The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Klik Coding Help ::. How to fix gravity on the PMO (platform moviment object) while using this slowmotion effect?

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22nd June, 2010 at 16:18:36 -

In the game I am doing I am using the PMO (platform moviment object), and later, when I asked how to do a slowmotion effect, one guy passed me this link:

On this tutorial the guy is not using the PMO, but I transfered it to my game, made some tests and it works fine except for the jump/gravity issue. even after analizing the tutorial and the downloadable example that comes with the tutorial I couldn't find a way to make it work right on my game (since I am using the PMO)
The animations and the X velocity are not a problem, the thing is when the hero is jumping, the gravity part.

If enyone else think that can help-me on this, here is the procedure to download and test this:

Download this example:

What matter is that on this example the player object is using the PMO (platform moviment object)

Now download the example on the end of the tutorial, open the 2 on mmf, and copy the object "time vars" from the slowmotion example and paste it on the PMO frame.
Then copy the same controls that activate the slowmotion (hold control), and put this event: (condition) always = (setting X velocity of PMO) "GetXVelocity( "Platform Movement object" )*Time Ratio( "Time Vars" )"
This will make the X velocity work right (you hold ctrl, the player walks on 1/10 of his normal speed.
Now the problem Is the jump issue... I tried different formulas, analizing the tutorial and his example thing, and couldn't find a solution.



15th July, 2010 at 00:34:20 -

Did you try to set the Y velocity of PMO to "GetYVelocity("Platform Movement object)*Time Ratio("Time Vars")"?



16th July, 2010 at 04:42:52 -

off course, and I tried various others formulas that I could think off, but there was always some problem on the results.
Make a test as I said to you see


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