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14th December, 2003 at 06:28:00 -

Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are scams! Noone has ever set foot in outer space. Anyone who has a video of the moon landing will realise that it was fake after reading through this website. there was also a television show which showed it was fake early 2003 in Australia, my dad showed that to me. Read the reasons why the moon landing was fake and why the giant leap for mankind was untrue in this website and in many others.

Believe me. its all fake. They are scams. Noones ever set foot on the moon. one of the reasons is because:

The flag was fluttering on the moon, there is no wind on the moon because there is no atmosphere. The tv show said they sent a spaceship into outer space, but it didnt go to the moon, it orbitted the earth to convince people that they were in outter space. They did all the filming in studios.





VIP Member
14th December, 2003 at 06:57:15 -

Liar. I've been on the moon.
Nah just kidding, I beleve you if its on the internet it MUST be true... ha ha ha ha hahaah aha.



14th December, 2003 at 07:18:24 -

Yeah, there have been rumours for ages now that the moon landing was fake.



14th December, 2003 at 07:55:17 -

yep well its certainly true. once again, how can the flag be blowing in the wind when there is no wind (the guy didn't fart either) if he did, he would float away in his suit that would then be a balloon!



14th December, 2003 at 07:56:39 -

whoopsey, i should said in my topic post, noones ever been on the moon, people have been in space.


Rhys D

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I am an April Fool
14th December, 2003 at 08:22:49 -

Would you fucking stop these stupid 'controversial' topics dude. They're plain lame.



14th December, 2003 at 10:14:48 -

Well, Michael believes in things. for example, he believes that Coca-Cola will kill you if you fall asleep after drinking it. No word yet on his stand on the hot topic of the Easter bunny.



The Smegster


VIP Member
14th December, 2003 at 11:24:08 -

I've never heard so much crap from one person before..

I have now..

Kirby Smith

Resident Slacker


VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerThe Cake is a Lie
14th December, 2003 at 11:30:12 -

I don't know. I think he should keep posting these topics. His stupidity is somewhat entertaining...

XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir

Mr Coffee

14th December, 2003 at 11:34:36 -

The flag was not blowing in the wind, it had to do with how the flag was designed. Let me ask you something, and I want you to answer it: Do you think they went to ALL the trouble to fake the moon landing, ALL the trouble to hide it, and then they "accidently" made it so the flag blew in the wind? That makes no sense at all.

99 percent chance that the above post is 100 percent correct.

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

14th December, 2003 at 11:52:05 -

yeah, if they wanted to make a fake, they'd have at least made it half decent.

"Noone has ever set foot in outer space."

uh-huh. so what about all those space stations that keep flying over our heads?

i quite frankly don't CARE whether the moon landing was fake or not. it's not like the world would stop if it was. although i did hear that neil armstrong was told to say whatever he said about moon cheese. so much for improv!


14th December, 2003 at 13:10:44 -

I did a project on this ages ago, and I concluded that... It may or may not have been a hoax.





Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member
14th December, 2003 at 14:35:08 -

You must have a lot of free time to find stuff like this, don't you?

If they did this in a studio, then how did they do the low gravity effect without showing the strings? There wasn't as much movie technology back then. We'd be able to see the strings supporting the astronauts if it was done in a studio in the 60s.



14th December, 2003 at 16:42:32 -

I wonder if Mike is serious or not. Maybe he's laughing his head off that we took so much time out of our day to flame him. Now for my two words on the topic.



"They'll never find the bodies"


Arf :: FPP Games

14th December, 2003 at 17:25:04 -

Oh god not this again. I've heard all sorts of arguments in favour of the hoax theory and have come to the conclusion that it would've been easier for NASA to actually go to the moon than to fake it.

Anyone who understands basic physics can dispell most of the arguments. For example the "fluttering" flag: There's no wind, so the flag had to be stretched out accross a horizontal rod, hence it looks stretched. Notice that the flag is only waving about because someone is holding it. They are causing the flag to wave, not wind. The lack of resistance means it waves more freely than it would on earth.



Savior of the Universe

14th December, 2003 at 17:40:36 -

What about the other Apollos that landed on the moon?

Aali [Crazy_Productions]

14th December, 2003 at 17:44:36 -

still, you have no explanation to why all the excessive heat and radiation didn't fry them

and why we've never even tried to get back there later

"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.

(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)

this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?


Possibly Insane

14th December, 2003 at 22:13:01 -

I always questioned that footage of Neil baby taking his one small step being filmed from the outside of the thing-y ma bob! Wtf is that???

People say that they mounted a camera on the side but I thought the weight ratio thing was all important so why would they add more work by adding a camera??

Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.

"Outshined" - SoundGarden


15th December, 2003 at 00:07:11 -

of course i have free time, im on school holidays. I have a belief that its a fake landing, i dont care what others post, i only post this because i try to show people. Not make them believe anything. So yes... as HOSJ said, I am laughing at everyone because they're flaming is just a waste of their own time. I don't care how many people hate me on TDC, im not doing anything wrong on the rules. And i'm not breaking the rule of "disturbing the peace" because it is your own fault for clicking on this topic! So once again. I laugh at all of you who have flamed me and failed (which is all of you). HaHAHAHAhA!



15th December, 2003 at 01:24:51 -

I dont hate you,Micheal R. Infact, I find your fox-like appearance quite attractive.

'oh yeah? he's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?'


15th December, 2003 at 01:49:00 -

Michael R. How does "I have a belief that its a fake landing, i dont care what others post, i only post this because i try to show people. Not make them believe anything." fit with "Believe me. its all fake. They are scams." ?

First we have to believe you and then we dont?

Ive seen so called evidence that it is fake, also a tv program earlier this year. The trouble with that program was its clear goal. To prove its theory, that the moon landings are fake. The program totally lacked diversity. A change for the opponent to defend himself.

Ive also visited a website that proves how the scam theory is wrong. As for the "moving flag" the solution is obvious and allready posted. The flag only moves when the astronauts are touching it. Now if I wave a flag on earth with an atmosphere, I can make it move. Without an atmosphere (resistance) the flag still moves (more?) when I move it/touche it?

The single largest non scientifical reason why its not a scam is the fact that the theory makers on one hand believes NASA had all the money and abillities (they were oh so clever) to make it fake, on the other hand NASA was not clever enough to do it properly??? That makes no sense.

If you knew, I would have to kill you...


Possibly Insane

15th December, 2003 at 03:22:29 -

Don't you know reading conspiracy theories is bad for you Michael?

Why, if you read too many of them you stay up all night and can't get to sleep. And reading them over prolonged periods can cause irreversable damage to your liver and stomach. There are words used in conspiracy theories that are even consindered harmful chemicals and highly toxic on there own. Your just lucky those words are mixed up with normal less potent words that don't do your body harm.
According to scientists, if you read more than 5 conspiracy theories in an hour you can die. That's how dangerous they really are.

Beware everyone drinking caf... i mean reading conspiracy theories is harmful to your health and can KILL YUO.

Come and annoy me more at

Assault Andy

I make other people create vaporware


Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 OwnerGOTM JUNE - 2009 - WINNER!GOTM FEB - 2010 - WINNER!	I donated an open source project
15th December, 2003 at 04:07:12 -

What about all those people with Jobs at the spacestations and stuff? Do you think they get paid to sit at a building and do nothing all day?

Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.


15th December, 2003 at 06:57:10 -




Best Article Writer

15th December, 2003 at 08:43:12 -

The reason the flag is flapping (according to NASA and virtually every other expert who actually knows what they're talking about) is because the arm of the person holding the flag is moving, which creates the illusion of a flapping flag.

There's no wind in a studio either, and I doubt it's something that the creators of such a high profile 'fake' would not think of. Considering that they would have needed to take into account the time delays for radio transmissions, getting the wirework perfect to simulate low gravity (considering this is 1966, before wirework was quite at The Matrix standard).

It's easy to challenge things this way, the moon landing is just the one that got more publicity.


.How do you know Saddam has been caught? Because America told you, and released footage of the most doubled man in all history. Very fakeable indeed.
.How do you know that half the theoretical scientific discoveries of the past age work? Because the scientists who earn money from those theories and supposedly understand them tell you that they do.
.How do you know that Al Qaida had anything to do with 9/11? Simply because the USA said so, and A/Q admitted to it (as did many other groups).
.How do you know that Elvis is dead? Because you've been told.

If people want to believe in a conspiracy story, they'll find some way to rationalise it. 'The brain is a marevelous invention, capable of letting us find reasons to believe whatsoever we want to believe'. I forget what famous person said that, heh

191 / 9999 * 7 + 191 * 7


Savior of the Universe

15th December, 2003 at 08:58:24 -

and why we've never even tried to get back there later
We have... about 8 times. There were about 20 Apollo's that were sent off, the only one I know that failed after 11 was 13.

Gaspy Conana

15th December, 2003 at 14:17:34 -

The analyzed the video tapes at a university a few years back and concluded that it was real by calculating the force put into the jump and the gravity and everything. (forgot the url, search on google) They didn't have the technology back then to make such an accurate depiction of what a moon walk would actually be like.


15th December, 2003 at 17:28:28 -

I still have my beliefs ok? whether u think they suck or not. Hehe this is actually quite funny


Grazzum - Scorpion E

15th December, 2003 at 20:49:20 -

FOOL! It just tears me apart when people believe that, It's a scam to make ppl think the moon landing was a scam. You Goddamn Conservatives ;0



16th December, 2003 at 10:32:06 -

This is a load of crap. Half of the 'key points' are bull.

"Apollo 14 astronaut Allen Shepard played golf on the Moon. In front of a worldwide TV audience, Mission Control teased him about slicing the ball to the right. Yet a slice is caused by uneven air flow over the ball. The Moon has no atmosphere and no air."

Note the word 'teased'

"A camera panned upwards to catch Apollo 16's Lunar Landerlifting off the Moon. Who did the filming?"

How does the video stream get sent back? So therefore, you can send to the camera. EG, Remote control.

"Text from pictures in the article said that only two men walked on the Moon during the Apollo 12 mission. Yet the astronaut reflected in the visor has no camera. Who took the shot?"

How do hidden cameras work? Do you really think they'd be able to operate a camera with their hands in a space suit? It's attactched to the suit.

"How can the flag be brightly lit when its side is to the light?"

Look at the lighting, it comes from the left. Look at the angle of the flag. Left.

<--intelligent, witty comment here-->




Game of the Week WinnerI'm an alien!Has Donated, Thank You!VIP Member360 OwnerI'm on a Boat
16th December, 2003 at 13:36:17 -

Why have you desended onto earth to deliver all this bullshit! Why don't you go drink some coke and die... oh wait that was bullshit aswell, deary me you suck!

- Space Quest II Deluxe -


16th December, 2003 at 16:42:02 -

I'm not surprised america lied again on that one, you know.. america is full of gays.. that's got to mean something.. .Once I was walking home on a sunny day.. I was happy when suddelny an american bombed me.. that was such a putdowner..


Arf :: FPP Games

16th December, 2003 at 16:47:28 -

"still, you have no explanation to why all the excessive heat and radiation didn't fry them

and why we've never even tried to get back there later "

Well to protect from heat they had, surprisingly, heat shields.

As far as radiation and "frying" are concerned, many tests were carried out to prove that it was, in fact, perfectly safe. Again, most of it could be blocked by simple shielding, and the speed at which they flew through it reduced the time during which any radation could penetrate the hull. Some radiation did reach the astronauts, but the dose was not nearly enough to cause harm.

"We" did go back there several more times, and there's currently talk of further missions in the future by the ESA.

I'm not flaming, I'm just giving my opinion and backing it up. Given what you said 13 posts up, Michael R, why on earth did you start this topic?



16th December, 2003 at 16:51:30 -

Uruguay has gone into the center of the earth.. they protected their genitals from the heat with gentital heat protectors.. made in usa



17th December, 2003 at 12:48:42 -

Here is all the 'evidence', and proof the evidence is bs.

Image Edited by the Author.

<--intelligent, witty comment here-->


17th December, 2003 at 13:48:39 -

after reading that last one i have to say that the chances of it all being a hoax are fairly small and i have an answer to a simple question:

"why dont we go back there" [may not be actual quote]

this is simple: What possible profit can there be gained from repeatedly makeing a rediculously expensive trip to somewhere where there is little more than dust and several american flags? NONE
if it were made of cheese (no its not you fool) then maybe you could mine it other than that all our clothes and skin generate more than enough dust to make a mess of every house that needs it.

consider it in fools terms, would you hire out an entire concorde (at its current prices = $$$$$$) take a trip to an uninhabited volcano in the pacific (or other sea if ur in america) and then go home again? no. you might do it once if no-one had ever done it before and a concorde was the only wa to get there, but otherwise no

conspiricy theories are indeed bad for you

Image Edited by the Author.

Twas brillig, and the slivey toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe,
All mimsy were the borogroves,
And the momewraths outgrabe. - visit me please

Did you know that your computer has secret buttons hiding behind others.

I intent to never delete any part of my sig until it is t big to handle.

for one small minute my rating was possibly insane



VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
17th December, 2003 at 21:07:04 -

Nah, it's easier to fake the thing rather than actually go to the moon. Given the technology back then.

1. This is the US government. They always love showing that they're the best and it's effect on American morale is rather disturbing.
2. They were competing with 'evil' Russia. How would you feel if your biggest competitor defeated you in a race in front of everyone who gives you taxes for your multi-billion dollar space program?

"...believes NASA had all the money and abillities (they were oh so clever) to make it fake, on the other hand NASA was not clever enough to do it properly???"
> Dude, a studio is CHEAP. Just a few million dollars at best. A space program costs billions, especially back then when simple calculators were huge and liquid hydrogen was expensive. Orbiting the Earth is easy, but actually landing somewhere (besides on water) is a challenge. And then there's solar radiation, getting back to Earth, and surviving the whole trip.

I'm not saying that it's fake. I'm just saying that it would be easier to fake it.

Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.



Does he even go here


VIP Member
17th December, 2003 at 21:13:57 -

It would be impossible to fake, you would need a vacumm studio. The parabolic arc of the dust from the rover would be very hard to fake.





VIP MemberSonic SpeedSnow Cloud!Computer
18th December, 2003 at 03:57:22 -

Not fake.

-What a good arguement.
How the hell could u spend 60 bill dollars on a



Possibly Insane

18th December, 2003 at 04:49:19 -

My breasts are fake...but you don't see me writing whole threads/articles about them.

Come and annoy me more at

The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


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18th December, 2003 at 08:33:51 -

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