This article contain just some tips for when you are creating a simple arcade game.

1)Base Level - usually I start with the first level, which is the level that contains the events that will repeat in the others, because I don't use behaviours.
2)Game Over screen - this should be done just before completing the Base Level, because you'll have a link between them, when the life ends.
3)Options Screen - this screen depends on your game. If you have different levels of difficulty, you should create this screen while developing the Base Level.
4)Other levels - they should be started when you finish all the details of the first one, if you're going to repeat samples, engines, these things.
5)Game End and High Scores - the last level should be followed by these screens. The first is the Congrats screen, and the other should be created if you have scores, which usually happens in arcade games. Link the HS with the Game Over screen too.
6)Title Screen - all of the above is over? Then you should create the title screen. This will be the presentation of the game, so better create this well.
7)Introduction - use this for credits introduction or a introduction movie.

I think that this should help organizating your game. It's not necessary to follow this, but I think you can spent less time knowing what you're going to do and have fun klikking.

(Hope you liked this)