The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Treasure Adventure Game

Project: Treasure Adventure Game
Project Started: 3rd August, 2009 Last Update: 19th November, 2011
Project Owner: Klayman Project Members:
Project Type: Exploration Platformer Project Progress:

You are no match for Baron von Blubba!
Posted 1st Jul 11, by Klayman  
I've always been a huge fan of the super cheesy instruction booklets of old video games. Many times the only way you would even have a clue as to what the game's story was about was by reading the manual. And who can forget the ridiculously named baddies and the silly descriptions that would often accompany them.


That's actually why I'm posting this blog entry today. I want to give silly (yet fitting) names to all the baddies in TAG. However, I don't want to do it on my own. Therefore I'm reaching out to the strangers of the internet (aka YOU!) to help me in this endeavor.

I'm looking for creative people who'd be willing to take a crack at naming the enemy characters from the game. If you come up with a name that I like, that baddie will be officially named by you and I'll give you a credit for it in the game as well.

If you want to help here's what you have to do:
Follow me on Twitter and send me a private message.


Follow my TAG fan page on Facebook...\
... and send me a facebook message.


You can send me a private message here at The Daily Click!

I've put together a list of all the enemies of the game with pictures and simple descriptions. When I get your private message I'll send you a link to the list with instructions on what to do. *WARNING - If you don't want the game's many baddies to be spoiled for you, you might want to pass on this.

If you need some guidance: I'm looking for silly/cheesy/off-the-wall, but also somewhat descriptive. Hullaballoon for example. Doesn't that really say it all?


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