Forever I have pondered making a game that will keep me going towards a "greater purpose", towards a goal so high that, if successful, it would be a crowning achievement of not only my game developing career, but the big new thing that will be a craze around the world.

And yet there's always been something in the way.

And soon, not yet, I will have the time, energy and power to get just that little closer to a goal, with my brain creating thousands of virtual screen shots and algorithms, I can't help thinking it'll never happen and there is always going to be something bigger. So really I should be waiting for someone else to do the job for me.

And the more I ponder, scheme and think about it the more it is clear to me that i've seen the future of gaming evolve before my very eyes...almost to that pinnicle point...the point where game imitates life and existing in a game is considered "truely living"...and I look back...I see what I have made...and it's nothing...I look at what I consider a good Click game, I look at Eternal Daughter, Hateful Chris...and then I look at what's outside of the community...Deus Ex, Final Fantasy X...

How do we compare with the best of the best?

Just thinking back on those hours i've spent engrossing myself on the deepest conspiracies and action of Deus Ex, I feel that it was more of a was an experience...I remember places and people from the game like i've they are long lost friends in places i've once visited.

What are games about?

...Creating alternative reality?

Maybe that's what the Deeper Purpose is. We all have to build up to something, and that something needs to be a creation which is more than fun, more than exciting, more than has to be revolutionary, life changing and feel like more than a game...

It seems that the only place the best games can go is deeper into the depths of our minds.
Games that sustain our lives...people basing their lives around games...don't say it's not gonna happen...
It's already here!

Online gaming, a frontier, where all 4 corners of the globe can be present in a one room, one level or one alternative world.
Gaming has become competitive...big tornaments with big prizes are held...people making money out sports that don't make you physically fit...what has the world come to?
I read that a poor guy committed suicide because his character died in an online RPG...

Is this games deeper purpose?

And here we all are...Clickers...developers...creationists in our own little ways...We control what happens in these games, and oh yes, we control human life because of it.

Clicking is slowly evolving...
Can you see yourself creating a game so influential that it leads to youth suicides?
Where are your goals set as far as 'The Ulimate Creation' goes?
Will something you or someone else ever control the life of you or someone around you?

...Is the deeper purpose of games to control human life by creating an alternative reality to live in?...

The future may be in our hands...

Thank you for your time