The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Ultimate Lame Ship Game V13

Project: Ultimate Lame Ship Game V13
Project Started: 18th August, 2009 Last Update: 29th May, 2011
Project Owner: MongMaster Project Members:
Project Type: Side Scrolling Shooter Project Progress:

Yo, everybody!
Posted 19th Aug 09, by MongMaster  
I'm the new kid on the block.

I'm not new to Klik products, though - I first started using The Games Factory (the original one, not TGF2) many years ago, then I moved onto MMF1.5... and now I'm using MMF2. And I'm lovin' it.

Anyhoo, thanks for checking me out! It's nice to see someone's interested. I'm just gonna clear up a few things about the game in this post.

*sarcasm* Great title... Ultimate LAME Ship Game... what's that all about?
Don't be put off by that! It's because V1 of ULSG was actually part of another project I abandoned long ago. It was originally going to be a little minigame inside another application, nothing special... and it really WAS lame, but with an ultimate scoring method! After it started to evolve, I noticed I was spending more time creating ULSG than the main project, so I separated them. ULSG never really lost its name - I've kept it that way ever since I started it, as a homage to the game's past. Besides, I reckon it's got a nice ring to it, hehe.

You're new here... so why V13? Where are the other 12 versions?
I casually worked on the game every so often, giving full version numbers randomly and without much thought... so the versions racked up quite quickly, without many differences between them. When I finished off V12, I had a huge surge of ideas. As I found out that these ideas were gonna take some serious work and lots of time to implement, I decided to make the version numbers more significant. I've got V1 to V4, and V10 to V12 lurking around somewhere. The others have disappeared without a trace.

Graphics... why are some of them from the MMF2 library?
Several reasons.
One: I really SUCK at animation and graphics. I'm okay at menu graphics, HUD graphics, etc... but terrible at everything else. I attempted to make my own ship graphics, and immediately gave up after I looked at what I'd done to the game.
Two: I kinda like the look of them. Maybe it's because I've been around them for so long.
Three: And this is the main one... Graphics don't make a good game. It doesn't matter how beautiful the game is... if it's not entertaining or interesting, then it has failed at being a game. Pretty graphics works in trailers, but when I go to play the game, I want it to be good, not just a graphics show. Besides, what do you mainly do when playing a game? Do you play the game, or stare at the screen, gawping at the graphics for hours on end?
I know may sound a bit harsh there, and I apologise, but it's always been a strong belief of mine, especially nowadays with the next-gen consoles.

So, what makes this shmup really special? Is this just another shmup?
No, no... it's probably the most unique and the most mental shmup you'll ever play. Need examples? Well, let's see what we got here... a spread shot power-up in the form of Cillit Bang? Defensive satellites called Balls of Steel? It rains chocolate in space? You can fire a powerful "Choclit Ray"? You can fire an authentic LAZ0R? You can pick up a drone in the shape of a Spartan's head? Name another shmup with all that stuff in it.

Hehe, I don't really know, to be honest. If I find it funny or cool, I try to get it into ULSG if I can.

Where can I get some of what you're smoking when you create games?
No smoking required. Just a weird imagination.

And... I think that's all for my intro post. I'd polish off a game demo for you to try out, but the game is (shamefully) quite big, and still has quite a few bugs to iron out. I'm gonna optimise graphics, music, etc. before I release it, and hopefully I can get its size down. For now, though, I'll leave you with some random screenshots that I could scrape together, and some videos. Thanks for reading! Leave me a comment and/or favourite the project if you like, I'd really appreciate it, as it helps my motivation a lot.

(Old trailer I made. Yes, my 3D work is terrible. Yes, I missed the release date by miles. And yes, I'm embarrassed I put my voice in there. )

(Unlockable Challenge, Area 101. Area 51 comes before that, but it's not as insane. )

(Because Captain Falcon can and will be incorporated into everything. )

PS: I'm working on changing some of the music. Even though the game's going to be freeware, some people will want my head for using their music without giving them a zillion moolah, y'know?







Posted by Jon C-B 19th August, 2009

This is actually looks promisimg! I hope there will be a lot to buy and customize and the heavy metal music fit in with Area 101 well.
Posted by vertigoelectric 19th August, 2009

I love it. I just love it. I love ridiculous =]
Posted by [DELETED] 19th August, 2009

Wow, that looks intense!
Posted by Marko 19th August, 2009

I second vertigoelectric's thoughts and this is a great example of what i was on about in my article. Favourited!


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