The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Ultimate Lame Ship Game V13

Project: Ultimate Lame Ship Game V13
Project Started: 18th August, 2009 Last Update: 29th May, 2011
Project Owner: MongMaster Project Members:
Project Type: Side Scrolling Shooter Project Progress:

Still going well!
Posted 29th May 11, by MongMaster  
Not gone off to conquer some distant galaxy, or conquer some astronomically difficult univerity assignment, nope - I'm still here, bags of free time, working on ULSG. Mindnumbingly repetitive, but it's going smoothly.

Just one thing I've noticed though:


Sorry. Please don't go.

I wanted to know exactly what made it was so big, so I did something intelligents. I ran the executable, found and copied the temporary files somewhere else, and ran WinDirStat on that folder, to see what exactly was using the most space. That was extremely handy. Although the results weren't totally surprising:


It's the music. Would've been my first guess. I'm amazed at the amount of space it's taking up, though. I'm gonna check it all, and knock everything I can down to 96kbps or less - that should help. Not your ears, no, the file size. And your download limit, if applicable.

Another thing I've noticed, for quite a while now, if I'm honest... ULSG profiles aren't encrypted. Anyone even mildly intelligent could probably illegitimately level up to Level 800 million. Again, back when I implemented profiles in V11, I was young and foolish, and also didn't know the Ini++ extension existed. I'm gonna trust y'all not to cheat. If you want to unlock three of the super ships faster, or if you want more AP to buy everything in the I-Mall, then... meh, I don't really mind. I'll be putting profile encryption in V14, though!

Anyway, I'll get this file size down, note that in my "lessons learned" book, and get some more work done on V13. See ya soon!

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