The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. BLAZE! in "BYE BYE EARTH"

Project: BLAZE! in "BYE, BYE, EARTH"
Project Started: 15th May, 2009 Last Update: 19th June, 2009
Project Owner: Smirnoff Project Members:
Project Type: Platformer Project Progress:

Level development
Posted 18th May 09, by Smirnoff  
I'm not new to the click scene, nor to MMF, but I am somewhat new in actually making a full game. I'm not well versed in project management or the best approach as to what is most efficient. I am doing my best here to make this all come together and progress has been made. I'm starting the sewer level as most of the graphics for it have been completed. I still have to redone the entire engine because as mentioned before, it just stopped working when moving platforms were implemented. I'm not knowledgable enough to make the engine from strach so I choose the platform movement object as a base. I may ask for help with this or even a team member for the coding, but that's up in the air. I want to at least finish a proof of concept before asking someone to do it for me.

Oh yes, the development.

This here is the sewer level. Not much entirely done here. It won't be the first level in the game but it will be near the start. It's a fairly verticle level that the player must descend into. The player will encounter a few enemies here such as flys, rats, etc.

Posted by s-m-r 19th May, 2009

I know what it's like to start a game project and not finish...I'm sure EVERYONE here has a few of those. You're not alone!

My recommendation is to simply come up with a to-do list, and include a few things that need to be done. Don't bother numbering the list at first, and just focus on finishing one thing at a time. If you're tired of one item or are stuck, simply shift your attention to a different item on the list. As you work, you'll probably come up with more ideas, which you just add to the bottom of the to-do list.

You can even put a to-do list in your Events List in MMF. Just Insert a Comment, and type your notes in there. That way, you won't have to worry about losing that scrap of paper with all your precious ideas.

Best of luck on your project!
Posted by Smirnoff 20th May, 2009

I've been handling this better than anything else I have done before. I have hundreds of unfinished games across several hard drives. This is the one I will finish.


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