NAME: St. Global Warming
Game Score: 152/300


-- CHRIS -- -- FLAVA -- -- ASSAULT ANDY --
Graphics: 11/25
Audio: 6/10
Winter Theme: 10/20
Gameplay: 15/25
Programming: 8/20

TOTAL: 50/100

Graphics: 10/25
Audio: 3/10
Winter Theme: 9/20
Gameplay: 9/25
Programming: 10/20

TOTAL: 41/100

Graphics: 15/25
Audio: 6/10
Winter Theme: 8/20
Gameplay: 16/25
Programming: 16/20

TOTAL: 61/100

For me, I find this entry to be of a generally average standard. St. Global Warming mimics the classic Icy Tower's premise - to climb a tower as quickly as possible. With this version though, instead of a time limit, water rises through the tower. It's not nearly as accomplished as Icy Tower, but still manages to be reasonably fun to play. The default platform movement is used, however, and this actually hinders the player - controlling Santa - who tends to get stuck on scenery quite a bit - hardly a good recipe for a pursuit-style game. The graphics are functional at best, but the music isn't bad. It also doesn't use the Winter theme to its full potential. Generally an average game for me.

It's difficult to judge this game with the rest as it was pretty much just a mini-game with a hi-score board. You have to collect presents and also elves for extra points. Apart from that, at as well as the fact you control Santa, there are no other winter themed elements in the game. The game is about global warming and how the ice/snow has melted and so has caused a flood, which isn't really winter related - but maybe I'm just being picky there. Either way this isn't really a game I can score higher than some of the others, mainly because of it's simplicity and poor controls. Moving Santa can be annoying, and if you miss a platform you're pretty much dead as Santa runs out of breath under the water. It's not a bad game or anything, and the hi-scores are a nice touch. It just doesn't really provide a decent gameplay element for me. Collecting elves will give you 1000 points, and the rest is basically to try and not fall in the water. Simply put, I didn't really find the game that much fun.

Graphics-wise, it's okay. There's nothing that really stands out though. There is audio for just about everything which is good. However the sounds are all sounds included with MMF, which isn't normally a problem, but in this case the sounds don't really match the game and the loops are annoying and repetitive. The winter theme is barely there. There is snow on the menu screen along with a bit of white. The explanation for the snow is global warming which isn't really to do with winter. The gameplay is pretty fun for a mini game. However I personally wouldn't play it more than once or twice. It's a little frustrating once you fall. The movement just doesn't grab me. I don't really like the acceleration that is involved, but maybe you wanted this game to be like Icy Tower? The programming is fine. However I've taken a few points off because I believe things could have been done better. Like faster transitions and maybe a custom movement.