The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. U-32

Project: U-32
Project Started: 4th October, 2008 Last Update: 29th October, 2009
Project Owner: aphant Project Members:
Project Type: Untitled Project Progress:

New dev tool in the works!
Posted 25th Oct 09, by aphant  
I've been working on a new dev tool today. It's almost done, just needing five more buttons to work, as well as one string to display what it's supposed to. And, as I am feeling giddy at how quickly this new tool works, I shall say what it does...


Basically, I built a media player, complete with a library. The library sort of doubles as a playlist, but it's not a true playlist; there is no automatic switching between songs (because I don't need that and it would be a waste of my time to add it). Now, on TOP of building a media player, I also gave it awesome tagging abilities! These tags will be used to create a really great soundtrack for the core project.

It does do more than this, but that's for me to know. Unless I decide to release this tool later for the potential modding community.

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