The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Star Beast

Project: Star Beast
Project Started: 15th September, 2008 Last Update: 9th July, 2009
Project Owner: Ravi Jayant Project Members: Vijay Jayant
Project Type: Space Shooter Project Progress:

Working on Demo and Story
Posted 6th Mar 09, by Ravi Jayant  
We are currently working hard on the engine, tweaking it and fine tuning everything for the up coming release of the demo.

In the mean time we wanted to share the story with you. The story is very rough at the moment and we are open to making as many changes as need to create a deep/epic story.


In the far future, humanity has finally mastered space travel, enabling us to travel the stars in search of the big question: Is there life out there?

We searched and searched until we finally found an amazing lifeform which we called Aeriosmorph. These creatures reached out to us, asking for our help. The Aeriosmorphs were dying.

Humanity tried hard to save the species but we only managed to save one. Angered by the demise of his species, Rahu bellowed out to all of humanity, "You will all pay for the death of my species!". With that he disappeared for many decades.

Humanity began colonizing on the planet of the Aeriosmorphs, forgetting the word of Rahu.

After many decades, attacks started raining down on the Planet Aerios. Rahu was behind these terrible attacks. Rahu had nearly destroyed all of the colonies of the Aerios and started reigning his attacks on earth, until Humanity finally unleashed its final weapon, The Drac-01 Project.

This lone warrior ventured out into open space seeking Rahu to stop him once and for all and give humanity hope.

You are in control of the Drac-01. Use five of the universe's most lethal weapons ever created to plow through five intense stages


Once again, we are open to any feed back you have so please let me know what you think.

Ravi Jayant
VR Studios

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