1997 the year where everyone was learning and creating. With the games factory released the year before everyone was making games and releasing them on the Silky's community website.

Click Companies and its games...

1997 was also one of the first years where people teamed up together to create "click companies" Companies that would stand out that year where: Amazing Productions created by Rikus Kras and VReal created by Craig Jardine, both teams where making many games that people enjoyed and they both gained many members that would release games under there name. Also company Black Rogue had many hits under hits name in 1997 including the spooky Begone. Edward Greenaway had a big hit with the game Atom Boy, Peter Newman released the great Gordon's Transport system 2, Freedy trims a tree by Philip Williams, David Willis was there with his Walkerton series, Chris Perry with his Sim Fish, the list goes on and on. Click on the picture on your left for a bigger view.

Also the people who created click&create (the upcoming clickteam) developed a new add-on for click&create. It was called Vitalize and with this new add-on people could save there games in the vitalize format in click&create and play there games online. Many people started to use it right away and if you wanted to play the game on a website all you needed to do was to download a small plugin for your webrowser and the game would startup. You can also still play the sample vitalize games on Corel's old website right here, check it out for some Vitalized fun.

Besides the many great games that where released and the vitalize add-on, 1997 was a relaxing year where people where learning the tools and having lots of fun with it. In a way 1997 was also a "silence before the storm year" Because 1998 would shake things up immensely...