The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Unnamed RTS

Project: Unnamed RTS
Project Started: 18th February, 2009 Last Update: 31st December, 2009
Project Owner: bigredron Project Members:
Project Type: RTS Project Progress:

more pathfinding
Posted 31st Dec 09, by bigredron  
So I have been playing around with c++ this last week and have read a lot of tutorials for A* pathfinding and have successfully made a working pathfinding example. (I didnt write from scratch, modified an existing source code).
It is still slow when finding a path for many units at the same time, but I have read of a good workaround for this which uses 2 layers of pathfinding to reduce the ammount of lag. it splits the maps up into big nodes (say to represent 4x4 grid squares for example) and small (per tile). It uses the big nodes for the inital path search, and then finds a path using small nodes between each big node. Its a great idea and sounds like it would work great. I am going to try to implement this, and if successful, I will then port it over to an MMF2 extension and see how it goes. If all is successful, this game will be epic!

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