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Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

6th February, 2005 at 17:48:51 -

i'd imagine shab meant that only the USA would consider cookie vendouring felonious, darlus (edit: he beat me to it). the greek videogame ban is stupider though.

Image Edited by the Author.


6th February, 2005 at 18:32:59 -

"I'm glad that you can combine two separate thoughts (hours apart) into one, now if you could just get an original thought in your head"


hot for teacher


6th February, 2005 at 19:08:15 -

"And then there's the UK, famous for soccer, Harry Potter, and mad cow disease. You're gay."
That's stupid.
- I don't like soccer, but it's one of the most popular games in the world and it certainly beats the hell out of American football (not that I like football, but the best is clearly AFL--it combines the strategy and skill of soccer with people getting really badly hurt).
- I don't like Harry Potter, but it's gotten thousands of stupid little kids reading something more challenging than Dick and His Big Red Ball. Plus it pisses off the Christian church, which is always good.
- BSE is caused by a prion. That's a spontanously forming misshapen protein. It's something that affected a whole lot more than the UK. Infected cattle were also found in Canada and the US.

I mean sure, stupid people are in abundance. But there's a culture of stupidity in america. People are proud of it.




6th February, 2005 at 19:47:35 -

The amazing thing is that this wasn't immediately thrown out of court. Makes you wonder what kind of people these judges are (you can expect ordinary people to be idiots, after all). Even though:

Everyone's a little bit stupid sometimes.
Doesn't mean we go around suing for false crimes.



The Archivist


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!Mr BallPicture Me This Round 50 Winner!
6th February, 2005 at 19:57:18 -

If I was the judge, I would have thrown it out of the courts straight away. Well, maybe after I had, er, "sampled" the evidence (read: cookies).

:: Joshtek ::

Oreos? GO! OREOS!


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
6th February, 2005 at 21:49:56 -

The U.K is very similar to the U.S it just seems that everything is "MORE" over in the U.S
more money
more space
more people
more stupidity
Louder people
fatter people
bigger cars

and we get a lot of news from the U.S over here in the U.K so we know more about you than you know about us.

so usually stuff like that court case would happen here too but never as extreme. Maybe the two women would have gotten a smaller fine or something.

Ive never been to America so i can't say if this is true or not.


Dustin Gunn

Gnarly Tubular Way Cool Awesome Groovy Mondo


Game of the Week WinnerKlikCast StarVIP MemberI'm on a BoatGOTW Winner Oct 2010Kliktober Special Award Tag
6th February, 2005 at 22:08:48 -

" @JD - Hey JD, read closer. Only in america was referring to the court case and such. I win.
On a side note, I'm glad that you can combine two separate thoughts (hours apart) into one, now if you could just get an original thought in your head.."

The whole thread's about the court case. I wasn't exactly discussing the cell-count of Dick Cheney's ass here. Here's an original thought for you: Make some fucking sense.




6th February, 2005 at 23:40:26 -

This is a great place to talk about morons because we have so many experts. I wasn't saying that America is better than Britain or any other country. I'm saying all countries have their abundance of stupidity, and for people to accuse America of being the only place where you can find a good imbecile or two is ridiculous. Maybe that wasn't apparent by the numerous examples I gave of retarded shit going down in other countries.

See, soccer is dumb. I'm not saying American football is not dumb. I'm not even saying that sports that I like and watch aren't dumb. But just because something is immensely popular doesn't mean it can't also be completely retarded (see Furby).

Harry Potter has given millions of children and middle-aged women something to read. It also hammers home the moral that you can put everything off until the last minute and still come out on top. Great message for the masses, J.K. So we have one series of shitty books pushed by some publisher and everybody reads those and nobody pays any attention to lesser-known, but probably more deserving authors. Well, yeah, that is great, because diversification is shit. Let's all go buy some Eminem CDs and watch some Ben Stiller movies, and then we'll know everything we need to know.

As for mad cow disease, it's caused by feeding diseased tissue to other animals. You would have to be pretty overcome with both idiocy and greed to force *herbivores* such as cows and sheep into cannibalism just to make them fatter. Yes, other cases have arisen, but the major outbreaks in the 90's were in the UK. Thus, the UK is *famous* for mad cow disease, just as Steak 'n Shake is *famous* for steakburgers, although you can certainly get them elsewhere.

To reiterate, I'm not saying the UK is worse than the US or any other country. I'm saying there are plenty of things you can point to in any society that seem to make absolutely no sense, and plenty of individuals in any country who could give anyone else a pretty bad impression of what goes on there.



7th February, 2005 at 01:11:21 -

I like America, I'm proud to be American, even if my fellow citizens actions reflect badly on us, I believe that everyone is inherently good. I'm not proud of the stupidity, I'm proud of the good things that we have.

We don't know the whole story, the lady may suffer from dementia or paranoia, and two shadowy figures trespassing outside at night would definitely set that off.

In a way the story reaches an equilibrium, the two girls baked cookies, something that was done in good spirit, but it nulled out by the fact that somehow they did cause harm and had to pay a for medical expenses.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.



VIP Member
7th February, 2005 at 02:25:34 -

"somehow they did cause harm and had to pay a for medical expenses."
Actually the parents offered to pay medical bills, but the lady decided to sue anyways.
I don't think this case is the staple of all American stupidity, nor do I think it reflects anything about America; the lady was living alone, and with probably little funding from whatever job she may or may not work in so who wouldn't be tempted by greed in her situation? If anything, this case reflects a the level of selfishness people in general are capable of.



7th February, 2005 at 02:43:49 -

the amount awarded was equal to her medical expenses plus the 30 something for court fees.

Steve Zissou: Anne-Marie, do all the interns get Glocks?

Anne-Marie: No, they have to share one.

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

7th February, 2005 at 06:13:01 -

defenestrator, re Harry Potter: it has ALWAYS been the case with pop culture that some people are "lucky" and break through into the mainstream whilst the rest (and arguably more talented) are left behind. Why you think it's unique to Britain or JK Rowling I don't know, you just have to look at all the popular shit Hollywood churns out (e.g. Titanic) and realise there has to be much greater talent out there that's not getting attention. Besides, if you want to encourage a generation of kids to read, there's worse stuff they could be reading than Harry Potter.

Kitsune Yamato

7th February, 2005 at 09:44:55 -

Sadly, I just live here.

Visit Goshi-Dan's Arcade at



7th February, 2005 at 13:11:31 -

Phizzy: excellent point, as always.

Pete: for the third time now, I'm not saying stupidity is unique to the UK. We had a bunch of people saying that Americans are so stupid, and stupid shit only ever happens in America. Yes, Titanic is dumb. Plenty of dumb shit goes on in America. Harry Potter is also dumb. Plenty of dumb shit goes on in the UK. Plenty of dumb shit goes on everywhere in the world. I wouldn't have thought that that would have been such a controversial idea, but I guess I would prefer that people argue against the point I'm actually making than to continue to take offense, as though I'm saying that the UK is home to more stupidity than America.

Here, I'll phrase it as though you've all convinced me of something so you can pat yourselves on the backs for winning the conversation: I agree with you. Harry Potter is not more stupid than Titanic, soccer is not more stupid than American football, and there is, on average, no more stupidity in the UK than there is in the US. Everybody happy, now?


Matt Boothman

The Nissan Micra of forum members


Game of the Week Winner
7th February, 2005 at 15:22:13 -

I aint happy. It's a well known fact that Americans are the thickest in the world. Every time you type on your keyboard defenestrator you are proving that point.

And for your information BSE was caused by one contaminated lot of cow feed from China which got into unscrupulous hands in Britain and fed to the livestock. There were no "major outbreaks" in the 90's - only 1. And don't act like American cows aren't fed on the same stuff as UK ones.

Also - soccer (or football to it's friends) is not "dumb". Something that gives joy to thousands and livelihoods to Brazilians isn't dumb.

Anyway you voted George Bush in, so you lose automatically.

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