The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Squad

Project: Squad
Project Started: 22nd September, 2011 Last Update: 17th December, 2011
Project Owner: Muz Project Members:
Project Type: Shooter management Project Progress:

Posted 17th Dec 11, by Muz  
Ok, long status update...

I've been having a lot of trouble working on this because I don't really have the facilities for it. I haven't mentioned it earlier as I wasn't sure, but I decided to code it in Construct 1.2, mostly as a learning lesson for myself on Construct.

So on the Construct vs MMF, I've learned a bit:
- MMF does global values better if you intend to use them for stuff.
- Construct sucks at functions as well. MMF has Lua, greatly improving function use. Well, Construct does have Python, but I don't speak Python, and don't really have the time to learn yet another language.
- Construct's sub-events are incredibly useful. This alone (along with easy special effects) is why I prefer Construct.
- Construct is just as buggy as MMF in a lot of things.
- Construct's sprite editor sucks as well. I end up going back to MMF for spriting, since it's just as good, if not better than most professional apps.
- No text blitter for Construct.
- Construct's expression editor is pleasant to use and the event editor is pleasant to read, even when you have a whole bunch of stuff. Also why you should split long formulas into several actions, for readability. I find MMF's really messy event list to be a major down point to making anything, though, again, that's fixed with Lua.

Other problems:
- I've had internet access for maybe only 3 weeks since Nov 1, and most of it has been really bad. Also losing Internet again in 2 days.
- I've also had a lot of trouble getting on a laptop; I've had literally only 3 weeks of access to my laptop, only 1 week of that with Construct, thanks to the frustrating Internet system.
- Only been home for one day since then.
- I've recently purchased Skyrim, so don't really feel like making games much D:
- My laptop charger burned out about 2 weeks ago, so can't actually do any coding.
- Starting a job in January. And getting starting on some other major non game project. Making games just doesn't pay any bills

So, yeah. Not looking good for this. Also tempted to just move it on to MMF, just to make the engine more moddable.

Posted by s-m-r 17th December, 2011

Just keep your notes, and come back to it as time and energy present themselves.

Even if you only work on it 'when the stars are right,' it's still worth keeping on the back burner as a project. The idea is great, and I'm sure you'd have a lot of support to finish it once things sort themselves out for you and your free time again.

Once your bills are paid, we're looking forward to seeing progress on Squad.
Posted by Del Duio 22nd December, 2011

- I've recently purchased Skyrim, so don't really feel like making games much D:

Yeah this happened to me to for the first couple weeks I had the game but lately I've been wanting to work on my own stuff again, thank god.


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