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Three New Articles
News posted 19th February, 2010 by OMC  
Looks like we've got a few new articles on our hands. Those of you who didn't pitch in on writing one are a sad 175 points poorer. :(

First up, part one of Game Creation Walkthrough, by aphant. An excerpt: "Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we're going to make a game from start to finish using Multimedia Fusion 2. I'll walk you through how to get started, help you write your code, and get it online for everyone to enjoy. We'll draw some characters, we'll make some baddies, and our game will be awesome."

Next up, Exploring MMF2's Preferences by nim. Another eckyserpt: "You'll probably spend a lot of time using MMF2, so it's worth making it as user-friendly for yourself as possible. Not to mention that if you're working on a laptop or with a small resolution, then you'll want to make use of every bit of space you can get. I hate to use words like streamline, but here it seems appropriate."

And in finalment, Making Money From Games, by ze Muz. One last eczemacerpt (ewww): "Sales are a combination of marketing, polish, and quality. Quality is obviously needed, otherwise people don't care to buy your game. Marketing is needed to make people aware of it. Polish has a similar role to both quality and marketing, but amplifies the effect of both. With enough polish, you make a simple game look good, and looking good enough makes it easier to market. "

Click a title, any title. :)

Posted by Muz 20th February, 2010

Lol, that's the disclaimer, not the introduction. Disclaimers are like the worst summaries
Posted by OMC 20th February, 2010

Sorry Muz, I completely misread the part I posted. How about now?


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