Zero's Battle Battle Revolution
Author: | ACE_Spark
Submitted: | 31st July, 2003
Favourites: | 0 |
Genre: | Miscellaneous
| Downloads: | 324
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The Game: Zero's Battle Battle Revolution!
The Time: Er... now?
The Place: Megaman X Series..
Er.. sorry.. that sounds cheesy, er, onto the infomation!
Zero's Battle Revolution is a fan game of both Megaman X and those hundreds of Dance Dance clones.
Except both ideas have been totally changed to form, what I would call, a unique fan game.
The basic idea is when a button is over the top of Zero (you), press the correct button and you'll do an attack to who-ever your enemy is. Press the wrong button, too early, or too late, then the enemy hits you. Simple as that.
Not your standred "Crud platform-movement, mixed graphics" fan game, eh?
There are 6 levels, each with a different twist to it, for example, the first boss is pritty basic, with you simply having to press the button (out of the arrow keys, enter, ctrl and shift) it shows you, but the next one has these buttons reversed!
* In game artwork of mine, sport cut scenes.
* As the boss losses health, the music's speed also increases!
* 6 levels of button mashing madness!
* In game options allow you to make the game as difficult as you like.
Having trouble with what to do? Here's some tips:
* As the boss losses more health, the faster they'll send the buttons!
* On Vile, while the arrow keys are reversed, the buttons CTRL, Shift and Enter are unaffected.
* Megaman X may seem impossible to hit, but your probably pressing the wrong buttons! Think of what the number displayed is, and then press the opposite number in 1 - 9, (E.g: Press 9 instead of 1, when 1 shows up.)
* Sigma requires you to know what order the aplhabet is in, remember that!
Really stuck? Here's some passwords:
I know it's a fan game, but before reveiwing/commenting/praising/flaming..
a) Yes the graphics are ripped, but all from the MMx series on the Snes, and the cut scene peices are my artwork.
b) Some music is from Megaman X, some are midis by Jason Orme.
c) As stated, it's a fan game, but it doesn't mean its crap.
Please give feedback, thanks!
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