The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Digital Works ::. A theory about Pacman

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Peace & Love


4th June, 2012 at 04/06/2012 13:53:21 -

There is my theory that pacman is actually based on the character of Andy Warhol, a pop-art colture artist as well as Ms Pacman is based on Merilyn Monroe!

There are several proofs in game why it is... The whole game is a pop-art colture based and signs for this are everywhere... Starting from the shape of Ms Pacman, The massive use of Neon and icons of fruits, and the use of drugs... All related to the pop-art colture and is featured in the game of Pacman! The whole celebration for the pop-art colture and it's sign! A true, Lucy in the sky with diamonds! Lo!



  07/05/2012 19:05:37
5th June, 2012 at 05/06/2012 04:35:52 -

Pacman was originally called Puck Man but it was changed after a few machines were constructed out of fear kids would scratch off part of the P in Puck to make..... Well.... You know....

This is interesting but I need more supporting facts.

Edited by NostalgicAlgorithms

The future of gaming... What the!?!


At least I'm not Circy


VIP MemberStarSnow
12th June, 2012 at 12/06/2012 23:12:21 -

Nah. The inspiration for Pacman was the Japanese story of Kokoro. In it, Kokoro protected children from monsters by eating them. Kokoro had to collect life force before he could eat a monster, and that's where the idea of power pellets came from. The shape of Pacman was realized when Toru Iwatani saw a pizza missing a slice.

Ms. Pacman's artwork was created based on Marilyn Monroe, but the game graphics don't reflect that. She features the same eyeliner, big lips, and mole. That's about the only relation that can be made, though.

ChrisD> Employer: Say, wanna see a magic trick?
ChrisD> Employee: Uhh… sure, boss.
ChrisD> Employer: Your job! It just disappeared! Pack your things and leave! Pretty good trick, huh?

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