Well, guys, I'm trying to create an application which you can use to register/login to let's say a MMORPG of some sorts. It should be quite simple but it isn't .
http://rapidshare.de/files/13355447/login.zip.html This is the source file, sorry it isn't commented too well, and if you are going to use parts of the system, do notify me, as I haven't spent time on it for nothing .
I just want you guys to sort out the problems in-game, I hope you'll find them as being self-explanatory. If not, feel free to comment on the board.
Btw, you might want to host your own MOS (MOO server), you can use either the mos2_4.exe app or MooClick to host a server on your IP, then set my app to connect to your IP instead of mine.
EDIT: Sorry, link updated, can't host it on one of my ftps so I'll just use rapidshare.de.
Edited by the Author.
In every moment, pretious life is drained from our souls. It's shame that, upon the point of acknowledging this, there's nothing much left of us anymore... (Saadi Golestam)
You should try hosting it on Sitesled.com , I think they got the automatic registration set back up again so you wont have to wait like a few days to get accepted.
I was friggin' hopin' for help on coding, not help on hosting *annoyed*!...
Has anyone been able to solve it so far?
In every moment, pretious life is drained from our souls. It's shame that, upon the point of acknowledging this, there's nothing much left of us anymore... (Saadi Golestam)
Just use Moosock or something to comunicate with an ASP/PHP script which manipulates a SQL database.
For example
To register :-
Moosock :-
Connect to your webserver (e.g. www.mysite.com) on port 80
+ Send Text line "POST" + "http://www.mysite.com/register.php?name=" + Edittext$(" Name " ) + "&password=" + Edittext$(" Password") + "&email=" + Edittext$("Email") + "HTTP/1.0"
+ Send Text line "From: mehere@now.com"
+ Send text line "User-Agent: HTTPTool/1.0"
+ Send Text line ""
+ Disconnect
This basically tells moosock to send a line with all th registration in the url, to a script somewhere.
You then use the page to get the details from the url bar
include "database.php"; // Include the file that contains database user/connection info
if(!$user || !$password | !$email){ // checks to see if all the fields are present
$newpass=md5($password); // encrypts the password using md5() for greater security
if (!mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (userid, username, userpass, useremail) VALUES (NULL, '$user', '$newpass', '$email')"){
echo $message;
Then use moosock to get the contents of the page, and look for 'True' or 'False', and display an approproate message
To login, just use the same method for moosock, but just check the username and (encrypted) password to matching ones in the database, and return a message, if true, log them in, if not, dont