The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. That Really Hot Chick [XNA]

Project: That Really Hot Chick [XNA]
Project Started: 4th July, 2011 Last Update: 27th August, 2011
Project Owner: HorrendousGames Project Members: Strife
Project Type: XBLIG Music Project Progress:

Posted 17th Jul 11, by HorrendousGames  
Well, first day in review, the game failed for two ridiculous found crashes that apparently weren't so difficult to find.

1st one was that the game apparently crashes when you hit start twice on the main menu, 2nd is one that people love to bring out of nowhere in reviews and fail people for it, and that's pulling out the memory unit while you select it when selecting a storage device. If ANYONE is stupid enough to yank their memory unit out while you're using it, they should deserve to have their entire system blow up. What kind of brain dead moron goes "Hey, I'm going to load this game from my memory unit, then just remove it, it will still work!" Apparently, the majority of games on XBLIG fail for this reason specifically, you'd think Microsoft would just take 10 minutes and add a "WTF are you doing script?" Every time someone tries to do something like that, after all, it would only occur through the 360's interface.

So everyone give a big thank you to the App Hub community and that they take their play testing phase super serious! Sheesh, they're just as bad as everyone here.

The good news is that everyone who's played it so far has enjoyed it and says it's very well polished, albeit difficult.

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