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Jon Lambert

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26th October, 2008 at 17:15:43 -

You know, I read in Psychology Today once that people can become gay (choose to be so), or they may have a gene that makes them predisposed to being gay. It was talking about the Darwinian aspect of homosexuality, the advantages and disadvantages of inheriting such a gene.

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Mascot Maniac


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26th October, 2008 at 17:29:06 -

Originally Posted by Hayo
Maybe gayness is really a men-fetish.

only other fetishes don't cancel out being attracted to the opposite sex.



Cornwall UK


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26th October, 2008 at 22:11:25 -

I tend to think "marriage" shouldn't be (and isn't) just a religious thing anymore. I'm not religious at all, but I'd probably still like to get married someday. It's about making a statement to the person you love - not God (or the government).

If you take the religious aspect out of it, I don't see why anyone would have a problem with gay marriage.

I also tend to think people should "live and let live".
As far as I know, there aren't too many religious people who believe they'll burn in hell for allowing *somebody else* to marry someone of their own gender, so they should probably just keep their mouths shut.

The other thing I touched on, which is not exactly relevant, is that I don't think marriage should have any legal meaning. I just can't see any reason at all why it should.



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26th October, 2008 at 22:29:53 -

Bloody hell this is one hell of a deep debate. I don't really care about if homosexuals wanna get married, but i also don't think they should be aloud to marry in churches if they are not welcome - seems like the church is being forced into something there. Then again, since female vicars are allowed (when once they were not, in the UK atleast) who is to say the church shouldn't evolve. Tough one, this is.

As i said i don't care about people being gay, i'd rather they did it behind closed doors though. Gays being affectionate makes me feel ill, but this isn't because i hate gays; i think people taking a shit makes me feel ill too, and straight people do that as much as gays! It's just my personal taste.

Incidently, to show how un-anti-gay i am (??) i would like to let you all know i am a HUGE fan of the Pet Shop Boys (see YouTube if you ain't sure....) and have seen them live. The campness of the show and the costumes were awesome and i have all their albums. However, i was not impressed with male audience members kissing each other next to me and also i am a HUGE fan of Slipknot too.

And i'm not gay either!


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I am an April Fool
26th October, 2008 at 23:32:19 -

Originally Posted by Knudde (Shab)

Originally Posted by cecil

Originally Posted by -Adam-
"he used to be COMPLETELY different. he even had a girlfriend. gays arent born they choose to be so."

Have you ever thought he could have been living a lie?

so he was living a lie and he didnt know he was? hes admitted it was a lifestyle change. its a preference. a bad one if you ask me. i already stated the health risk factor. not to mention its

Cecil, I'm quite shocked at this statement you made. I've always known you to be pretty fair and balanced. The health risks in gay sex are exactly the same as in normal sex. If you don't wrap it, you can catch something. Guy, girl, gay, straight. STD's don't care what your sexual preference is.

not true shab. yes there are the same risks no matter what gender+gender relationship it is but in homosexual relationships the risk is increased (and not JUST because of the gayness but because of some psychological differences and physical tendencies like substance abuse). im sure you can find plenty more information on the web etc. the info is always going to be biased but why do you think aids and other stds are more common among gays than heterosexuals?

and if you want to go biblical, stds and other sexual diseases were cause for punishment for homosexuality and adultery.

which is another reason most religions majoryl christianity are in favor of abstinence. if you dont have sex til marriage youre less likely to get and/or spread diseases.

im sorry i have shocked you shab.



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Candy Cane
26th October, 2008 at 23:35:32 -

Make up and hug or is that too gay?





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26th October, 2008 at 23:40:11 -

Originally Posted by AndyUK
Um Cecil, what makes you say it's unnatural?

can you make a baby with two penises or two vaginas andy? thats why its unnatural lol.
unless youre arnold swartzenegger then even men can get pregnant.
but if man is sinful by nature then it actually is natural.

im playing devils advocate just so everyone knows. i really couldnt give less of a sh*t as long as it doesnt affect me personally.

@adam - im all for man hugs. shabs just too many states away from me

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Candy Cane
27th October, 2008 at 00:10:30 -

But you're 19, you're not a man yet


Eternal Man [EE]

Pitied the FOO


Game of the Week WinnerHero of TimeLOL SignI am an April Fool
27th October, 2008 at 00:23:19 -

Civil partnership should stand equal to marriage in law terms, and churches should be allowed to refuse to marry gay people if they don't want to. However, if they should decide to do so it would make the church a more humane institution than it is.

And on the subject of homosexuality being unnatural in a biological sense, you really can't use that argument. Because the very species humans is in itself something very, very unnatural already. It isn't any more natural to drive cars or shop for groceries etc. etc..

It's so very sad that religion with it's high values and such stand for a substantial percentage of hate and war in the world. Humans should drop the whole holier than thou mentality that religion stands for.
Though I don't believe religion to be evil in it's abstract form, it's when people use religion to justify evil actions that religion becomes something bad. You could say that humankind isn't mature enough to practice religion.
Just read through this thread, a lot of people have expressed very demeaning things about gay people, and for what reason? It is a fact that gay people don't try and impose their sexuality on other people any more than straight people do. No, actually, straight people try and impose THEIR sexuality on people MORE than gay people do!
So all you expressing your disgust and horror of homosexuality are no better than other hateful phalanxes, just like racists, nazis and the likes.

And on the subject of healthrisks involved in gay sex, it's just ridiculous when you try and use the probably most subjective source possible on the issue as a source for facts.


People should be allowed to be in love with whomever they want to without others bashing them and threatening them with an eternity in damnation and such. It's not the physical body that is in love, it is the person inside the body, the soul if you wish. The body is only used to express that love, and as such, the person inside shouldn't be punished for that.

I'm amazed at the amount of people here that have the guts to express their profound disgust towards gay people. It only shows that they are hateful and frightened little people. And those kinds of people have a tendency to be the ones who hurt mankind with that hate. Hopefully, in the future, mankind will be able to respect one another as they are. But it's probably a fair bit into the future.

Do as you wish with your prop.8 Mr.Americas', and good luck with the future!

Eternal Entertainment's Code'n'Art Man

E_E = All Indie

...actually Ell Endie, but whatever.


loves Left For Dead 2


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27th October, 2008 at 00:34:54 -

Originally Posted by Eternal Man [EE]

I'm amazed at the amount of people here that have the guts to express their profound disgust towards gay people. It only shows that they are hateful and frightened little people. And those kinds of people have a tendency to be the ones who hurt mankind with that hate.

Being disgusted by homosexuality is not the same as hating homosexuals. I disagree with what they do, but that doesn't mean i don't love them just the same (Jesus kind of love, not sexually). It bothers me when people tell me i "hate" someone just because i disagree with something they do.

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Mascot Maniac


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27th October, 2008 at 00:39:26 -

Originally Posted by cecil

Originally Posted by AndyUK
Um Cecil, what makes you say it's unnatural?

can you make a baby with two penises or two vaginas andy? thats why its unnatural lol.
unless youre arnold swartzenegger then even men can get pregnant.
but if man is sinful by nature then it actually is natural.

im playing devils advocate just so everyone knows. i really couldnt give less of a sh*t as long as it doesnt affect me personally.

@adam - im all for man hugs. shabs just too many states away from me

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It's quite naive to say to be called natural, something has to work or be perfect. Ok so they can't reproduce like a Male/Female couple but you wouldn't call a person born without lungs unnatural or wrong just because they can't breathe

Oh and about the problems with STDs it's probably because you don't need to wear a condom to 'what what in the butt'.


Eternal Man [EE]

Pitied the FOO


Game of the Week WinnerHero of TimeLOL SignI am an April Fool
27th October, 2008 at 00:43:35 -

Originally Posted by Ricky

Originally Posted by Eternal Man [EE]

I'm amazed at the amount of people here that have the guts to express their profound disgust towards gay people. It only shows that they are hateful and frightened little people. And those kinds of people have a tendency to be the ones who hurt mankind with that hate.

Being disgusted by homosexuality is not the same as hating homosexuals. I disagree with what they do, but that doesn't mean i don't love them just the same (Jesus kind of love, not sexually). It bothers me when people tell me i "hate" someone just because i disagree with something they do.

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Please note the choice of words, to disagree with something and to express profound disgust are two separate things. If you're not the target, don't take the bullet.

Eternal Entertainment's Code'n'Art Man

E_E = All Indie

...actually Ell Endie, but whatever.


loves Left For Dead 2


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27th October, 2008 at 00:47:03 -

I don't think anyone here has shown any hate or disgust for gay people, Just for what they do. That's why i took the bullet. Quote one person in this thread who has shown hate towards gay people.



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Candy Cane
27th October, 2008 at 00:51:20 -

My brother's just been out to a gay bar but he's straight.





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27th October, 2008 at 00:54:02 -

Originally Posted by AndyUK

Originally Posted by cecil

Originally Posted by AndyUK
Um Cecil, what makes you say it's unnatural?

can you make a baby with two penises or two vaginas andy? thats why its unnatural lol.
unless youre arnold swartzenegger then even men can get pregnant.
but if man is sinful by nature then it actually is natural.

im playing devils advocate just so everyone knows. i really couldnt give less of a sh*t as long as it doesnt affect me personally.

@adam - im all for man hugs. shabs just too many states away from me

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It's quite naive to say to be called natural, something has to work or be perfect. Ok so they can't reproduce like a Male/Female couple but you wouldn't call a person born without lungs unnatural or wrong just because they can't breathe

Oh and about the problems with STDs it's probably because you don't need to wear a condom to 'what what in the butt'.

theres a difference between being born without lungs (i think that was a bad example cause they would never have developed. would have died in the womb) and choosing to lead a homosexual lifestyle. and yes you would call them unnatrual if they were born with a defect. thats the very definition. defective, abnormal, mutation, no natural. the difference is, one chooses the other doesnt. it just wouldnt be 'politically correct'. which is what this is ALL really about. the political correctness of the rights that gays should have. (or rather want to have)

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