The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Jake Bonfire

Project: Jake Bonfire
Project Started: 20th August, 2008 Last Update: 1st September, 2009
Project Owner: Xhunterko Project Members:
Project Type: 2d shooter platformer Project Progress:

Opening Story scene
Posted 13th Sep 08, by Xhunterko  
I was doing some thinking earlier. (Hate it when i do that, it hurts the mind.) And i thought about what would start the games main story line. For example, rather then just throwing the player into a distructible environment and tell them to blow stuff up, i need to give them a reason why. So, why does this secret agent slip into an enemy base of a rebel country and cause devestation everywhere? Simple, to rescue the first team that couldn't do it. Then i thought, (must take tylenol), what about after he rescues them? The mission needs to continue along a path of objectives. Okay, lets observe this.

The player starts off in an enemy base. They meet up with team Rotondo's contact. Learn the mission, and infiltrate the secret bio-weapons laboratory deeper. The character succeeds in rescuing a couple team members. Who inform them that they are searching for missing pows who are said to be located in the facility. Also, they are to investigate rumors of biological testing. The character puts two and two together and says he'll find the testing lab. He does so, and downloads the main files for review, then destroys the main frames.

The Rotondo team communcations officer says they need medical help immediatley. Upon offering his assurances, the main character is ambushed by security forces and force to take a different route. He runs through the weapons factory and hears about a "secret project". He finds the mainframe computers there, and reviews the files. The papers suggest that a non-fuctional prototype is resting to be shipped in the basement.

Since that is one floor below where the rest of team Rotondo is, he decides to go after the machine as well. His sensai then contacts him. He congratulates him on the job so far, but warns him of the dangers still lurking below. The character thanks the sensai, and heads down deeper into the base.

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