for me) lucky , but it gets more and more stable later, after mission 5 it crashed maybe 2 times before I beat the game. If it wasn't for these i would have given it a perfect 10.

Anyway I really recommend downloading this game it’s awesome and beat the damn game!! It’s hard but rewarding. After this play spy1 then you understand some parts better. I have cleared the “story missions” just have some bonus levels left and to get all the cheats. Enjoy it I did


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