The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. BAD TASTE THE BASTARDS HAVE LANDED! - Impending Doom Software

Project: BAD TASTE: THE BASTARDS HAVE LANDED! - Impending Doom Software
Project Started: 17th July, 2008 Last Update: 15th June, 2010
Project Owner: Pariah Leviticus Project Members: Travis Touchdown Violet Vivienne
Project Type: Multi-style 2d action adventure created with MMF2 Project Progress:

A quickie...
Posted 27th Jul 08, by Pariah Leviticus  
After discussing the proposed look and feel of the game last week with Travis and Violet, we decided to go for a more cartoony high contrast look for the cut scenes. Here are the first two from Vi.

For those of you familiar with the Bad Taste movie, hopefully you'll recognize the intrepid Derek as he drools with delight at the thought of being in a video game.

The second shot is from the beginning of the film, as Coldfinger listens to the audio tape that tells of the troubles in Kaihoro.

Travis and I have been working with the character sprites and are a bit torn between a more Metal Slug type look or a Viewtiful Joe kinda thing. Still working on that, but here's one version of the Derek character sprite that we're kicking around. First at actual size, 70 odd pixels high, and then blown up and ugly.

More work has been done on the engine and I've nearly got a test level down but I need some actual character sprites to check timing and spacing, so it might be a bit. Busy time.




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