The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Jake Bonfire

Project: Jake Bonfire
Project Started: 20th August, 2008 Last Update: 1st September, 2009
Project Owner: Xhunterko Project Members:
Project Type: 2d shooter platformer Project Progress:

Posted 12th Jul 09, by Xhunterko  
Currently under redisign. Sorry bout the vague posting, I was running short of curfew. I was also having some design thoughts to put up. First, I was initially going to have the first level a straight line with obstacles and enemies all the way to the first boss. Then I wanted the screen to shake when the boss was destroyed. So I need a bigger screen size for that. So why not increase the level size?

I decided to have two extra secret areas with a power up option in each. And if the player wanted to be really tactful they could have the option of going for both. One power up is the typical, infinite health bar. The only deaths are by player stupidity from falling into holes. Then, there's the Smart Bomb power up. Useable by the player at any time, but best used for bosses. It does a 50% reduction to boss health when used.

So, the key to getting into these secret areas though, is just before the boss chamber at the end of the level. So if the player's really desperate enough he can go back and forth to try for both of them. Or he can go for the 'Overdose' achievement. Yes, I had planned on achievements earlier, but didn't have a good reason for them until now. Oh, the best part, all your achievements will be tallied up before the final boss. As a way of saying thank you for exploring.

(Especially on hard mode. Lots of goodies for you there.)

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