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Peace & Love


12th May, 2020 at 12/05/2020 00:01:52 -

They teach us to never think about the conclusions of our acts, DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT HURTING OTHERS they tell you. Then, they make you do your daily rutines of going from home to work and from work to home.
Pay your taxes and do your work they say. Work for dignity and respect, and fill your belly with pizza near netflix and cheap media.

Some philosophers got their pot on the highway so much they cannot observe anymore in a way, reality seems real, there is a theory we are living in a matrix, and in that matrix, I do not exist, you do not exist. It is only an illusion.

Well then, if it is only an illusion, you won't batch an eye and cry yourself to near death when the perverts abuse your children, when you get a leather boot in your face from an officer who is wrathful to it's peak of boiling point, later being tortured to death in your prison chamber by your inmates, your brain, spilling on the floor, your body, pierced by the broom sticks hitten on you. And the girls, the girls who got the attacker penetrating their bodies, They are young enough and way before any drug experience and poisoning needle to feel and experience and probably know for sure it is not a matrix and NOT an illusion. It is REAL.

And... So does all the starving people in the Phillipins, Yehman, and Iran who live in poverty and the war zone. I am no saint, but I ask myself, how? Why? How and why I let myself fell into such sick minded theories for all these years, for such a long time? Well, it is because I was afraid to ask, I was afraid to talk, to admit, to see the elephent in the room, to dare and taste the concrete floor even for a little, even by a word, the goverment and authority keeps so much intensivly from us to a point we should not even bat an eye and even think, What happen if I was the rapist, what happen if I had my children being raped? What's beyond the pizza and the binge for the average american? If you dare to admit, they might take you in that white van to the near mad house because you were too vulgar for the law to tolorate you.

This is what these 29 seconds of this crude animation summerize, that is what I wanted to say for so many times before and didn't got the chance or wasn't in a point to commit! People, this is NOT a matrix! If it was, we would think only for ourselves, because, like it a videogame, what is the point anyway when someone gets killed, even a psychopath knows that, since he afraid to lose in this game. Loss is too much real. we won't cry for our beloved ones or protect them so intensively! Wake up! It is not a matrix simulation! This theory got a bang from a concrete brick! Dare to test me and tell me it is!!! Both of us would not believe it is anymore, after you have tasted a piece of my hard long metal bar.

Edited by Yai7


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