I thought this should be addressed. Now in no way am I complaining because I personally like posting replies making fun of the people that post previews that consist of three sentances. They usually go something like:

I made a car game. In the game you race a car. THIS IS THE COOLEST GAME EFFAR!!!

Ok. Not that bad, but still. If you're going to write a preview prepare some info first. Tell people a bit about any story line, what they may experiance while playing a game and give people some facts. That should be minimum. If you want your game hyped you need to build a base of people that anticipate it's release. Telling people you have an RPG and it's good will do nothing.

Many times, you don't even need pictures if you're in early development... simply tell people what the game concepts are, what genre it fits into and any other speculations you can muster. This isn't a form for completing a preview... simply ideas. Do what you wish. I'm simply suggesting that everyone try a bit harder to make previews interesting. Otherwise, what is the point of posting them at all?