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Magic Quest 2 Demo
Author: Matt Mallas (Flying Apemonkey Software) Submitted: 4th January, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 526

Edited By Matt Mallas (Flying Apemonkey Software) on 12/11/2003

Edited By Matt Mallas (Flying Apemonkey Software) on 8/6/2003

Edited By Mr Man on 7/8/2003

Edited By Matt on 1/4/2003

From the creator of GOTW winner Pájaro Racing comes a new Flying Apemonkey Software game: Magic Quest 2.

* Discover the evil behind Mr. Peanut's doings in the land and destroy him and his minions! (Note that this is a demo so the story hasn't been incorporated yet.)

* Great graphics! Be amazed at the psuedo-3D effect of walking around a tree!

* Learn up to six different spells: Fireball, Spinning Shield, Boomerang, Lightning Bolt, Plasma Blast, and Recover! (Note: not all spells available to use in this demo version.)

* Cameos by all your favorite Flying Apemonkey characters (probably).

* There will probably be a lot of crazy random stuff!

Review This Download (1.241mb )

Posted by Razorshark Productions 5th January, 2003

Can't check it out, download stops at 119 Kb...
Posted by -Oka- 5th January, 2003

This was fun :)
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 5th January, 2003

haha mr peanut is weird! can't wait for the full version!:)
Posted by The-Three-Klikateers 5th January, 2003

Mr peanuts hard! The best thing is the intro at the start. I think what it needs is puzzls not just killing chessmen and spiders!
Posted by The-Three-Klikateers 5th January, 2003

Mr peanuts hard%21 %0D%0A The best thing is the intro at the start. I think what it needs is puzzls not just killing chessmen and spiders%21
Posted by 5th January, 2003

S*** another deadlink. Too much.
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 5th January, 2003

i found a bug! when you have the 3rd magic selected and die(when your lives are gone) and press continue you still have that magic but the first magic is selected.
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 5th January, 2003

and the trick to beat mr peanut is to use the blue balls as a shield and fill him with fireballs
Posted by Death Reaper X 5th January, 2003

*sniff* mr peanuts kicked my ass!
Posted by Klikmaster 5th January, 2003

this game is surprisingly fun, especially mr. peanut. i like the idea of those statue things having shields.
Posted by Phredreeke 5th January, 2003

how do you change magic, I've tried pressing < and > but nothing happened (btw, I have a swedish keyboard so in order to push > I have to hold down shift at the same time, maybe that is what causes it, I don't know how it is on american keyboards)
Posted by Jason Orme 5th January, 2003

Its Fair
Posted by desmondwall16 5th January, 2003

the Aali found happened to me, it takes some key bashing to sort it out or you can proceed to the flies and duck level to sort things out. Mr peanuts is too easy, the spiders pose more a a problem, and why do they cry? are they forced at their will to fight the blue wizard (who doesnt have a hat on the title screen) Cant wait for the full version
Posted by Matt Mallas (Flying Apemonkey Software) 5th January, 2003

Thanks for all the input! Aali, I'll try to fix that bug. And to The-Three-Klikateers, I'm planning on adding puzzles in parts of the game for the final version, so you can look forward to that. Oh, and about the title screen, I had a friend draw that picture WAY back in the day (five years or so...) for my first Magic Quest game and she never finished the hat.
Posted by Partack 5th January, 2003

lol.. nice game
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 5th January, 2003

So what, is this like a quest that's magic or something? I'm gonna download and see.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 5th January, 2003

Wow, the first thing I noticed is how amazed I was at the psuedo-3D effect of walking around a tree. The I turned the game off and played GTA 3.
Posted by CsaR 6th January, 2003

The game was fun... I also found the bug Aali was talking about. I managed to beat Mr Peanut the first time :ţ.
Posted by Evil Monkey 8th January, 2003

It's pretty fun to play, and like CsaR, I beat Mr. Peanut on my first try. :P I thought the flying bugs level was fun. Godda love those boomerangs! :D
Posted by Lloyd Harvey 2nd July, 2003

Its ok I guess, the graphics could be better though...
Posted by the Pilgrim 31st May, 2004

ok... though I recommend a graphics artist for your next project... the game is funny and does not take it self to seriously, and I like that :)... atmospheric music... simple but user friendly UI...
Posted by Robert kleven 9th September, 2005

lauched my ass off with the spiders getting hit :D





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