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Red Snow
Author: Vertigo Submitted: 1st March, 2008 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 284

Edited By Vertigo on 9/14/2009

Red Snow is a turn-based RPG. There are 5 races and 4 jobs to choose from. Your main goal is to get your level as high as possible.You basicly buy stuff and fight so you get experience... You can also put on clothing for fun or to improve your stats. This is not the final version yet so saving isnt possible yet and the UI might be confusing. You can press the ? button on the map for more help.

Please download, play and rate it! Oh and tell me what could be improved.

Edit: Just noticed the "You died" screen is empty, will update that soon. For now, an empty screen means you are dead and you lose your money and exp. (not your level and items)


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Posted by Dr Botox 1st March, 2008
Rated :

downloaded it...played it...did not like it so much
i liked the race option thing.
the characters look cool but all you have to do is press the frickin button,you can do it with your eyes closed.. there's not really a challege here.
maybe some animation while the battle is going on would be cool..

i give two stars for graphics
Posted by Vertigo 1st March, 2008

dude, did you even play until you where lvl 2? you encounter enemies with resistances so you'd have to pick the right action and make sure you have enough potions
Posted by erghhhhx 1st March, 2008
Rated :

This seems interesting, I'll try it.
Posted by Dr Botox 1st March, 2008
Rated :

yes ive been playing for 36 minutes and kept pressing the sword and when my health dropped i used a potion when a enemy had a shield i used the slingshot, it's really boring gameplay there are no backgrounds no animations just pressing buttons,irritating sounds.

you have the ability to draw great graphics ive seen your other games they were far more better than this
Posted by erghhhhx 1st March, 2008
Rated :

Well, the graphics are great but the gameplay aint. It takes TOO fuckin long to make money, the reward for killin a monster is always the same.

This could be really good.
Posted by -MacAdaM- 1st March, 2008
Rated :

I downloaded this and it seems to have a lot of potential, but i think that you need to have some animation to the characters, mabey on the world map you could have a little world map character that walks around.. but when you put the full version on the site, i will deffently download..
Posted by Hempuli 1st March, 2008
Rated :

Please do not use those installers, they just make everyone angry.
Posted by Hempuli 1st March, 2008
Rated :

This was really funny! I enjoyed it alot, although it was so simple. There could be more than 2 ways to attack and a bit more variation - maybe in the second part?
Posted by Silveraura 1st March, 2008

I'll download, but for the future, in screenshots, we generally just want to see the game. Using them to show off Windows Vista is a tad pointless is a tad pointless, because at this rate you either already have Vista or have reasons for not wanting it. Maybe when it was in beta, but not now.
Posted by Vertigo 1st March, 2008

yeah, making it now will have more variety of attacks, the characters cant be animated tho because you can change outfits etc. Does anyone know how to make a save option? Every stat is basicly stored with counters so it would just need to be able to store these numbers in a file ,right?
Posted by Hempuli 1st March, 2008
Rated :

yes, use INI for that. If you want, I can make you an example.
Posted by Silveraura 1st March, 2008

Or use a slightly more 'encrypted' method and use the Save File object or Array. They both do the job, but give the player a few extra steps besides opening Notepad, to edit the content.

INI's are better used for things such as Options.
Posted by Vertigo 2nd March, 2008

Can I do the encrypted method in TGF1? I have MMF2 but I only screw everything up with that :S If you can but it is too difficult to explain I could send you the new version of this game... Oh and I was not showing off Vista on purpose Are you a Mac user by any chance?
Posted by Yokozuki 2nd March, 2008

Your graphics are always awesome. TGF1 is pretty limited though isn't it? You should use MMF2 if you have it - seems like the best games on GDC are made with MMF2.
Posted by Vertigo 2nd March, 2008

I have both, but so far I only discovered that some bugs are fixed... No new options, at least that where usefull to me. By the way Red Snow 2 is coming along really well already More variety
Posted by Dr Botox 2nd March, 2008
Rated :

i must admit that TGF1 works better for me than mmf2
mmf2's layout suks big time it just don't work that smouth for me...i always start my games in TGF than in final stage i transport it to mmf and finish the game
Posted by Vertigo 3rd March, 2008

Same here export em so some bugs are fixed and you can adjust some extra things in the installer etc.





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