This is the place where you can post comments, suggestions, etc. This updates in "Real-Time"...just hit the re-load button.

There is now a NEW SET OF CONFERENCE ROOMS. Also a postable forums...similar to here...but these thread like a newsgroup. You have options to subscribe to posts, arrange by date order or thread, search by keywords, a Author, etc. Should come in handy for technical discussions and questions. Please try to post and respond in appropriate forums
Please continue to use "THE WALL" for general comments, announcements and suggestions. I will continue to post new items here as well.

Silky Time----Hit reload on your browser for the current time.

(Since the last time we crashed)

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Vitalize vitalize now


Rikus Kras <>
- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 13:45:14 (CDT)

Hello, new game from ap after dragons tail? Lgx solutions and ap will bring you a totaly new adventure game. Want more info? Then, check the newsroom tomorow. Lgx solutions also helped ap with the great dragons tail, that game will be out in 2 weeks.


Hans Christian Vang < >
- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 08:25:06 (CDT)

a demo of Star Trek: Exodus
which is Vang Entertainment's first game (not Startrek: Explorer as earlier thought)

the demo is available for download at our website:


Tommi / Absusoft
- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 07:35:02 (CDT)

Escape: Fragments of Past Version 0.15 should be released today or tomorrow. Thanks Anders :D

All!!! STOP USING ABSUSOFT@HOTMAIL.COM!!! Please use instead!!! Remember, ABSUSOFT@NETLANE.COM! Thanks.

Christian Wiehl <>
- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 04:39:20 (CDT)

Woo Hoo! Life for the C&C gamer is now a bit easier. I've just finished writing a program that will scan a CCA for passwords (like for frames) and display them. It's very far from perfect, but you can still download a beta version at Please let me know of any bugs.

- Christian

Craig Jardine (Virtually Real) <>
- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 03:11:05 (CDT)

Ok.. Sorry it isn't a webpage update but I've posted a current list of under development games on the VReal games support noticeboard.. When I get a bit of time (perhaps this weekend) I'll do an update of the page.. Rikus - Have a look at the posting for all the VReal news you could ever need.. The URL: or Craig..

Rikus Kra <>
- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 02:27:39 (CDT)

Hello, yes i will but only at the bottom of my post so its not that annoying, is that okay?:-) Dragons tail is coming along great, i only have to make 2 more worlds a level editor and a 2 player mode....mmm i better get back to work then:-)

Come to irc
The news room is updated

Christian Wiehl, - Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 02:02:43 (CDT)

Chase: Here's how to do it. Paste this code into your app and then call GetBitsPerPixel. To everyone else, sorry for the tremendously huge post.

Length As Double
Descriptor As Long
InheritHandle As Boolean
End Type
dwLowDateTime As Double
dwHighDateTime As Double
End Type
Public Const REG_NONE = 0
Public Const REG_SZ = 1
Public Const REG_EXPAND_SZ = 2
Public Const REG_BINARY = 3
Public Const REG_DWORD = 4
Public Const REG_MULTI_SZ = 7
Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG = &H80000005
Public Const ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2&
Declare Function RegCreateKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyA"
(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As
Declare Function RegCreateKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias
"RegCreateKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal
Reserved As Long, ByVal lpClass As String, ByVal dwOptions As Long,
ByVal samDesired As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES,
phkResult As Long, lpdwDisposition As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA"
(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As
Long, ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA"
(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As
Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA"
(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long,
ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long
Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias
"RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String,
ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As
Long) As Long
Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As
Declare Function RegQueryInfoKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias
"RegQueryInfoKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpClass As String,
lpcbClass As Long, lpReserved As Long, lpcSubKeys As Long,
lpcbMaxSubKeyLen As Long, lpcbMaxClassLen As Long, lpcValues As Long,
lpcbMaxValueNameLen As Long, lpcbMaxValueLen As Long,
lpcbSecurityDescriptor As Long, lpftLastWriteTime As FILETIME) As Long
Private m_lCurrentKey As Long
Public Function GetBitsPerPixel() As Integer
' This function reads the system registry to determine the bits per
' pixel setting. This will return:
' 4 for 4-bit color (16 colors)
' 8 for 8-bit color (256)
' 16 for 16-bit color (64K)
' 24 for 24-bit color (16M)
Dim hKey As Long
If RegOpenKey(hKey:=hKey, _
lpSubKey:="Display\Settings", _
phkResult:=hKey) = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND Then
'Error Trap should go here
End If
m_lCurrentKey = hKey
GetBitsPerPixel = cint(NullTrim(GetStringPrivate("BitsPerPixel")))
End Function
Private Function GetStringPrivate(ByVal sSubKey As String) As String
Dim lLongest As Long
Dim sString As String
ftFT.dwLowDateTime = 0
ftFT.dwHighDateTime = 0
Call RegQueryInfoKey(m_lCurrentKey, vbNull, vbNull, ByVal vbNull, _vbNull, vbNull, vbNull, vbNull, _vbNull, lLongest, vbNull, ftFT)
sString = String(lLongest, 0)
Call RegQueryValueEx(m_lCurrentKey, sSubKey, _vbNull, REG_SZ, _ByVal sString, lLongest)
GetStringPrivate = sString
Call RegCloseKey(hKey:=m_lCurrentKey)
end Function
Private Function NullTrim(ByVal sString As String) As String
If sString = vbNullString Then
NullTrim = sString
NullTrim = Left$(sString, InStr(sString, Chr(0)) - 1)
End If
end Function

Sprite <>
USA - Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 01:27:50 (CDT)

Tue Hald Madsen : I haven't seen you in a long time (almost a year on the wall, I think) and I'd like to give you a warm "Welcome Back!" :)

Owen Lindsay <>
- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 01:10:22 (CDT)

Wiehl: Thanx for the comments. About Correl looking like yer ex: That is veeery disturbing :)

Chase von Dahl <>
- Tuesday, September 23, 1997 at 00:40:02 (CDT)

Mystion: yep, this is a KNP place, all right. Just don't mind the REAL programmers that pass through every once in a while. They don't bite, and you might learn something in the process.

Chris: you absolutely MUST put a "Small Fish" in SimFish. (Remembering some flame wars a few months back)....

von Dahl

Chris <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 23:14:34 (CDT)

AGiES: Awesome idea! I liked your idea so much, I have already animated a dopefish for Sim-Fish 2!! All I did was take the dopefish from and make it smaller, then make the tailfin animate.

Great job! I will have it as a secret "cheat" code, so you must know the code to get the dopefish.... :)

Captain Obvious <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 22:16:19 (CDT)

okay, something more interesting than being an animator on my game, "Jason Malloy, PI, In: The Dynasty Stone Directive", okay, you might like this part, I NEED VOICE ACTORS, if you sound like a detective or just like the sound of your voice and you have a microphone just record yourself saying "the name's Malloy, Jason Malloy, I'm a licensed Private Detective" and send the wav file to, every voice will be considered, we will let everyone know if they're in, and e-mail me about other character's too

and something about the Rikus news, hell yes he should keep telling us, otherwise no one would know about my game and see the real neat screen shots.

Brian Easton (AGiES)
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 21:05:52 (CDT)

Idea for sim fish 2! Put in a "secret" fish: The Dope Fish!! You could get one only when you reach a preset # of fish or somthing like that. Just an idea from my tired brain.


- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 20:49:25 (CDT)

Rikus, I was just wondering. Are you gonna post everyday here telling people your news page was updated, that would get really annoying. Just wondering.

Area51 Productions

Mystion <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 18:54:37 (CDT)

Hello, I was wondering..this is a KNP place right??

Max C. (Allanon) <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 18:15:56 (CDT)

Hi Everyone!
Please go to and take a look at the cool Polar Penguins, out next weekend by me and FatpPuffin, and published under Vreal!! Also, catch a preview of Jason Malloy P.I., an amazing new shareware adventure/detective game!

Tue Hald Madsen <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 17:29:03 (CDT)

Well, Wild Viking Freeware are out with the first game: Sea-Wars.
Please, try it out here:

Chase von Dahl <>
Some other place, Somewhere, Some other time - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 17:02:55 (CDT)

The vb-PAGE core engine is DONE! Here's a comparison of elapsed creation time:

Original PAGE design: 1 month or so.
TGF PAGE coding to completion 3-4 weeks. Includes some redesign time.
VB Learning time: 2-3 months
vb-PAGE redesign: about a day or 2.
vb-PAGE programming: 3 days, start to finish. Woohoo! And no struggling to work around the programming system. vb-PAGE ended up being a very simple program, as they go. Graphics are stored in resource files. Items are directly defined within the code (no more .INI files). Save\game files in custom format (no more .INI files, again). Lots of dialogue boxes and neat stuff like that. And it's easy to modify!
VB5 definitely rules. :)

It would be fun to make this system into a MUD, but what I know about stuff like Winsock.Dll etc. could be written on a postage stamp with a crayon. Sounds like Christian knows what he is doing though. And Christian--you wouldn't know how to poll the user's system to find out what color depth he's running, would you? vb-PAGE is a 16+ bit color app, and I'd like to tell users using 256 colors to get a real video card :)

(Again, apologies about posting about non TGF/etc. stuff on here...this just an update to everyone that pusRo hasn't fallen off the edge of the earth. And, besides, VB and TGF are basically the same cat--object oriented event-driven programming. Just different breeds.)


von Dahl

Christian Wiehl, - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 13:30:30 (CDT)

Hey izzy...

I haven't worked with VB5 much, I use mainly VB4 and VC to maintain compatibility with 16 bit systems, but I DO do a lot of winsock programming and might be able to help u a bit...

What port are you using? Also, what error code does it return?

I ran into some problems like this when I was working on the (Winsock-Based) engine for Internet Widget. It took a lot of troubleshooting. Anyway, email me about this so we don't take up any more wall space. :)

- Christian

Jh1 here
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 13:23:15 (CDT)

Hi ppl

You could be seeing a lot more of me now because I have increased my internet time from 5 hours to 8 hours, yeahhh!

Ultimate is going real well! More news soon - tiny preview page -

See ya all real soon

Izzy <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 12:04:58 (CDT)

I have stumbled on to a problem in VB5. I was wondering if you could help.

Whats the Problem?
Well, I am TRYING to grasp the Winsock OCX functionality, but arent making prograss. So far, I have tried to duplicate the Exaple projects form a VB Book, which show you how to create a Server App... and a Client App...

What Happenes?
When I try and Connect to the LocalHost (IP:, while offline, the Winsock OCX Aknowleges the server "exists" but then returns an Error. I even tried Logging On and then trying this... When I log on, the Local Host IP is then
I installed all the necessar files from the Windows95 CD. I saved the Server.vbp and Client.vbp as Native Code EXE's... Am I missing something?

I rally need someone to Help me with this. The Future of Online Inter-User Gaming is at stake. :D
I don't care if I get any credit for it or Not. I just want to help if anyone has started on this type of Project already. It shure would be better if it was WINSOCK. This way, games could be played Online, side by side to programs like mIRC, PowWow, or the such (etc...).

I know there are Dial Up type of programs, but peole wont play with others form other countries, since Long Distant Charges can be very Costly these days. The Internet is Cost Effective and I think Winsock can take advantage of Flat rates. I haven't forgotten that it could be slow at times, but the near future will correct that, in time. I'm just thinking a head a little. :D

Sorry for the Slightly Long Post :)

I'm looking forward to hear your thought on the matter.
And Remember, "We Are Family" Aritha Franklin (I think?)

Later, Izzy.

Rikus Kras <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 11:56:32 (CDT)

Hello, Well my hp was 2 years back first on euronet but at the time you only had 2 mb of webspace (thats 5 now) Then i whent to geocities, and now i just whent to for more webspace and better service in speed.


Izzy <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 11:30:56 (CDT)

>Hmm I just got an idea...
>Anyone know if there are a list of function calls for

I'm not shure, but a good place to start would be the
Plug_in Extention Kit. :)

Later, Izzy.

Anders <>
Sweden - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 10:40:43 (CDT)

Hey Tommi! Of course I have! Come to #k&p Dalnet at 21.00 and dcc it to me, and I'll upload it..

- An

- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 05:49:58 (CDT)

And if it weren't for the new GeoBusters, you could get 50 hotmail adresses and get 100 MB webspace there.

Absusoft <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 05:49:05 (CDT)

Yo! I am making an updated version of Escape: Fragments of Past. And the main update is that the game now runs in 640*480 instead or 800*600, meaning all you people with bad graphics-cards can play the game! Whohoo! I should upload it soon, maybe tomorrow. Anders, you still have space available?

(This might be the last day you can download version 0.1b! Do it at

- Tommi

Siggen <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 05:26:28 (CDT)

Rikus : don't you get webspace from your ISP? We got 20 MB with our Internet subscription, and it's on a really fast server. Anyway, if the news room is updated every day, then we know it's updated every day.

- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 05:14:26 (CDT)


Wiehl, - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 04:06:51 (CDT)

Owen - Excellent job on LBC2!!! I couldn't stop playing it. I especially love the multiple endings. That girl correl reminds me SO much of my ex-girlfriend... she even LOOKS like her!!!

- Christian

Rikus Kras <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 03:36:40 (CDT)

Hello:, ps: The news room is like every day updated again.


Rikus Kras <>
- Monday, September 22, 1997 at 03:09:49 (CDT)

Hello,: Jh: The server is back up. The reason i have to pay for is that i get allot of webspace for it, its fast and its a .nl server so its even faster for me. My hp was first on geocities but i left there becouse geocities is to slow, they are down all the time, and they alway's reset my counter:-)
Dragons tail is coming along great, like alway's:-)
Sprite: Can't wait for sira:-)


Christian Wiehl, - Monday, September 22, 1997 at 01:53:47 (CDT)

Hmm I just got an idea...
Anyone know if there are a list of function calls for CNCS.DLL and CNCS32.DLL?

- Christian

Chase von Dahl <>
Some place, Somewhere, Some other time - Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 22:29:45 (CDT)


vb-PAGE is being built around the same principles as TGF PAGE--it's more of an engine that an actual game construction kit. VB coders are the only ones who will be able to write things for it. But that's for right now. Once the code has matured, and I've worked all the kinks out of it, I'll probably toss on a shell that allows non-VB users to make basic adventures.
The engine is up and running right now, and it's about 50% complete.
For those of you who wonder: VB is an absolute pleasure to work with. I can do just about everything TGF can do (except the sprite and scrolling coding) and a lot, lot more...and much easier, to boot. Flexibility rules! TGF is cool, but it sure ain't flexible...

von Dahl

- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 19:12:51 (CDT)

Please, don't be so offensive. All I meant was it would be nice to see a new site with new features intstead of games library, post board, confrence room, and reviews. Put your mind to it, I know you could think of some new stuff to go on top of that.

Captain Obvious <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 18:14:47 (CDT)

Well, I'm going to keep bugging all you people until I can get a 3D animator, and a 2D animator to help us work on Jason Malloy PI In: The Dynasty Stone Directive, remember my e-mail address is up there, and I still need help, just click on that address, there you go, now tell me you're good, that's a good lad

USA - Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 17:44:20 (CDT)

Rikus : Watch out for Sira. ;) I haven't updated my site for awhile, except for the bug reports.

Jh1 Once again
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 14:16:35 (CDT)

Hi again ppl

Just letting you all know that Amazing Productions Web Site is down and RIkus has to pay for that, at least we get it free, hehe

jh1 here
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 14:03:54 (CDT)

Hi ppl

A tiny preview of the ULTIMATE is up -
it will be updated in a few days

Christian Wiehl, - Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 12:42:15 (CDT)

Rikus - You're Mitch?!?!?! Wow I thought there was actually someone else as dedicated as you :) Oh yeah and the reason I've put off my C&C stuff to build the website is it's not just a knp site - it's actually my COMPANY website, I mean REAL company, and I will be leasing webspace on it.

To everyone:

AAAAUGH!!!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!! YAAAAAA!!!! Writing a webserver is really really hard. I got all the special commands worked out, and then for some reason the server would remove the first 996 bytes of any HTML file. And I couldn't figure out why, so I changed the entire way it handled sending files, and then that screwed it up even more, and then I accidentally cliked SAVE instead of SAVE AS and and and... sigh... I give up... Why reinvent the wheel? I'll just use a pre-made webserver. I'll still have all the cool cgis, which I now have to rewrite since they're not built into the server, you just won't be able to use %counter% anymore. Foo.

Oh yeah and Pusrocket: I'm gonna go check out your page - I have a great interest in game creation progs in vb - In fact, I'm working on my own. It's an extension of another app that I postponed, Game Production Lab. Well, this one, I actually have the gameplay engine finished, I just have to write the GUI level builder and the multi-player functions. It's a 3D Engine! In VB! And it's FAST! There will be more info about it on my page pretty soon.

And uh, oh... I smell my pizza burning in the oven, gotta go...!

- Christian

Rikus Kras <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 12:26:17 (CDT)

Hello, About the wolf demo i just checked the url but its not online yet.


Paul(Hi,remember me?) <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 10:54:16 (CDT)

I don't see what's the big deal with making another silky's.One is enough!I mean,do something original!

Paul Howerton <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 10:47:20 (CDT)

In response to Colin's comment about SV....YEAH!IT REALLY SUX!It's one of the worst games I've ever seen.It was said it was a good game...So I downloaded it....that game only lasted 25 seconds on my comp!SOMEONE,PLEASE,NO ONE HAS EVER MADE A GOOD RPG!MAKE SOMETHING COOL!(And Original)Even Fate wasn't to my liking,but everyone likes it.....but anyway,uh...bye.

Ben Gregory <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 05:47:48 (CDT)

Err... mistake in Space Wasters 3. The password for level 2 is missn2 rather than mssn2 as the briefing screen says. No doubt this will have frustrated people.
I'm working on sw4: Overheat now. The first KnP racer with gears, a rev counter, a temperature gauge, improved skidding effects and the ability to skid out?
(my counter's back down to 190 today. Oh well.)

- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 05:43:33 (CDT)

Hi all
i just thought i'd pop in and give you the latest news from the offices of Vang Entertainment.

you can read more about it on our website which is located at:

thanks for your interest.

Rikus Kras <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 04:58:01 (CDT)

Hello, ps: Like everyday the News room is updated.


Erik Benerdal <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 04:39:05 (CDT)


Erik Benerdal <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 04:36:26 (CDT)

ETB softwares homepage is upgraded!!
The Night of the wolf demo is UP!!
Capture the flag is UP!!

Rikus Kras <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 04:26:03 (CDT)

Hello, jh1: Why is the reviewers guild going bad? Juts if nobody sends in reviews does not mean it go's bad, i think its going along great. It has also has to do with the fact that not allot of games have been released, and Mitch= me, but everyone knows that ofcource:-) Also it seems that more and more people are creating websites but not working on any new games. Why not do it the other way and work on the game more then on your websites.
I would love to play a good game again made with k&p,c&c or tgf.


- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 02:45:08 (CDT)

glad to hear it kev :)

Kevin Smets
San Diego, USA - Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 01:46:05 (CDT)

Hello all...

I was just popping in for a little bit... I noticed Andrew's concern about The Realm's name. Actually, we are officially "The Majestic Realm"... people just choose to call us "The Realm". :)


CptObvious <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 01:35:51 (CDT)

Welp, sure could use an animator for Jason Malloy PI In: the Dynasty Stone Directive, if you think you're good, don't hesitate to mail me I'll get back to you in at least an hour

Chase von Dahl <>
Some other Place,, Somewhere, Some other time. - Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 01:02:54 (CDT)


vb-PAGE (Pusrocket Adventure Game System, Visual Basic edition) lives. It's about 45% through development, with the majority of it being simple verb handling calls (design is complete). Screenshots are available at the pusRo home page:

(Yes, I am perfectly aware that VB is not KNP/TGF/C&C, but I thought I'd drop by from the lofty perch of real programming and say hello to ya'll. So...HELLO!)

von Dahl

Erik Benerdal <>
- Sunday, September 21, 1997 at 00:36:44 (CDT)

The night of the wolf will soon be up at:

Please take a visit!

Chris <>
- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 23:25:29 (CDT)

Well, I just screwed up the realm message boards. :( I'm really sorry! For some reason the large text tag didn't close, so it made everything huge, then it made everything small, etc.,

Sorry!!!!!!!! Please don't ban me!!!

Jeff <>
- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 20:40:27 (CDT)

I have moved again......
I have my own domain now it is at
I need some more games.

Chris <>
- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 18:18:06 (CDT)

Let me get this straight with everyone: I am NOT making another "silky's" site, or a Silky's alternative site. I am making this site (K&P Land) to your enjoyment. I just wanted to make a site that is totally dedicated to K&P/C&C/TGF, since there aren't enough.

It will definetly resemble Silky's, but it's not an alternative. Remember: I am doing this for your enjoyment. Besides, I am only the 2nd person to make another KnP site. It just seems like more since people have been talking about the realm. =P

Mystion <>
- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 16:47:34 (CDT)

Josh, I counted 2 questions!

- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 16:32:48 (CDT)

uh oh! check out there is a game
called the realm there. it is copyrighted too. so be careful
whoever manages the realm knp site...

Josh <>
kills you if you have bad alergies, Calfiornia Good ol US of A - Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 15:50:54 (CDT)

Hummmm, the thing lately seems to be create your own Silky's. For all you people making Silky wanabe sights, do everybody a favor, make it have new features and not the same old stuff, or I doubt your site will be very successful.

Area51 Productions

Christian Wiehl or, - Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 15:47:36 (CDT)

DOS cd-rom drivers? Welp, it depends on what kind of cdrom you have. Email me and tell me the brand and speed, and if you know, whether it is atapi or not. Once you get the driver, put it in your config.sys like so:

DEVICE=DRIVER.SYS /D:AnythingUpTo8Characters

then in dos, or in your autoexec.bat, put:

MSCDEX /D:WhatYouPutAbove

that'll take care of it. Be careful though, because win95 doesn't like dos drivers, and may have to do mode switching to compensate, which makes it a bit slower.

- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 15:22:03 (CDT)

The Ultimate will be a new breed of websites! It will feature many of Silky's most appealing items and the Realm ingenuity all compiled together:D It will have guestbooks, counter, postboard and a special cgi telling me how many people download that game from the librarys.Also there will be 5 main sections including knp, tgf, cnc and cnc 2 and tgf3d! Plus free advertising to anyone! But I need a host...
Christian:Could you host ULTIMATE, I'll need a fair amount of space of the librarys?

Well more news soon!

- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 14:36:02 (CDT)

Hi ppl

Hey Rikus, your Reviews Guild isn't doing very well, no offense it's just that Mitch sends all the reviews in. Oh well sigh cool pictures of Dragon Tails, not at all what I thought it would be like, good lick with it though and once again I must congratulate you on NEWSRoom, very cool indeed, keep up the good work.

Ultimate is going very well, postboard is working, graphics are done and sooooo cool, expect a October 11th release.

Well I am on IRC, so come along

rod orcajada
- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 13:28:18 (CDT)

There are alot of sites where you can download CD rom drivers Just make sure you get the right one for your CD rom and OS.

This is where I got mine from:

Rikus Kras <>
- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 13:21:19 (CDT)

Hello: Josh: I did not rate the game, if you look at the botom of the review. I just wanted to let people know that the game is online.


- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 12:51:56 (CDT)

Rikus, I have one question. Why did you review the game Triangles if you don't even know how to play it?

Rikus Kras <>
- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 11:29:24 (CDT)

Hello, Its WEeeekkkeeennnddd!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that means that my homepage is updated with: New first exclusive pictures of: Dragons tail, 4 new reviews, and there is something new at the reviewers guild its called the news room, this page will be updated EVERY day with the best hot news thats related with : k&p,c&c or tgf. Wow, check it out. And there is allot more. Check it out at:

Come to irc.


Ben Gregory <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 06:22:25 (CDT)

DOS drivers.. I never got the DOS drivers for my AWE32 card and I'm using SB16 ones - things don't quite work properly. :-(

I've cut half a megabyte from Space Wasters 3 by removing the music from the credits frame. All the characters now move their mouths in time to words that aren't there.. Also, after playing it on my pentium (i.e. at normal speed), I decided the final boss was too hard and changed his counter to a max of 100. You can download this latest version of Space Wasters 3 from my site , and once you've done that remember to tell me what you think. The first level's not quite as interesting as the rest.. if you want passwords e-mail me.
Space Wasters 3: now only 2.5 megs!

(Just for a change, my counter was at 3900 today.. that's several thousand visitors in a day or two.)

- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 02:14:49 (CDT)

I have one question, how do you knock farts? :)
He, he. Goto Area51 Productions homepage, tons of reviews.

- Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 01:53:59 (CDT)

Nowadays, the PC-sellers doesn't bother to add DOS drivers to your computer. If you want your PC to recognize your CD-rom, go where you bought your PC and demand them to set it up.

JH1 - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 23:35:55 (CDT)

Hi ppl

I just want to inform everyone about a NEW site! It's called ULTIMATE! It's isn't a magazine of such nor Silky's or even the Realm. The creators hopfully with consist of Me and Anders, yes I know what your all saying but I've given him FTP access so we shouldn't have any problems. If you have any Reviews/ Previews or a game you want features in our library then email me now! The release date is expected to be the end of September.
[End of Plug]

Rikus: WIll there be pictures of Dragon Tails later tonight?

Bye all

Max C.
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 20:28:46 (CDT)

Ok. Someone please tell me how to get DOS to recognize my cd-rom drive. Thanks a lot

Christian Wiehl, - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 20:01:02 (CDT)

Hahahahaha yeah you're right! - [09/19/97 09:43:24 CDT] - [09/19/97 10:37:07 CDT] - [09/19/97 10:38:08 CDT]

Hehehehe... UNLESS he and the other guy were both on the same network using a proxy, that would explain it. Yup.

- Christian

- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 20:00:43 (CDT)

Mystion 1 final time. I can do it again, too!

- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 19:59:21 (CDT)

This is Mystion, just letting you know how easy it is to do these messages and not be caught by guestlog.

- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 19:53:19 (CDT)

Yeah, to post two messages as different people, when you aren't, you'd have to be a fartknocker.

Colin Marshall, - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 18:48:06 (CDT)


Don't hate to say it, but SV royally suck-diddly-ucked. The graphics were either clipart, spritelib or ripped straight from the NES version of FFI. The game was short and corny, and the battles were ridiculous. I'd really hate to see that "1992 version".

Redneck Ogle Dirtbike's coming along well. VERY well...

- Colin -

Andrew <>
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 17:43:26 (CDT)

AVATAR=ONE ARMED MAN. Avatar, why did you post,
then post again as someone else, then post 1 minute after? it
is obvious you are him, and if that isn't enough check out:
he he. BUSTED!!! :P don't ever do that again. We here at
the wall are not dumb. and josh isn't a "fartknocker"
(what are you? 10?), in fact he's very cool.

Christian Wiehl, or if it doesn't work, - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 15:19:08 (CDT)

I think some kind of regulation DOES need to be made on geocities. I mean, it's really really easy to abuse your space, and more. For example, I figured out a way to get infinite space on geocities. Don't bother emailing me and asking me how to do it, because I won't tell you. But when things like that can be done, people REALLY abuse their space, with content. I mean, are we the only ones whose sole purpose for coming on the internet is NOT to download mp3s and emulator roms?

- Christian

ZZTPyro (Christopher Ables) <>
Dayton, Ohio USA - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 14:31:39 (CDT)

I think it must have been three or four months since I last posted. Oh well, I don't think that anyone has been mourning my absence. I've been sorta busy. Well, now I have a homepage on Geocities, a new online name (Which I will be using from here on. It's ZZTPyro) and a few KNP projects under way. It's been a long time since I put up a game too, and yes, I do have a couple, but they aren't that great. I do have a project, however, which I have been thinking about for some time now, yet only just the other day did I know what I wanted to do with it. I'll be working on it, and should have somthing nice coming out in a few weeks, maybe a month or two.

My page is at:

Mind you, it's still under construction, so a few of the pages are down. The KNP page isn't up yet, but I should have it up in a day or two, so keep checking back.

By the way, I just thought I'd say that if anyone here has not seen Fireguy (In New Games) check it out. Great game.


David Willis <>
Indiana University, - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 12:20:40 (CDT)

Geobusters looks like a great idea, from lookin' at the page. Really, most of the pages on GC are getting out of hand, abusing the space they get for free.
I think Kenneth and his gang are a big step in the right direction. --David "This has been a public service announcement" Willis :)

- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 12:17:15 (CDT)

Siggen: Check the Initial number and the Max/Min number!

- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 11:52:07 (CDT)

How do I make a horizontional counter? I know how to set it up (new object, counter, display as Horizontial Bar blah blah), but when i run the game, if I add to the counter, it won't change. How can I do that?

Rikus Kras <>
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 11:33:28 (CDT)

Kenneth: I know beocuse i have been on efnet for a long time before i whent to dalnet:-)

I used a sample cd that you can buy in every book store that sells cd-roms.


Avatar <>
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 10:38:08 (CDT)

Who are you One armed man?

One armed man
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 10:37:07 (CDT)

josh is a fartknocker!

The Avatar <>
Springfield, MO USA - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 09:43:24 (CDT)

I don't know how one armed man knows about sword of valor 2 I haven't released it yet!

Same As Before
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 09:16:30 (CDT)

One last thing: Not that I am voting for bots, but lemme clarify what they can do.

Rikus: Bots are used on EFNet primarilly to maintain the SOPs. They have no ChanSERV service, so they need to have something that'll op them and friends when they enter. They do not only flood. What they do on DALNet is anyone's guess.

My vote is fer no, but I think you were a little misinformed.

Ken Out

Kenneth Hughes
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 09:12:07 (CDT)

Mystion: That is where you are kinda right and kinda wrong. Your wrong for the fact that we musn't be leniet with our members because it would be hypocricy. How can we tell pages to clean up when we ourselves are "dirty"? However, I have fixed the rules so that the Ranks all have equal power over the others and am updating it now. And yes, I am slightly more lenient with my mebers. One thing everyone keeps saying is either: "You're doing it for power" or "you're doing it cause you're bored" Believe me, neither are true. There are much better things to do to pass time. We are not doing it for power. We are doing it cause we do not like what is happening. Not only that, but it is GC policy. We think that not only should we clean it up, but also that we should do a fave to GC.

Thanks For Your Time.
Please go to and re-evaluate your opinion. If you have any questions, feel free to mail me @ Thanks again.

Stig Eidissen <>
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 07:36:23 (CDT)

I wonder where else than the TGF/KnP cd you get your samples. If you want a jumping/bouncing sound, it's hard to say that into sound recorder, so are there any places/program that let's you make wav files with cool effects ?

I'd also like to know where you got your samples for TSOTLS, Rikus.

Mystion <>
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 06:12:02 (CDT)

Geobusters would be a good idea, if it didn't suck. I went to your page and have concluded that you've taken a good idea to give you a power-group. You're too mean. You said if you ever cuss you're expelled? You are not at all lenient with your members, and if you aren't a patriarch, who's going to want to join? Right now, people can do whatever they want, so who wants to join a group and get their rights revoked??

Siegbert Neuhaus <>
Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 04:24:10 (CDT)

A small correction to me recently sent message.
Thanks to Ben, my homepage startup is


Rikus Kras <>
- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 02:20:00 (CDT)

Helo, I vote for non bots. I hate them, the only thing they do is flood. The only place where bots are usefull is on: efnet to keep the channel alive when nobody is there.
Kidhype: Hi:-)

The reviewers guild will be updated again this weekend, so if you want to to make a review for it, e-mail me.


- Friday, September 19, 1997 at 02:08:40 (CDT)


- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 20:52:34 (CDT)

One armed man, you must have not been very good at Final Fantasy 3 or do not know true roleplaying games.

Arkie <>
Oklahoma U.S.A. - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 19:16:42 (CDT)

I know that I am once again exposing my ignorance, but what the heck are "Bots"?

David Willis <>
Indiana University, - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 18:07:21 (CDT)

Mystion: Any bot or script that shows text on other people's windows than the users is out. I don't care if it only shows up on your Status window or somethin, but I don't want it interruptin' the chan.


Sprite <>
USA - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 17:55:30 (CDT)

What is TGM??? (I'm assuming you meant TGF.)

TGF is okay, nice, horrible if you've got a 386 and a little slow on 486s, but has more features, more bugs, and more errors and comes out at around US$120. K&P is virtually bug-free, great if you're using a 386, but has less features. I mean Less (no scrolling, no multiple-sound playing, no MCI, no full-screen, no changeable menus, not being able to place counters and text above active objects, no imaging effects, et cetera) but it also has a small price. US$10 disks from Maxis, but they're not selling it anymore, so you'll have to settle for around a rip-off US$70 (excluding S&H) from Europress.

Calrad <>
Salt Lake, UT USA - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 17:47:13 (CDT)

Which is supposed to be better out of TGM and K&P? (Cost is a factor). I am very impressed with the work that has been put on this page and would like to do the same types of thigs. I have tried the demo of K&P, and was impressed.

Siegbert Neuhaus <>
Bad Kreuznach, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 17:22:12 (CDT)

I have just opened a Klik & Play Homepage for anyone interested.

I would appreciate some response. It is K&P only.

Kenneth Hughes
- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 16:42:58 (CDT)

David: Bots ARE useless on DALnet, but not on other net's which lack CHANSERV. And sorry, but I am not limited to DALNet. However, you have made a very valid point. Why in the WORLD would you test out bot in #K&p?!?! Do this: Join #QWERTY. Ask someone in #k&p or any other channel to please come to #QWERTY and help you test it. That's it.

Every Decent Person Out there: Please check out the Geobusters' official web page @
The Geobusters is a group (consisting of FatPuffin, DJJeff, and myself.) that is dedicated to cleaning up Geocities. TO know more, please go visit the page. It has policies, rules, and how to join. We need more members so, please help.. "TAKE A BITE OUTTA CRIME"

Kenneth Hughes Out

- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 16:01:59 (CDT)

David: No one likes a script unless they have it! Hey, uh, is a script that makes it so when someone types something it calls me to mIRC illegal?

The one armed man
- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 15:47:41 (CDT)

I played Vrbasoft's Sword of Valor 2 It is great I here they are coming out with 3! I like it better Final Fantasy 3!

David Willis <>
Indiana University, - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 14:59:28 (CDT)

KidHype: Well, the new rules say that testing bots/scripts is not allowed period in #k&p. But, so far, they aren't banned completely. I don't like them at all, myself. They're darn annoying and serve no real purpose, IMHO.
But, some people do like 'em, strangely enough. They drag the dang nuisances to every channel they go to, buggin the heck out of everyone. Oh well.

So, this brings me to my point. I'd like to have this settled democratically, as I'm a capitalist sorta guy. :) Send me your votes as to whether you think bots should be allowed PERIOD on #k&p. ( Also, add anything you think should be added to the policies that pertain to insulting and degrading others, if you feel that is needed.

Well, I'll be waitin' for your votes! :)

--David "KidHype and a few others in #k&p is a lot better than a crapload of good-fer-nuffin' bots, 'tis what I say" Willis

KidHype <>
- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 14:15:15 (CDT)

Hey all,

Sprite-Thanks a million for your bug list. I can think of some other things to add in it (but it might be just me, not TGF) so I will hold off until I can verify it're alive!!!! I guess you missed my post before harassing you about your Eggit and Locked games (or you are just so mature now, you ignore me when I harass you )
I cant wait to see Dragons Tail, actually sounds intresting!

David Willis-If I come to #knp...will people actually talk about knp,tgf and c&c? I stopped going there cause everyone wanted to degrade each other and try out their bots on the channel.

Well...back to the ole gaming grindstone...oh..and for those who remember Eat & next project will probably be Eat & Run Remix (Eat and Run is a Pac Man type game of the week once on Rikus homepage)


If you havent seen or played or hated Eat & Run you can still try it at

Rikus Kras <>
- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 13:27:06 (CDT)

Hello, It looks now that dragons taill will maybe be: 6 mb zipped. auch auch yea i know but its becouse i want everything to be in the game. The 3d artists worked hard on the graphics and there are 2 large avi intro movies but they look so cool that i just had to include them and they really help the story.
Also the game has bigger levels then the other eggit games so thats taking allot of space to. The skeleton heads talk in the game so thats whats making the game large to. But all those things make the game so much fun. So i want to include everything. Also you can save with the level editor.Ohhhhh:-)
More info this weekend on the reviewers guild. Ohhh i almost can't wait to show you the game:-) It will be out....End september (maybe:-)


Jon Here <>
- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 12:12:21 (CDT)


Siggen: Character Creation Lab is very very good, I just email Europress and Corel the technique you sent me,hopefully they will take notice!

Rikus:I don't mind the size on my new 56k modem!Will there be pictures up later this weekend?

Pug:Lay of Owen and his coooool LBC2 game, firstly it rocks!And secondly you've hardly done better.I remember once you were chatting to Rikus and said that your game made in knp_-Nario-- might be Shareware, hahahaehe.

Anyone:My puzzlegame is going reasonly well, The first level is almost done and Iam thinking of a new name and story. And I havestarted yet another magazine called #'Ultimate'# It'll be up in one month's time!

Well see ya bye!

- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 10:57:09 (CDT)

BTW, is it possible for anyone to make a plugin that gives you the opportunity of altering a lot of movement options during play as : jump strength, gravity, rotating speed, accelration ++ ?

Siggen <>
- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 07:17:52 (CDT)

Yeah, it's a stupid bug. Prob' the reason that I don't add the wav files until I'm done with the rest. It also would add kb's to your game. I do add midis before I'm done - have never gotten into trouble doing it anyway.

Just to give you a note, the Champion Candidate in the KnP Contest Aracde section is now availbale for download :

- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 03:52:30 (CDT)


Rikus Kras <>
- Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 02:03:02 (CDT)

Hello, Kidhype: If you copy or paste a sound in c&c or tgf it will most of the time corrupt the sound file. Its a stupid bug and i hate it. they should fix it soon.
Chris: The new site sounds cooler then the realm. Whatever happend to that site? People dont talk about it anymore.
Ohhh well.
David: Hi how is college? When will walkerton 4 be out?

All: Dragons tail will be a big game, i am only at level 1 and the game is already 2 mb unzipped (whoops:-), so how would you all feel if the game is 4 mb zipped?


USA - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 01:22:47 (CDT)

Okay, Kid, I made a little list of all the bugs/errors I could think of. It's at

Chris <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 23:17:24 (CDT)

BrianC: Sorry! I gave you the wrong link to Sim-Fish!!!! The REAL link is

Sorry! It's not


KidHype <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 19:36:38 (CDT)

Hey all,

Does TGF Patch 1.03 fix bugs as well as add vitalize?

Sprite: I looked for your old posting of bugs in TGF in the conference rooms and either its deleted or I am looking in the wrong area. Could you please tell me where to look?

Well...hopefully Cotton will be done by next week since I am over a major hurdle thanks to Sprite and David Willis. The cool thing about this game is that its the first game where I didnt rely on ball movement or alot of the preset movement things that TGF offer (I guess its what you guys call advanced TGF programming). I learned alot by making this game but I really could use a bug list cause I am also expereincing the sound corruption bug. I need to know what causes it even though I know how to fix it.

Well...laters Klickers


- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 19:36:21 (CDT)

Christian: I would like to know the max amount of webspace you will provide. I am planning on making a huge KNP related site, which will have a vitalize arcade, games archive, postboard, etc. It'll be huge, and I need to know how much space you can give me.

Well, bye.

Oh yeah, please e-mail me the response to this message

Christian Wiehl - Yes, it finally works! But don't email it yet cuz, my server's not up full time yet :) - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 18:40:36 (CDT)

Welp, my server's almost ready to go, FINALLY got that email working. Oh yeah if somebody tried to go to my server ( at about 6 pm Silky time, please email me... I'd like to know which file you requested, my server still has a few bugs and locked up. I need to fix it :)

Welp, once my server gets up, get ready for one of the most INTERACTIVE knp sites of ALL TIME. The CGIs on this site will blow you away. Imagine having a vitalize game with a top score chart, so others can view the best players of your game on your web page. Imagine having your OWN webboard, postboard, and a counter on every page. Imagine being able to put a counter on your page as easy as typing "%counter%"

Imagine a place where you can upload your games so they are available instantly, and automatically entered into a system for public downloading, public reviewing (form based), and public voting!

Imagine no more. These are just a FEW of the features that will be on the site. This WILL happen. Very soon. Stay tuned.

- Christian

P.S. I haven't come up with a name for the knp/tgf/cnc site yet. Please send any suggestions to If that doesn't work, send it to

Sprite <>
USA - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 18:09:46 (CDT)

"Sprite:" - David

Well, you don't answer your emails, and neither does Europress ;) I emailed them to

Indigotiler/Indigotilist : You are absolutely correct. I have seen mass advertisement, all sorts of weird behavior and conversations. Martin tore down his #k&p pages because of this, and really hasn't come to #k&p anymore.

Chris <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 16:31:51 (CDT)

Rikus: No, K&P land will not replace my site. :) It will be on Christian's server, It'll just be another K&P site, biut with nearly everything that silky's has, including those older message boards you liked. :)

All: I think LBC2 was great. I don't see whats wrong with it.

KidHype <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 16:29:32 (CDT)

Just wanted to post a thank you to David Willis and Sprite. The cut and paste did corrupt my program at the beginning (meaning that events that should have worked..stopped working) but now it doesnt do that anymore and I have cut and pasted whole groups (go figure) but I will heed to the warning that accessive cutting and pasting can fry my program

About the mouse thing. Sprite, I think you were 100% correct on that one. When I replaced all my mouse events with keyboard events, I haven't had any problems other than some way out bugs which I havent been able to reproduce.

How bizarre, How bizarre.

If anyone knows where I can get a complete list of TGF bugs, please post it here on the wall.


PS-I am assuming that you d/l the file Sprite, where you able to figure out how to play without instructions?

Kenneth Hughes
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 16:14:31 (CDT)

Hey, I have no problem with that. I hope I didn't cause the exodus of your friends. Cause I kinda use my script a little. But, I don't flood. (Except that ONE time. Ask RPG. It was a long time ago.) I DETEST cussing. (but "crap" IS my favorite word. =P) And, I don't nuke. Well, mIRC is cool, and so are the ops... FOLLOW THE RULES.

They aren't that hard, guys. (or gals as the case may be)

Come on to mIRC. WAIT! Go to first.

Ready? Now. let's go to work... I mean mIRC.

Neko-Chan-^_^ Out

Don't forget to register yer nicks.
/msg Nickserv register (PASSWORD) Its that simple

See ya on mIRC.

- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 14:45:29 (CDT)

I hardly ever post on the wall,
anyway, I felt it was needed right now...
Anyway, Because of persons, comming to
the channel #k&p on iRC, we have had several ops leaving...
I think it's a very childish behavior by the persons who have made them leave, I don't feel like it's right just to come to #k&p
for arguing and use of stupid scripts...Atleast show respect, you know
who you are... Anyway...Davis is a worthy founder in my opinion... I just hope he handle all the lamers the way they should be handled... (kick ban)... anyway...sorry for this somewhat agressive post...after all...I'm loosing some of my best IRC friends..:(


David Willis <>
Indiana University, - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 13:53:34 (CDT)

Hey, I admit I've moved up in the K&P world, but I'm not exactly a head honcho around here, eh? :)

Oh, btw, in my last post, I typed my old email address by accident. Stupid me. Stupid stupid me.

Remember, new #k&p policies at


- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 13:14:03 (CDT)

I finally know why The Python posted the post. It was because he wanted to ask us why he posted it.

Alex Carnegie
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 12:44:03 (CDT)

David Willis is the new Founder? WOW!! Great. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Maybe *he'll* give me ops. ;-)

Played LBC2 , liked it (liked the first better.. but it's still very cool). It's very good, if a little buggy (there are unexplained level jumps to other locations far away , I sometimes got stuck in the scenery, etc).
The Cola Man who is scared of The Undead is another quite buggy bit (When I finally got the blanket I went up to him and it skipped to the bobbychug bit. When the bobbychug bit ended it went to the icecream bit.. I got stuck in the icecream shop. And i can't get any farther than that). Other than that it's a great game. Superb. Owen , good job. It's nice to see that other members of AP as well as Rikus are making games (god knows I should do..).



Siggen <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 10:04:21 (CDT)

Chill down, Rikus. Pug can have any opinion he wants without you setting yourself as a judge above him.

K-J N. <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 07:22:36 (CDT)

I probably wont be able to awnser my e-mail for a few days unless they are sent to my Hotmail adress.

Ben Gregory <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 06:02:00 (CDT)

Speaking of size, I'll be working on a smaller version of Space Wasters 3 over the next few days - the current 3 meg one is pretty large. This 3 meg version is the full version I will keep for my own use (only some names are changed), but there are some sound clips I can delete or replace with midi files to reduce the size.
If you've got a good ISP, though, bag the uncensored version while you can!
Here's a hint: bosses are at least 2 separate objects. Shoot the ship rather than the teacher to inflict damage.

Tommi / Absusoft <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 04:50:15 (CDT)

Just wanna inform you that we are 3 people working on Wanderer of Absu 2. The original team consisting of me and Andreas, plus a new member of Absusoft; Indigotiler (Ricke)!!! He's the best graphics-artist ever! I love his work. Ok, enough of that :)

The interface is almost done now. We are still optimising it, but so far it looks really good. We have a total of 4 locations done now. How big should the demo be? Any suggestions? And one more thing, woa 1 got a "popular"-sign on (400 downloads/week) :D

Rikus Kras <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 02:37:49 (CDT)

Hello, Chris: Why dont you just leave your website the way it is?
I liked it, there was nothing wrong with it. But maybe this new k&p thing you want to set up makes it even better. I will just wait and see:-)



Rikus Kras <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 02:33:24 (CDT)

Hello, Owen: Dont listen to pug, he hates all the games. I tought the music was just fine and really liked it. There was Nothing wrong with it. About the skipping frames thing. If you want to play the whole game right then dont play the bub 64 level and the game will go just fine. you see becouse of My mistake if you press escape in the bub 64 level the game skips to frame 54 (wrong frame)
I will fix that and upload a new version this weekend. Happy now?:-)



- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 01:28:15 (CDT)

16400 visitors!

Owen Lindsay (LBC) <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 01:26:32 (CDT)

Pug: Yes, I had some problems with music. I asked in the wall many times and on Rikus page if any one would like to make music for LBC2 and I had no response. I and none of my friends know nothing about making music.
What the heck is schala.mid?
I know nothing about it, and dont say I'm dumb becuase of that.
I think all the music fit the game, and I'm sure other people do too.
Listen, this is only my second k&p game on the net, and exxxcuuse me for it being only 'average'.
I'm sure everyone elses first few games where only at this standerd also.
I don't want to be caught up in a stupid flame war becuase of my game.
My bottom line: SOme people like LBC2, some people don't.

Owen Lindsay (LBC) <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 01:26:02 (CDT)

Pug: Yes, I had some problems with music. I asked in the wall many times and on Rikus page if any one would like to make music for LBC2. I and none of my friends know nothing about making music.
What the heck is schala.mid?
I know nothing about it, and dont say I'm dumb becuase of that.
I think all the music fit the game, and I'm sure other people do too.
Listen, this is only my second k&p game on the net, and exxxcuuse me for it being only 'average'.
I'm sure everyone elses first few games where only at this standerd also.
I don't want to be caught up in a stupid flame war becuase of my game.
My bottom line: SOme people like LBC2, some people don't.

Ben Gregory <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 00:40:54 (CDT)

Space Wasters 3 is finally here!
I've been working on this game for a loooong time, and despite sound effect losses, file corruptions, Fatal Racing and Track Attack, it's done and downloadable. Thanks for all the help and support I've had from you guys during SW3's creation - you're probably sick of hearing about it already.
For the uninitiated, though, SW3 is a Klik n Play shootemup for two players.. it has 3 levels, 3 bosses, winning and losing screens for each level, completely original graphics and music and that kind of stuff.
I've managed to find server space for the game, and you can download it from my site:
.. . .It's 3 megs.
Download it before I get busted, or the file corrupts just to spite me.

Ben Gregory

Sprite <>
USA - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 00:31:23 (CDT)

Kidhype, when I did the things you described, my game still worked. At the time. `course, now, whenever I add a Mouse condition the thing'll blow up or make another event line with the condition "BAD EVENT" and an action "- BAD EVENT". I even have a screenshot of it if you'd all like to see.

David Willis : Does your email address work? You might as well have a!

Siggen <>
- Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 00:14:15 (CDT)

guess what. Angelfire just gave me 500k extra, so now I have 700kb.

Anyway, I think I'm gonna change the URL. What do you like best?

(current :

Chris <>
- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 23:02:39 (CDT)


I'd like to announce the starting of Klik & Play Land! It's going to be like Silky's and The Realm, with a "wall" conference rooms, chat, etc. It'll also have a huge archive of games, tips, and reviews. By the way, (so I don't get flamed for no reason) this is NOT meant to be an alternative to Silky's OR The Realm. It is meant purely for your enjoyment. I still need 1 graphic artist (Jon Hill has already volunteered) and a bunch of reviewers. If you volunteer to review, I will send you the rubric to grade each game on, and you will get to choose some games. Anyway, if you have any ideas or anything, please send them to me.


Lafe Travis <>
Calgary, Alberta Canada - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 22:47:33 (CDT)

For all of those who are stuck on Venture 2:
The Venture 2 Strategy Guide is now available!


It will reveal how to find the hidden 1UPs, how to warp, and how to find all of the other hidden features in the game.

Also, check your version numbers -- Beta 1.2 has just been released, and it fixes several things. You can get it from the above page.


David Willis <>
Bloomington, Indiana - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 20:42:41 (CDT)

KidHype-- A general rule of thumb with TGF Event or Storyboard editing is this: Avoid cutting and pasting like the plague. Dunno why, but for some reason it goofs things up on occasion.

Python: No, Rpgfan won't be deopped unless he breaks the rules....again. :)


KidHype <>
- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 20:03:13 (CDT)

Hey all...really could use someones help big time. I am currently working on my first game in TGF...its a puzzle game called Cotton. I am on the verge of losing my mind. I can write the same events like 2 or 3 times in a row and have them work. On the 4th time I write the event, the event not only stop working but effects one of the events I have written. If I delete the offending event (the one that isnt working) then everything reverts back to normal. The question I pose to experienced TGF users is:

1)Does copying a whole event and pasting it cause events you write later to not work.

2)Does moving things in and out of group events cause events you write later not to work also

The only time this bizarre stuff has happened is when I have copied and pasted multiple events either in a group or outside a group.

I am at the point now that until I get an answer, I cant finish this game.

If anyone is intrested in seeing what I have done so far can d/l a copy of the file at

If anyone has any answers (like maybe just another TGF bug or maybe I am doing something wrong) please either post it here or e-mail me.



- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 18:55:49 (CDT)

Oh please say RPG will be deopped too!! PLEASE!!

David Willis <>
Bloomington, IN USA - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 17:59:40 (CDT)


Hey, all! Say hello to the new #k&p founder! :)

Yep, 'tis right. Havoc got disgustipated with all the nonesense
in #k&p and handed me the reigns. And Cragmyre's gone too.
Oh poo.

Well, that left me with some rather out of date #k&p policies, eh? So I shined and waxed 'em all up, adding and subtracting a bit to suit my whim. The new, updated #k&p policies are at:
That's where they'll be until Rikus (hi!) can get the update on his site. After all, the URL is shorter. :)

Oh, one more announcement: MusicSK has taken Cragmyre's place as an op, so listen to him, eh? Thanks.

Bye! :)

--Your friendly neighborhood #k&p founder,
David Willis

Pug <>
- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 17:50:19 (CDT)

LBC2: Like all AP (an AOL) games, it has great potential, but fails to live up to it.

I rather not get into a long list of flaws, so i'll just mention the main one:

Yes, you have neglected the most important part of a game. It'a really quite sad....
You just threw a bunch of public domain MIDs into the gamre that didn't even FIT!
Even if, for some unforseen reason, make your own MIDs, or a least get someone else to,
at least make sure that they FIT with the scene you put them in.
When I heard schala.mid playing in the family reunion frame, I almost cired it was so pathetc.
PLEASE DON'T USE SCHALA'S THEME IN VAIN! It to to horrible a crime to mention....

The bottom line:
LBC2: I standard AP game....


- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 15:36:19 (CDT)

woah... you too?

The Python
- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 15:19:52 (CDT)

I don't know why i'm posting i just am.... if you know why i am please post why.

I decide the fate or Man Kind! <>
^Above. I will now get that stupid Generated Post Notice Now, Heheh. The realm will be come as often Updated as Silky's soon! LBC2 Rules....for a KNP game saved in CNC! - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 14:15:34 (CDT)

Hi people!

How are ya all? I know I'm dnady, I just got myself a compy of the most excellent Syndicate! Aswell as that Prung (puzzle game of mine) is going strong, I think a new name is need badly..So Craig there is a sequel, I am truly pleased, kinda! OH and on LBC2 when on the beach, if you play BobbyChug 64 you end up outside after the race next to the ice creame shop!wow! and then when I go to the shop there is no exit!ahhhhhh!
ah well see ya

-Long live those things,damn what's the name.....hmmmm...ahhh-

Christian Wiehl, - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 09:42:41 (CDT)

OK, So I was wrong about Hurricane Linda. I'm sorry. However, being the alarmist that I am, I have strong reason to believe that southern california is in for an earthquake today, either at about noon PST, 3PM PST, 12 Midnight, or 3 AM. OK, you probably all think I'm really stupid. Oh well.

Charles <>
- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 09:05:23 (CDT)

Craig: I'm sure DC was attached because it took over 20 minutes to upload! I don't know what happened there, so I'll have to check it out when I get back on Friday. It finished about 10 minutes before I left, so I haven't gotten a chance to check my email since then.


Craig Jardine <>
- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 06:36:28 (CDT)

CHARLES TUMINO! You obviously went off to college before you got my email, so I'll post it here in case you check the wall.. The "Here's DC" email you sent me didn't have any attachments! you must have forgotten to attach DC to your email.. As soon as you get access to your computer again, send me it again. Thanks, Craig

Owen Lindsay (LBC) <>
- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 01:55:09 (CDT)

To all those people who think LBC2 has lots of bugs:
I just downloaded it but found a couple of bugs. If you want a bug faq or a walkthrough or anything like that, email me. The bugs are really small, and only one of them puts you at a disadvantage.

Robert K S <>
Los Angeles, California USA - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 01:37:11 (CDT)

Brian C says: "Have fun and let me know if anyone finds any practical use for it. If you notice any computational bugs please let me know. (I just caught myself a few minutes ago with the 0! factorial)"

Brain, developing your plugin into one that features nCr and nPr (combination and permutation, respectively) functions would aid tremendously in many math functions C&C is not currently capable, not the least of which would be statistical and reasoning code. I can also see use for it in the tricky "SECRET AGENT MAN" AI coding I worked on just before C&C was released. E-mail me if you want to talk about it.

Robert K S

newman <>
- Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 01:00:02 (CDT)

LBC 2 is cool! Good graphics and puzzles and plenty of secrets and stuff! It's the most fun I've had in a knp/tgf/cnc game for a while. I especially liked the multiple ending thingbob. And the BobbyChug level...:) Go the Aussies!


-= Ðeranged is on its way... Hematoma's next big thing... Or is it? =-

Craig Jardine <>
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 23:03:04 (CDT)

Tommi & Rikus - Don't you get email from shareware groups/CD makers all the time? I've had about 20 of them, but I've been to busy to follow them up and check on the conditions.. Gotta be very careful with freeware games.. Jon H - There is a sequal to Molecule Man Extreme being made in TGF at the moment. I have an early version and screenshots except I've been way too busy with uni to update the VReal pages for a while (read: a bloody long time) I'll try to do it this weekend, once I get the 2435 assignments and the EL102 exam out of the road.. Craig

- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 17:02:41 (CDT)

maybe you'd want that URL, eh?

okay : -mainpage

Siggen <>
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 16:58:39 (CDT)

Okay, a big update at Eidissen Entertainment's homepage :

- ANOTHER screenshot of Elven (makes it two then)

oh well, it wasn't that big, but many has had a request for more screenshot. Sorry I can only give you this at this moment, but there will be more soon.

And there is already multiplayer Java games and Shockwave on the net, so why not Vitalize !!!! (hm..maybe ????)

Jh once again leaping the boundaries of my modem!
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 12:36:04 (CDT)

On the beach when you talk to the man with the cola.Press shift very fast.Then touch that bonus man - This is to access the BobbyChug 64 track! thanks Rikus!

Jon Here
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 12:16:16 (CDT)

Hi all

Just read the wall quickly, and a few things have intrested me, firstly I personally think that LBC2 is much better in every aspect, also Chris, I'll help with this web site, how about the name -_ TRULY K&P! _-! Even if you don't like the name I still want to help with graphics, reviews, previews, java or anything else! And finally I would love to see a sequel to Molecule Man Extreme (I think that is the name)! Well think I better be going, see ya!

Rikus Kras <>
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 11:59:00 (CDT)

Hello, Tommi: i got the same e-mail from them, they are contacting allot people maybe its a k&p,c&c, tgf cd?
could be cool.


Carl <>
Chicago, IL US - Monday, September 15, 1997 at 10:16:21 (CDT)

Check this page out:

Its a multiplayer Shockwave game. Its also free. Corel and Vitalize/Europress should also look at this. Not only is it cross-platform but when I was playing it I had 40 other people playing with me and it was fun!!!!!

So do check it out.


Tommi / Absusoft
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 05:51:26 (CDT)

1) I joined a competition in the swedish Pc Gamer with Wanderer of Absu 1.5. Well, now it is in the magazine with screenshots and stuff and on their CD. And the readers will now vote the best of the 12 games which qualified into the magazine. Hehe... the least we can win is Carmageddon + a movie.

2) I was contacted by BDG Publishing Inc. They want to include our games on their demo/shareware CD. Lots of free advertising!

Erik Malm
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 05:10:40 (CDT)

For the sim fisch problem:
Instead of deducting 1 add 1 and when the alterable value reaches say: 10 kill the fish (or make it age)

Rikus Kras <>
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 03:55:42 (CDT)

Hello, i just tested lbc 2 again, and the game does not skip any frames. To get the cola from the old man you have to get the ball from the litle kid, to do this talk to your mom then go to the man that is standing on the beach, wait for 10 seconds, until he looks to the other side and take the thing thats next to him, now go back to the litle boy get the ball, and you will get a blanket , go to the old man, talk to him and scare him with your blanket, he will run away and you can get the cola....simple:-)

Have fun with the game,


Kevin Smets <>
Mos Eisely, Tatooine Outer Rim Territories - Monday, September 15, 1997 at 01:56:54 (CDT)

Hello everyone!

I am posting this to let you all know I won't be as vocal in the next few weeks (begin the celebrations now), as I have a list of some very patient people who have waiting for far too long to recieve a certain game by the name of "Future Fantasy".

I feel I owe it to the "Future Fantasy" list that I get it finished as soon as possible. For those on the list, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being so patient with me, but I promise the wait is almost over.

As for Klik & Play Universe at the Realm, expect little change in the next two weeks or so, as I prepare my final run with Future Fantasy. Once I return, I can pretty much concentrate ALL of my efforts on the section, which will be good news to some, and bad news to others. (Kiddin) :)

Also, FF production combined with my busy week of "Rush" activities leaves me little time for The Realm. :(

Take care everyone, and God Bless.

Kevin Smets

Owen Lindsay (LBC) <>
- Monday, September 15, 1997 at 01:07:21 (CDT)

Hi. If you have any problems with LBC2 (Finding stuff, etc Not technical stuff) Just email me.
OK that's about it. Bye.
(Oh LBC2)

Colin Marshall
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 22:59:40 (CDT)

Great job on LBC2! Kind of short, but cool nonetheless. I found Bobby's Headdgit and Basmement Monster II. Where's Owen and BobbyChug? HUH? :)

Redneck Ogle Dirtbike is coming along VERY WELL! You can even go under water, or under-mud, or something like that.


Chris again <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 21:44:02 (CDT)

Also, could somebody (even though they've been out for a while) review Sim-Fish, The Extacy, Elmo's Adventure, or Net-Edit 1.2? I haven't gotten much input on them, except for people saying that they die too fast. So, if you could *please* review these games/apps, I will be better inclined to make better sequels.

Here's the urls: (Elmo's Adventure) (Net-Edit 1.2) (The Extacy) (Sim-Fish)

Thank you all!

And lastly, I am going to make a Klik & Play website devoted 100% to K&P, C&, and TGF. It'll have all the aspects of Silky's (post board, chat, conference rooms, etc.) and tons of games, and a vitalize library. I need some artists for making graphics (backgrounds, titles, etc.) some reviewers (for the reviews section) and some other people, who I can't think of yet.

Please e-mail me if interested. I also need a name, if anyone can think of one.


Chris <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 21:37:48 (CDT)

Colin: I have gotten past it. Goto the very top of the level, and there's a guy with a metal claw-thingy. He'll eventually walk away. (if not, try walking around in the bushes) when he does, grab it. Then, get the little kid's ball from the bushes, and then use the security blanket to dress up as a ghost to grab the cola.

Has anyone found Owen or BobbyChug 64 in LBC 2?? If so, please tell me where!!

By the way, Net-Edit 1.2 is now up (the wrong zip file was uploaded) for all of you who have 1.1, please get 1.2, because it fixes the view html file bug, and it added a bunch of tags.

And, also, I need some help with coding Sim-Fish 2. Here's my problem:

************FATAL SIM-FISH PROBLEM!!!************

Each fish has it's own age value (Alterable value A) and, every 1 second, every fish gets 1 taken away from Alt. val. A. When it reaches 0 and it's a medium or small fish, it ages. If it's a big fish, it dies. Here's the problem: when the fishies age (they become a new object, perhaps that's the problem) they instantly die, because for some reason, the value is automatically set to 0. If someone could help me, I would be eternally greatful. Plus you'd get your name in the credits. Or, should I just make each fish their own object, and have the user animations 1-4 as the different ages??

Please help! But, please e-mail all responses to my e-mail address (


Colin Marshall
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 19:13:53 (CDT)

Disappointingly enough, LBC still has crippling bugs. Oy.

How do you get past the IRC4EVR section?

Can't pry the drink from the old smelly guy's hands.

- Colin -

Charles <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 18:46:16 (CDT)

Hey, folks! As Craig said, DC is done and, barring any problems, should be up at the VReal page very soon. Download it! Uh, well, I'm at school right now so I'd better go.


The Python
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 18:22:36 (CDT)

Whatever you do DON'T DOWNLOAD LBC2 YET!! I just found a HUGE bug where it skips frames and it is ANNOYING!!

K-J N. <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 16:56:42 (CDT)

It has been a while since I put a few new reviews up on my page but now I have. It's a grand total of two (oooh!) new reviews and an update to an old one (because I found a, for the game fatal, bug).

James Dougherty(Erstam) <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 16:19:38 (CDT)

Hey everyone!!

I have this small, little, pathetic Break Out game that I need some people to look at. The game is with out sound, and has very limited music.

I need to get some honest opinions on the games graphics, and basic gameplay.

The game is located at

BTW- The game is in it's simplest form right now, there is more stuff going into it in the future.

Christian Wiehl, - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 15:22:59 (CDT)

Siggen: I have been working on such a plugin that lets you play multiplayer with vitalize for my server. It's still a little clunky, and it sometimes messes up since c&c/tgf has no way of replacing spaces with plus-signs for use with a CGI. Right now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to get the vitalize app to process data returned from the cgi. Anybody have any ideas?

Internet Widget is a better alternative, and it uses compression for data transfer, making it a LOT faster. With the method above, the more players/things going on, the longer the command line in netscape/ie is for the cgi. And the CGI environment I'm working in only supports 8-bit strings, so if it's over 255 characters, the cgi crashes and returns an error. Another problem.

- Christian

Brian Cardarella <>
Wrentham, MA USA - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 13:54:09 (CDT)


The source code for the plug-in is up: (40kb)

I've commented out most of the stuff that has been changed, deleted or added. I don't know if you can open it with Visual C++ 4.0, but you can open it with 5.0.

Brian Cardarella

Rikus Kras <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 12:07:12 (CDT)

Hello, I am still really sorry that i could not update my hp.
But i did upload Lbc 2 after 6 hours of beta testing and destroying bugs and fixing the game. Everything is fixed now and the game rules. I can tell you its much longer then lbc 1
better graphics cool music and rules check it out.

Have a nice day.


- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 09:19:32 (CDT)

excactly, small mutliplayer apps. A racing game could get below 200k. I wasn't talking Diablo here.

Brian Cardarella <ditrREMOVECAPS>
Wrentham, MA USA - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 08:54:25 (CDT)

Sorry, I forgot how The Wall handles less than/greater than symbols. I was commenting on Siggen's:

"Because that is the only reason to play games online. And that you don't have to download them, they end up in your cache which is deleted after a while."


Brian Cardarella <>
Wrentham, MA USA - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 08:52:34 (CDT)

Siggen wrote:


This might apply for very small Ping Pong ©®™ (did I get all of them?) fame or something that size but I wouldn't want to keep downloading a very large multi-player games. (which will soon be able to be done) It would make more sense to have them reside locally on your HD.


Siggen <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 07:13:19 (CDT)

The modem widget sounds like a nice idea, but has someone made a cgi bin script that allows multiplayer with Vitalize? Because that is the only reason to play games online. And that you don't have to download them, they end up in your cache which is deleted after a while.

I've also had an idea for Sim-Fish 2. The fishes are "ranked" by their strength as in real life, and the "fish boss" controls the others. If they a fish do not obey his orders/steal his food, he would eat the other fish. And each fish has a strength value. If to strong fishes mate, you would get a very strong fish (also depends which food you give it). You could also have another funtion to slap each fish if they have done something, like using the whole tank as a bathroom instead of the bottom. And it would also be nice if you could give each individual food instead of dropping a lot down.

Another great asset to Sim-Fish could be different tanks with different enviroments. The "nice-guy" tanks, the "mate" tank, the "prison" tank and the "bad-guy" tank. And fishes would develop different from which tank they are in, and you could move them from one tank to another.

With all this new function, you also would have to dramatically decrease the speed though.

- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 07:10:40 (CDT)

Let's say i made the next top selling game with c&c and wanted to sell it in shareware for the big$$$$ But what would i have to do to sell it shareware i know all about the logo. I'm talking more along the lines of the state like slaes tax and do i have to be a business to sell them i know there is a difference from state to state so tell me about a ballpark figure on what i'm faceing can one of you give me a name of a goverment office where i could get more info
(P.S.) sorry about all the type'os miss spells and not useing caps

london, london magic america - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 04:48:56 (CDT)

for a minute there I lost myself

Christian Wiehl, - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 03:31:59 (CDT)

The Modem Widget page has been ONCE AGAIN updated! This update now has a workaround for the crashing of the Ball Demo when you click start. Thanks, Chris P, for pointing this out!

^v^ ^v^

Craig Jardine <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 02:14:15 (CDT)

Mr Cat - The worst thing in this case is that you seem to be making "your children" out to be mindless.. Surely you have taught them (and continue to stress) the difference between "make-believe" and "reality".. If your children are younger, then shielding them from such stuff is fine. If they're getting towards 10-11, then I suggest you allow THEM to differentiate between real and imaginary, as it's an important stage in cognitive growth.. The key word here is "guide", not "push"... On remotely K&P related stuff, Destruction Carnival should be coming soon (says he with baited breath).. Craig

Siggen <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 02:09:00 (CDT)

Well, Mr. Cat, instead of criticising video games, you should care more about videos. The only games that can "make" you violent is those 3d first-person perspective violent games as Doom and Quake. Anway, tell me what you think of the Character Creator.

Siggen <>
- Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 00:49:58 (CDT)

It's bigger, it's badder, it's it isn't, but it is at least working now thanks to our thrustworthy Shep, thanks Shep ;)

Character Creation Lab Preview can be found at

If you have any chance, go to the mainpage. You'll find a link to vote on us as the best Angelfire site. So vote if you can.

Well, glad someone else get's a grip of the reviewing. 5 in graphics is nothing more than Paladin earns. Can't comment the rest of the review, because the file zip I downloaded didn't work.

Brian Cardarella <>
Wrentham, MA USA - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 21:35:31 (CDT)

I have posted a demo and documentation about Brian's Fabulous Factorial Plug-In (aren't you getting sick of hearing that by now... me neither) at:

I'm going to comment a bunch of the source code. Once I do I'll upload that as well.

And once I figure out how to create the Edit Expression Editor box instead of the dinky slide-bar I'll put it in. (if anyone knows how to please e-mail me)

Brian Cardarella

Ben Gregory <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 20:46:08 (CDT)

Hullo. Minor homepage update - the link 'perhaps just one more' to the groovy file 'classic.mid' on my page now works, and there's a review of Paladin. (the creator is going to kill me..)

Judging by all this talk of killing cats, my brother's current project Satan Racing might encounter some resistance when it's done.. it's all intended to be a joke though, and no-one will have to download it.

I've finally finished Space Wasters 3, although it's 3 levels rather than 4. My trouble now is that it's too big to fit on the 2 megs of space I have at

Captain Obvious <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 19:10:13 (CDT)

Okay, name change, my game is no longer name The Stage Murder Direcetive, It's now called The Dynasty Stone Directive, I still need an animator, I have a sound guy and my team is almost complete, I just need a "half-good" animator, if you are interested e-mail me at

Christian Wiehl, - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 18:32:22 (CDT)

Hello, sorry for another non-knp related post, but I'm trying to warn as many people as possible. This message goes out to everyone in southern california and northern mexico.

Hurricane Linda will be the first hurricane ever to hit california. The last storm to hit us of comparable magnitude was a tropical storm that hit san diego in 1939. Linda, however, is a LEVEL 5 HURRICANE, the strongest you can get.

I used to intern for a weatherman on the news when I lived back in North Carolina. Thus, I learned a great deal about weather prediction, and hurricane prediction. I firmly believe that we are going to get POUNDED by hurricane linda. You can expect it to start raining monday. I think the EYE of the hurricane will pass about 30 miles north of San Diego on Wednesday at midnight (PST). San Diego, Tijuana, and their surrounding areas will be hit the worst, while everyone within a 300 mile radius can expect large amounts of rain, flash floods, high winds, power outages, and tornadoes.

The reason I'm posting this here is because there are several people from southern california here, and the tv news is completely downplaying it. I believe this is because it would cause mass-chaos if the media told the people what would REALLY happen.

I've created a map of where I think the hurricane will be, and at what times, you can see this map at

OK, thanks for listening...

- Christian

Christian Wiehl, - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 18:25:29 (CDT)

Mr Cat, I think you misunderstood my response. I was implying that INSTEAD of trying to "clean up" video games, we SHOULD be concentrating on keeping kids off the streets.

I would VERY MUCH prefer that a child be SAFE AT HOME playing THE MOST VIOLENT GAME ON EARTH than be out in the streets, or playing with a gun.

- Christian

Andy Hull <dfh3@knownet. net>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 16:53:09 (CDT)

Gus is out.
its a side scrolling game where you are a squirell that can get an uzi. Try it! onne level demo

Acehull out----

Andy Hull <dfh3@knownet. net>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 16:52:56 (CDT)

Gus is out.
its a side scrolling game where you are a squirell that can get an uzi. Try it! onne level demo

Acehull out----

K-J N. <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 16:22:56 (CDT)

My page now has a new "links" section, check it out since there is more than just KnP links. If you want your page added just mail me.

- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 14:08:32 (CDT)

Moving again...

"100% Product" now has a brand new site at:

Chromewave is based in the U.S, so most of you should get better download speeds from this URL.... and there's no bandwidth limit on this site, so I won't fall out with my internet provider any more every time I release a new game ;-)

In honour of the move, the site has had a major design overhaul (including a new vitalized music gadget), and "Bugfest" now has pride of place on the downloads page (so if you haven't already been tempted by the rave reviews, NOW is the time to go and download it!)

eek.. I almost lapsed into unmitigated hype there... :-)



Mystion <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 14:08:31 (CDT)

Mr. Cat, anyone that believes that these games are real obviously has a problem. You're reminding me of my grandma! She says she hates Wolfenstein because it depicts the death of people, graphically. However, she has no problem with me reading or watching Schindler's List because that's about something that REALLY happened. Well, in Wolf, it's about something that really happened, just in an entertaining way. If I play a game like Doom, Wolf, or Duke, I don't sit there thinking muwahahaha this game gives me an idea, I sit there thinking, now how do I get out of this level, still finding the secrets..oh sh*t, it's a shambler! In fact, most people I know think the same way. If someone plays games like that while writing down the different methods of death, it's obvious that they should be locked up!!

Well guys, I just started drawing some graphic depictions of death in KNP, because I felt that my mind has been perverted. Now wheres that list of weapons i had?..

- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 14:04:29 (CDT)

I have completed a little demo of my new game, expect details next week, demo ,screenshots and story

Siggen <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 13:32:05 (CDT)

The wy you think, Mr. Cat, is correct, but the fact that you react in a game where cats are killed, should make all of us call you Cat, just Cat.

Mr. Cat
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 13:22:37 (CDT)

You think your all so smart don't you? Taking bad games off computer will help to take bad stuff of the streets. Where do you think people get these ideas. Games teach us that guns give you respect. All they do is make you go to jail, or you get blown away. I don' think it's safe to control EVERY aspect of my children, but I feel, at this point, they lack the maturity to play these games. Games create a sense of realism, much more than comics, or Televison. They allow people to participate in the wonder, fun, or in this sick man's case, violence. Stop it, Kenneth! Grow up!

Captain Obvious <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 13:14:35 (CDT)

Well, 3 people have joined my quest for an adventure game where you think before you shoot, so far, I have two artists, and one guy I'm not sure what he does yet, I still need some half-good animators, and I need them bad to work on "Jason Malloy, P.I. In: The Stage Murder Directive" don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail or ICQ me UIN: 1093240

"Help me obi-wan kenobi, you're my only hope"

Siggen <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 12:02:47 (CDT)

I've never understood why people think it's great with many frames. I always try to keep them to a minimum - as my game Cone - only 2 frames. Players have thought if was several.

Rikus Kras <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 11:27:41 (CDT)

ps: I wanted to say to owen: Lbc 2 is great and you did a great job with it. Good work.

Rikus Kras <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 11:26:33 (CDT)

Hello, Well i have some bad news: I got sick last night. Snif snif. And just got out of bed so that means that i could not update my hp. I did wanted to upload lbc 2, but the game has allot of bugs that i have to fix before i can release it, the game has over 70 frames (not kidding) and its real long and much better then lbc 1. I will try to fix all the bugs in the game before the weekend is over. So check for lbc 2 tomorow. I will upload some pictures of dragons tail next week.

Come to irc!!!!!!

- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 06:57:10 (CDT)

Hi, there is a chance that the GFP pages won't be updated today due to a:) downloaded Microsoft Frontpage 98 beta and want to use it! If anyone else wants to make good web sites - -

It's quite big though 20 megs! but it's worth it! it's all free, full product!

b:)I haven't exactly finished them, you see I tinkered around with frames, I hate them now and I finally have a nice idea and it will probably take me another week to finish so next week will be twice updated!

well gotta go ppl!

- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 04:28:47 (CDT)

thank you
if any one else has a pug in let me know
hey silky could you put up a plug in page where you can down load plug ins thank you
o yeah (P.S.)
xvyy gur pngf

Owen Lindsay (LBC) <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 02:01:56 (CDT)

Uh...that's it. Just go download it!

Owen Lindsay (LBC) <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 02:01:52 (CDT)

Uh...that's it. Just go download it!

- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 01:21:26 (CDT)

sorry - with netscape you'll have to check every ccn file in cache

- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 01:20:52 (CDT)

I've uploaded the file and checked the html tag, and everything seems to be just fine (you can check yourself) - but I get a read error myself. If you want to see it, open the ccn file in your browser. If you have IE it's easy, open ccl1adv.ccn in one of the cache folders. With Netscape, you'll have to check every file in cache.

Brian Cardarella <>
Wrentham, MA USA - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 00:59:56 (CDT)

Just a quick note on the new plug-in. You have to use the 32-bit version of C&C in order to use the plug-in. Sorry.

Brian Cardarella

Hello all!!
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 00:58:42 (CDT)

[On IRC #gfp #K&P]

Hi everyone,
How are you all?, I know I'm just fine!

Anway I only have a few things to say so I'll make them short,

Rikus: Can you please release some pictures of Dragon Tails, it's becoming hard to keep hearing how great it will be and not being able to see any evidence, thanks.
Silky: Am I right in thinking that Silky's is being updated more as of late?
Tommi: Nice work on Woa! I am off to check out Woa2! Oh and has the parcel arrived yet?

Oh and one last thing, the GFP pages will be updated like normal tonight with great stuff!
see you later ppl!

AGiES <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 00:50:21 (CDT)

Your Vitalized pages don't work. I beleve that they weren't uploaded properly because I get a read error.

Brian Cardarella <>
Wrentham, MA USA - Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 00:48:29 (CDT)


I just completed my first C&C Plug-In. Called:

Brian's Fabulous Factorial Plug-In.

It isn't as "fabulous" as it would seem. In fact, you can do this through C&C, it just takes a few conditions. Not to mention that the C&C method is very slow. However, plug-in is not slow at all. Anyway, this was just a "baby-step" for myself in creating C&C plug-ins.

Well, now that I've hyped this what the heck is a factorial? Well '3!' is a factorial. '6!' is factorial. What does that mean?

3! = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6
6! = 6 * 5 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 180

While its purpose might not be as clear-cut as the Square Root plug-in... who cares? We've got another plug-in! =^D

Right now when assigning a number to factorialize (?) you have to use the slider bar. No Edit Box, yet. The Edit Box is kind of a pain to get to work. So until I do you'll either have to stick to a static number or manually typing in the reference to the object. An example would be:

set("Counter 1") to Factorial( "Factorial", value( "Counter 2" ) )

I should have the documentation and examples up by tomorrow morning. And if anyone wants it, the source code. But for the time being you can download the single plug-in file: fact.cox and stick it into you C&C directory. The zip file is 48 kb. Go grab it at:

Have fun and let me know if anyone finds any practical use for it. If you notice any computational bugs please let me know. (I just caught myself a few minutes ago with the 0! factorial)

Brian Cardarella

- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 00:40:18 (CDT)

If you haven't it's at in the Vitalized section. It's a Vitalized small demo.

- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 00:36:26 (CDT)

have anyone a solution to my Vitalize problem (scroll a bit down), or at least have the same problem?

and has anyone of you seen the Character Creaton Lab? Tell me what you think.

Craig Jardine (Virtually Real) <>
- Saturday, September 13, 1997 at 00:06:42 (CDT)

Hmm.. One interesting thing to see is that apparently killing humans in a computer game doesn't raise an eyelid, yet the mere mention of killing cats has self-righteous ultra-protective "concerned citizens" such as Mr Cat completely up in arms about it.. My little "project", USR, contains the butchering of cute things (smiley faces), copious quantities of blood, satanic references and swearing in both text and audio form, yet I bet it won't cause as much furore as Ken's ASPCA.. The Internet is the last bastion of commonsense and freedom on the internet, and it should definately not play second-fiddle to political correctness as the rest of the world continues to do. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably the nicest guy you'll ever meet in real life, but trying to stop people being themselves (except when their actions are illegal) is wrong. Flame me if you like, whoever disagrees with me.. Craig

Christian Wiehl, - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 22:48:36 (CDT)

Mr Cat:

Hello, I just wanted to comment on this whole cat issue. I am the co-author of an supreme-court brief regarding the issue of Freedom of Expression online. The brief's purpose was to influence supreme-court justices in their decision on the ACLU vs Reno case (If you want to read the text of our brief, visit

I believe that any person has a right to make any kind of game they want to. As was said earlier, there are many games involving the senseless killing of HUMANS, and nobody's complaining about that.

Also, there is not sufficient information to judge the game yet. Perhaps the player is being attacked by lions and must defend him/herself. We simply don't know.

I think to protect children from violence we need to concentrate on keeping guns out of school and kids off the streets, rather than concentrating on a game about killing cats.

As to the comment "if we ignore the problem...," I can only reply that I see no problem here. If a person finds a game objectionable, they should not download it, and write to the author and file a formal complaint, rather than trying to cease the production of the game and causing all those who may just enjoy such a game to not even have the chance to try it.

Please do not construe this as a flame. I am a staunch liberal, and feel very strongly on the subject of cyber-freedom. If you want to discuss this further, please e-mail me at And please do not bombard me with messages.

Christian Wiehl

P.S. Sorry everyone if you don't wanna read this. Mr. Cat didn't leave his e-mail address, so I had to post it here.
BTW Visit the MODEM WIDGET PAGE! It's been updated! Make multiplayer games with the tool at !!!!

sprite/gfp <>
USA - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 18:40:12 (CDT)

Tommi : Information on K-lines? Go to I think it usually is resolved in two or three days. More information to (Or, perhaps telnet to IRC telnet://

Rikus : I'm wondering if LBC 2 going to be an AP game or an AP-member game. (?)

Captain Obvious <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 16:03:03 (CDT)

I still need alot of people to help me with "Jason Malloy, P.I. In: the Stage Murder Directive" I have about 3 people now and that's including me, I need, well, if you can do something that would be a help to my game and you have c&c mail me at or find me on the k&p channel on DALnet

"Danger's like Jello, there's always room for more"-Tex Murphy, P.I.

Mystion <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 15:29:20 (CDT)

Okay, who cares about killing cats? Let's kill Tamagotchi's!!! Try the TRAUMAGOTCHI at this awesome site!

Siggen <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 14:41:51 (CDT)

Excuse the mails from me lately, but here comes another bug report/crying out for help.

Tobester says that just by saving a game often, you can easily add 2mb file size to a CnC game. Does this count for TGF, and is there any way this can be avoided?

- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 14:36:18 (CDT)

Somethings is wrong with Vitalize! here's my story :

First, when I got Vitalize!, I installed it on my Netscape 3.01 GOLD. It worked fine until I began to get a message that "netscape has to launch netscape.exe in order to view a document" if a vitalize file was embeddeb. I could launch it, but it woudn't work. The only advice Europress could give me was to install it on a new browser.

Which I did. I got Internet Explorer 3.02 and installed Vitalize. It worked fine. Until today. I got a message "error while opening file", and now it happens all the time. I have installed it again in both cases, and haven't got a clue what's wrong.
I believe that the Vitalize plugin were still too young to be released in may.

It's a very big bug, and others have the same problem.

Jonathan Hill
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 13:13:38 (CDT)


Whoooohoooo! I'm bacccccckkkk!!!!yeah! I had the coolest trip in America!
Well gotta go ppl, must read the wall!

Kenneth Hughes
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:44:16 (CDT)

I can't stand this! Mr. Cat is sending me 20 Messages! Its annoying. I try to treat people with respect and they spit in my face. Luckily, I have a Mail Filterer.

KH Out

Mr. Cat
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:23:17 (CDT)

Ignoring the prbolem won't make it go away! I'll see you in the mailbox, Kenneth!

Kenneth Hughes
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:20:28 (CDT)

Okay, I understand that you want to "shield" your kids from this. Here's an idea: Instead of complaining about it, don't download it! This ends here. Stop wasting Wall space!

KH Out

Siggen <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:19:01 (CDT)

A preview of the fantastic Character Creation Lab is AVAILABLE !!! Go to Eidissen Entertainment homepage at

and...yes! the ctrl+c and ctrl+v code for pasting and copying does work better as mentioned.

Anyway, I get a message "error while opening file", but since I've checked the html tag over and over again I think it has to be something wrong with the always-buggy Vitalize version. And of course, ArtHouse has put a false link to the 32-bit Vitalize version. Nice job!

So go to the Vitalized! section and to Character Creation Lab to see this assaum program.

The load/save function won't be available in the Vitalized version.

Sorry to post this twice - it was an important message - uh...and all these post that has comed could do so that someone don't see the message.

Mr. Cat
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:18:55 (CDT)

Kenneth, I don't care if you think that people will like you if you take this fight elsewere. I am not moving! A game in which you mutilate cats is no game for me, nor my children! If people would stop realesing this kind of crap, the world would be so much better!

Jonnathan Kyla
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:16:06 (CDT)

Thank you very much for your consideraton, Kenneth. Reading the trashy flames tires me out. I'll get yer game when it comes out, regardless of what Matthew says.

- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:15:36 (CDT)

Well with Character Creation Lab you won't have to drop so low that cats are in your game.

ps. that was a joke

Kenneth Hughes
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:14:04 (CDT)

Wasting Silky's space with such grime embarasses me. People kill people in games. Do you complain? Nope. I don't want to carry this on any further so I'll save the inhabitants of the wall some trouble. Matt, send yer stuff to my e-mail adress Okay? I don't want to force the great people to read this.

Kenneth Hughes Out

Nasser <>
KL, WP Malaysia - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:12:12 (CDT)

hey!!! anybody out there tell me how to make your game screen
scroll when you go to the edge of the screen!!!

Also can anybody tell me where to get Click and Create!!!!!!

Matthew Smith <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:11:14 (CDT)

No, you need to grow up and stop your childish boyhood fantasies of killing cats, you lamer!

Matthew Smith

Kenneth Hughes
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:09:59 (CDT)

Please grow up. Its a game. I love cats, too. It a game.

Matheww Smith <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:09:07 (CDT)

A cat killing game? That sucks! Who would make such a game?!?

Mr. Cat
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 12:07:38 (CDT)

Okay this is $%#@%!!!! How come that guy can make a Cat-killing game. Sure this is a free country but I think we should do something about it! Don't download it! Don't put it on your site Silkys! This is pathetic!

Mr. Cat

- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 11:42:53 (CDT)

sorry to not mention that the save/load function won't work in the Vitalized preview.

Siggen <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 11:39:11 (CDT)

A preview of the fantastic Character Creation Lab is AVAILABLE !!! Go to Eidissen Entertainment homepage at

and...yes! the ctrl+c and ctrl+v code for pasting and copying does work better as mentioned.

Anyway, I get a message "error while opening file", but since I've checked the html tag over and over again I think it has to be something wrong with the always-buggy Vitalize version. And of course, ArtHouse has put a false link to the 32-bit Vitalize version. Nice job!

So go to the Vitalized! section and to Character Creation Lab to see this assaum program.

- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 11:08:32 (CDT)

I have been k-lined from Dalnet for no reason!!! Why!? Who did this to me????? How long does it to remove the ban? Arrgghh...

- Tommi

spoon! <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 09:11:45 (CDT)

Spoon! here
And I would like to know where. I can get plug in's for c&c? I want them
for what ever they do. Any plug in's you have send them to me. Tell me where i can go on the net and get them. Any at all.
about c&c 2 no 3d no network sounds like a bad try to sell us something we allready have next time try changeing more then the name and that wasn't changed alot
if it has something new let me know

Mystion <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 06:10:54 (CDT)

Agies or whoever: I find nothing wrong with typing in that whole thing, because I never do it. I don't know about anyone else, but I highlight it, and hit ctrl+c, click on my location panel, and hit ctrl+v and voila, there it is. Less than ten seconds. Then it takes me about 10 seconds to get to the Geocities server, rather then go through monolith's little throw-ahead. IT STILL USES TWO SERVERS.

Rikus Kras <>
- Friday, September 12, 1997 at 02:46:39 (CDT)

Hello, okay so you did not hear of any new games released for sometime made by ap. But silence can be a good thing. Becouse ap is almost coming back with allot of games and we are starting this weekend with: Lbc 2 made by owen. This game has even better graphics then the first part and great gameplay. It will be out this weekend, and at the momend i am beta testing it. Dragons tail was delayd becouse it takes a long time to draw all the graphics and becouse allot of people are working on the game it takes even longer but thats a good thing. There is allot of code to. Dragons tail will be done around the beginning of october.

Well i am going to work on dragons tail again.


Siggen <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 23:36:25 (CDT)

Yes, Character Creation Lab does animate the characters - except the adventure guy.

And if you mean that most people can draw pictures, then I'm guessing it's those where you can't really see if it's a hotdog or a guy.

Chris <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 22:31:52 (CDT)

Well, I have been working more and more on Sim-Fish 2, and it's going great! I have made over 5 fishies, and each one is uniquely different. i.e. the cheaper fishies die sooner, but move a bit faster, more expnsive fishies move slower, but live a lot longer, etc. I will update my page with a preview and screenshot of it. Basically, it's the same interface. Point and click with hugely optimized menus, where you can buy fish, pills, etc. Plus, each action has a hotkey now, so instead of using the mouse, you can ALSO use the hotkeys (Ctrl+1-6) which will feed, flush, clean, etc. You will make money by selling your fishies. So then you buy more fishies, sell them, etc.

And, the Suggest-o-Matic is up! Please, somebody suggest something for a PSI game! If we like your idea, we use it!!!!!!

- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 20:08:15 (CDT) still seems to be down, nothing works at all. It just takes you to a page that says error?

Area51 Productions (when it works)

Chris <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 18:58:10 (CDT)

Suggest-o-Matic is now up! Please goto and suggest something to PSI!

Derek Cross <>
St.Louis, Missouri USA - Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 17:16:24 (CDT)

hello, okay, I'll get right to it, I'm creating a game called "Jason Malloy, P.I. In: The Stage Murders Directive" and let's just say, I need help, since I hardly ever read the wall and all I own is K&P I'm searching for people who have TGF, can, animate, sounds, are artists, and anything else you think I may need. Since I never view the wall much just mail me at
Please help, I'm desperate

Tommi / Absusoft
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 17:11:49 (CDT)

Ok... I have uploaded a new screenshot of Wanderer of Absu - Episode 2. This screenshot is an actual screenshot from the game, and not just a dumb map (even if looked great:). It shows the first location in the game where you start. Go there, the graphical quality is great! This is propably going to be released as shareware. But we will release a demo as big as WoA1. If you want the rest of the adventure you have to pay 10$. And that's not much. The url is, or without the Let me know what you think.

Kennif Huuze <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 17:06:26 (CDT)

Okay, anyone that likes Cats, Animals, or is a part of the ASPCA, please skip this post.


I am making a new game called ASPCA in which you brutally kill cats. It'll be horribly violent. Don't get me wrong, I love cats. I have one. (And will be using my camera to get graphics off of her)But It'll have like, a million weapons. And lotsa blood. One problem, I CAN'T DRAW WORTH CRAP!!!! COuld someone please send me or draw me a topview running cat? It'd be eternally grateful.

Kenneth Huhges
"You might think I expect too much. It's only because I receive so little."

Check out PSI's Page, which has been recently updated.

AGiES <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 14:14:20 (CDT)

Must you be so annoying and post atleast 3 times in a row? Second, does your character creation thingy animate the characters? If not, youre screwed!! Most people can draw ok but when it comes to animation thats where the problems come in. Third the sites work fine. And no they arn't any slower than going there. All it does is re-directs your browser to the actual url. Would you rather type than ?

Thank You


- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 11:40:08 (CDT)

Now listen up, Santa, and everyone else. Just stop using those stupid sites, at least give us the real URL too !!!! Half of the sites I'd tried to enter have only given me an error message! And it goes slower too IF it get's right, because I have to go through a server. Believe me, I don't think it gives you any advantage at all.

Santa Claus <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 11:27:21 (CDT)

We now have our OWN message board !!

Please use it :)

It's at:

PS. And a Chat room !

Siggen <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 11:15:10 (CDT)

I know, Tommi, but the reason and the other places put it there, was because it was at HappyPuppy. To get a game in any of the places without submitting it to any of the places would require on of two things (or both) :

- a strong name that the places checks your sites regulary for new games.

- a really good game that get players writing the places to add them or something.

Tom x2
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 08:20:22 (CDT)

Siggen, that's right. Whoever could get a game into HappyPuppy if they informed them about it. (But I didn't submit WoA to or any of the other places:)

- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 08:18:53 (CDT)

Hmm, I have uploaded a pic of me to my page... It's kinda funny, you gotto see it :)
Can be found on (And sorry for the double-post...).

Siggen x3
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 07:16:06 (CDT)

The real question is not who get's the next game in HappyPuppy, but who's game will be there without anyone SUBMITTING it, only that HappyPuppy get's to hear about it ! Now that's a task! (you have to get known first, WoA 2 might be discovered)

Siggen again
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 07:13:36 (CDT)

I believe the graphics you can integrate would score 8 or 9 at the Reviewers Guild, and I'll make it very easy to import it into a TGF/KnP game.

Siggen <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 07:12:13 (CDT)

okay, the Character Creaton Lab is very easy to use. When you start it, a menu pops up (after the title screen). You can choose what you want to make. An RPG, Adventure og Platform character. In the RPG/Platform you only get to choose three different body parts - head, feet and his body in between that. In Adventure, you get 7 options : hair, nose, eyes, mouth, head, stomach /w arms and feets. This is mainly because of the way adventure characters are build up.

Anyway, this info should do it, because in a day or two, CCL1 will be here, and even I may be using it myself ;)

Absusoft <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 03:56:46 (CDT)

Listen up! I have made a preview-page of Wanderer of Absu - Chapter 2: Crystal Fear. Read all the info and have a look at the first screenshot ever! The graphical quality of this game is incredibly. If you don't believe me, or just want to check the preview out, go to

- Tommi

Absusoft <>
- Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 03:54:03 (CDT)

Listen up! I have made a preview-page of Wanderer of Absu - Chapter 2: Crystal Fear. Read all the info and have a look at the first screenshot ever! The graphical quality of this game is incredibly. If you don't believe me, or just want to check the preview out, go to

- Tommi

Christian Wiehl, - Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 23:56:25 (CDT)

Oh yeah, sorry for another post.
The Modem Widget page is

For those of you who DON'T know, Modem Widget lets you make multiplayer games with C&C/TGF.

- Christian Wiehl

Christian Wiehl, - Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 23:55:12 (CDT)

Speaking of Modem Widget, I just updated its home page. It has information about the new features of Modem Widget (including the COMPRESSION rumor that was floating around), as well as the upcoming INTERNET WIDGET program.

I will begin accepting sign-ups for the website as soon as my server is up full time (another week or two or three). Pretty much everybody who send me email will get one though... :)

- Christian

Chris <>
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 23:31:05 (CDT)

Andy Hull: To submit to happypuppy, e-mail

Christian: When will you acxcept signup things for your site?

Mdark: The link to easy html doesn't work on your site

Siggen: Please tell me more about Character Maker!

My page will be updated soon... with reviews! Yes, PSI will finally get some more reviews out besides that crusty old review of Eggit Gold. I will try and get inspired and Ken Hughes will also review.

Help Please! I need some more fishies for Sim-Fish 2: The Fishies Return. It will have the same basic look, and many more options. Except I won't be able to implement a "buy a bigger tank" feature, because it would be way too hard, since having 3 different bowl sizes would be hard, since they are so big. Unless, if someone could tell me how...

I also need a 3d artist who can make a side-view fishy swimming around in a circle for the title screen.

Also, I will upload the "Suggest-o-Matic" which lets you have a word in what PSI games will contain! Yipee!

Ah yes, and welcome Max Cooper to the ranks of PSI!

Well, see ya all later

Christian Wiehl, - Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 22:43:33 (CDT)

I've made a game for modem widget! Then again, I've made modem widget, too....

- Christian

Andy Hull <>
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 20:54:05 (CDT)

I fixed my email
how do you submit a game to Happy Puppy????
i combed the site and couldnt figure it out.


- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 17:55:34 (CDT)

Guess what!?! My homepage has been updated agian. A review for Duckie Runk and a new link. Check it out.

Area51 Productions (not working right now for some reason)

- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 16:50:40 (CDT)

Don't forget Siggen, your also God, BOWDOWN!!! :)

Area51 Productions

- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 15:04:12 (CDT)

This is the last post about it, but I just have to tell that when I surfed the net I found WoA on Gamescenter too! On their main-page :) Here are all the urls:

Rikus Kras <>
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 12:09:24 (CDT)

Tommi: Hey great job on woa. Maybe we will see it on pc-format next month:-)

The dragons tail release date has been moved to:
On the end of september maybe later.

Well mmm thats it for now.

ps: Worms 2 demo is out and it rules;-)
Come to irc.

Siggen x3 <>
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 10:42:19 (CDT)

the preview page (info on elven's there) :

and Tommi : you should keep it cookin' and get a new game out soon, or else the visitor numbers would fade quickly. Get WoA 2 - at least a preview - out FAST ! (but still try to make it longer). Remember, bookmarkers of freeware sites doesn't bother to keep a bookmark for long. You should also think of other ways to keep you "high flying". I'm already planning the strategy for releasing Elven ;)

Siggen <>
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 10:39:28 (CDT)

And I forgot to say : you must play final fantasy or another SNES RPG to see how the monsters should be. They are not animate, just pictures with a straight on view in about 50x50 size, well the size varies. Anyway, if you haven't seen an FF-style RPG, then you must do so first to see how the monsters should be.

- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 10:37:53 (CDT)

If I submit it, I can guarantee that HappyPuppy will accept Elven - when it comes out. Oh well, a lot of guys has asked me to help with it, and I could need a few monsters for the battlemode. I've already made a mushroom-monster and an eagle-monster, but I would like more. I would love to see your work.

Well, I am nearly done with the "Character Creation Lab", and I think it will be a great asset to everyone out there! If no. 1 is a hit, I'll make a much bigger 2nd version shareware with a freeware demo with the same size as CCL1. It wasn't much work, but I think I'll even make one myself.

Well, I'm good at ideas I guess, and I'm decent at MIDIs, graphics and coding - I'm the all-round klikker !! ;)

K-J N. <>
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 09:05:54 (CDT)

Although Wandrer of Absu isn't the first K&P game on Happypuppy you might have started a trend here. Brian Kents Flipzo, Othello 2000 and Pachinko are now downloadable from happypuppy as well. Who's game is next?

- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 08:36:39 (CDT)

Whoohoo! Wanderer of Absu 1.5 is now on and! I don't know how it gets on all these sites!!! Must be because HappyPuppy had it on their site and everyone saw it and put it on their site. Noone has said a bad word about it. I don't mean to be mean or anything when I am telling you this but I think it's fun that a K&P-game got this far! And Indigo, it's ok :) It's my fault as well...

WoA is now on: Lord Soth's, HappyPuppy, and GamesOutpost... Might be some more.. gotta go seeking. Bye :)

Indigo madeafoolofmyselfagain Tiler
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 06:06:22 (CDT)

Oooops, don't blame tommi for the hit 100 mistake,
it was my fault! hehehe...just hope he'll forgive me or somthin...
well..peace...keep looking for WoA 2:)


Mystion <>
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 06:00:17 (CDT)

Tommi, you're just bubbling over with popularity!
So NO ONE out there has made a modem widget game? wow.

- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 02:08:17 (CDT)

Sorry it was Gameoutpost, located at

Tommi / Absusoft
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 02:07:14 (CDT)

Whoohoo! When I surfed the net I found Wanderer of Absu on Gamezone's site! Go to and check it out! It's great, it's on their main-page, in the "new demos"-section.

- Tommi

Tommi / Absusoft
- Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 01:47:42 (CDT)

Ohhhhh... I am sorry. I really thought it was the 100 most downloaded games... Anyway, I get 100 visitors/day nowadays, and that must be because yesterday the game was in the new games section at hp and they have a link to my page. So I don't complain. :D

Now... a long awaited sequel is in the planning! Try to guess to which game! :D Yes, Wanderer of Absu - Chapter 2: Crystal Fear should come out in a couple of months! I will make a preview-page for it soon.

- Tommi

Siggen <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 23:30:34 (CDT)

hit 100 - that is the newest games isn't it? I don't think they are the most requested. Anyway, Tommi, this was a bit of a breakthrough for Absu ;)

Kevin Smets
Knp Universe The Realm - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 21:22:09 (CDT)

Relax, I am not Emperor Palpatine! Besides I am sure if that happened, no one at The Realm would be mad. :)

Friendly Neighborhood
Kevin Smets

"If he can feel your presence than LEAVE this place!" -Princess Leia, Return of the Jedi

Chris again <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 21:05:13 (CDT)


Nevermind smets. I deleted the picture and replaced it with the right one. Sorry to panick you, if I did.

Chris again <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 21:01:32 (CDT)


SMETS!!!! Please excuse my post with the giant graphic! I' sorry! Please don't ban me! I'm so very very sorry! I posted thw wrong one! Please delete my message on your postboard! I am so sorry! PLEASE don't ban me!!!!!!!


Chris <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 20:55:33 (CDT)

Somebody come to #K&P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ack, its Kev again!
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 20:29:59 (CDT)

Sorry for the double post, my screen locked. Ack :P

Kevin Smets <>
San Diego, CA Majestic Realm - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 20:29:06 (CDT)

Hello all! I just want to let you know that this weekend expect a major update to The Majestic Realm, as we will ad some new sections and update a few others.

Most notable, however, is the addition of our "Shooting Star Message Boards" and our huge Game Database system, where you can fill out a query form, and actually locate the game or games of your choice by typing in keywords, categories, and more!

Since we love you all soooo very much, and in appreciation for the nice response we have recieved, we are announcing the URL for the Message Boards, here, now! So please stop by, and discuss anything you like in the world of Knp/TGF/CNC! The posts can use HTML links, so feel free, but please do not take ill advantage of this feature by linking to innappropriate sites, etc. :) I am sure most of you out there aren't like that anyway, but I have to say it.

The Shooting Star Message Boards are open. Please bookmark ths site until we have a direct link to the boards on our main page (part of the update this weekend).

Have fun, and please respect others at the post!

Kevin Smets

Kevin Smets <>
San Diego, CA Majestic Realm - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 20:28:34 (CDT)

Hello all! I just want to let you know that this weekend expect a major update to The Majestic Realm, as we will ad some new sections and update a few others.

Most notable, however, is the addition of our "Shooting Star Message Boards" and our huge Game Database system, where you can fill out a query form, and actually locate the game or games of your choice by typing in keywords, categories, and more!

Since we love you all soooo very much, and in appreciation for the nice response we have recieved, we are announcing the URL for the Message Boards, here, now! So please stop by, and discuss anything you like in the world of Knp/TGF/CNC! The posts can use HTML links, so feel free, but please do not take ill advantage of this feature by linking to innappropriate sites, etc. :) I am sure most of you out there aren't like that anyway, but I have to say it.

The Shooting Star Message Boards are open. Please bookmark ths site until we have a direct link to the boards on our main page (part of the update this weekend).

Have fun, and please respect others at the post!

Kevin Smets

Mystion <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 19:44:41 (CDT)


Oh, did that come out weird? Too bad. :)

Max C. (DRIPress) <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 19:29:33 (CDT)

Hehehehe...Tommi you silly boy. In Happy Puppy's Hit 100 they're in aplhabetical order. THATS why WoA is above X wing vs. Tie fighter. :D
Sorry to dash your hopes,

- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 19:14:04 (CDT)

Quit all that posting about me.
P.S. I AM having fun making it. It's working great so far.

Seth Sinsabaugh <>
Phoenix, Arizona United States - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 18:42:41 (CDT)

Zodgrod Wuz Here

Tommi/Absusoft <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 16:57:15 (CDT)

Wanderer of Absu 1.5 made it's way to the real HappyPuppy-site this time! Yea, it's true! It can be found with a review on Just follow the link. So now it's both on Lord Soth's and on the real HP-site. And, what's best, it has been there 2 days, and IS THE 92ND MOST DOWNLOADED GAME ON HAPPYPUPPY!! In 2 days... Yea, and it's even more downloaded than X-wing VS Tie-fighter. Kewl or what? My site has been updated again. Go there now! At

- Tommi

Chris <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 16:12:19 (CDT)

Josh: Thanks for the cool reviews!! There is one other website creator, called Easy HTML, by Gabrial. He's the CnC Gazette guy. It's in french though.

Come to irc people

- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 15:31:18 (CDT)

Area51 Productions homepage has been updated! 3 new reviews, Paladin, Sim Fish, and Net Edit! Check it out!

Area51 Productions

- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 13:11:54 (CDT)

Yes!!! The phone company just came and fixed the phone at my house so now I can connect at normal speeds and not get disconected anymore. Now I can finally download games and work on my website. Expect reviews for Sim Fish, Net-edit, Palladin, and other updates to my web site with in the next few days.

Area51 Productions

Max C. (DRIPress) <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 13:10:09 (CDT)

Umm..this is a message for Martin S. Mason if hes listening, PLEASE contact me through e-mial. I MUST talk to you. Thanks.
P.S. Kool Penguins is coming!!
P.P.S. AAV Arena is ALSO coming
P.P.P.S. Redwall RPG is ALSO ALSO Coming!! :D

JuninhU2,TEENSOFT <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 12:38:34 (CDT)

(teen squad 1,2 & maniac-4)
Uh...ok.If you want to download some,donwload only Maniac. :)

JuninhU2,TEENSOFT <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 12:38:05 (CDT)

(teen squad 1,2 & maniac-4)
Uh...ok.If you want to download some,donwload only Maniac. :)

- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 11:40:19 (CDT)

about VB : don't forget it's a BASIC programming language - much simpler than C and C++. You can learn it quickly.

Siggen <>
- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 11:39:34 (CDT)

I was just gonna let you know that I'm making a cool little app called Character Creator Lab. It's the idea of Animation Wizard, but you'll have to take a snapshot of your guy and paste it in TGF. However, you have 3 sort of charachters to make : RPG, Adventure and Platform, and you have 4096 alternatives for each of the charachters "group". Which mean it will last long enough to the day CCL2 is released.

It won't take me long, just a few hours.

- Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 03:44:31 (CDT)


Christian Wiehl, - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 01:36:53 (CDT)

Andrew, there are a LOT of things that you can do with vb that c&c can't do... mainly because of APIs. Also, VB has a VERY handy OR operator, that I hope gets put into C&C2... it saves a lot of time and redundency. Like, I've written a web browser in vb4, a 3d doom type game in vb4 using directx, etc etc... don't underestimate vb's power. Vc++ is better, but vb still is pretty cool.

C&C is still the easiest development package that I've seen out there, though :)

- Christian

Siggen <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 23:36:32 (CDT)


I've made a demo of how an Animation Wizard could look, and I'm at least really hoping Europress' puts something similar in TGF2. It's a very good idea, download it from :

and read the text file, it may solve all your graphical trouble.

Zamfir <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 23:27:34 (CDT)

Hey, I finally got the links worked out on my page, and I got Geoplus, so there's 10 megs for my use. I'm going to be working on this page for a while. Check the site out and be sure to download the demo of Sceptre. (It works now...)

The address is:

See you there.

Chris <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 23:20:02 (CDT)

Silky: Thanks for adding my game to your game archive!!!

All: I need your opinion: Should I delete the vitalized jukebox on my site? It's just taking up space, and I wanted to know if anybody actually uses it.....

Also, I'mn thinking of adding a suggest-o-matic to my site, where you can suggest games/parts of games/features/etc for PSi. Just for fun.

Lemme know what you think

Jeff Weismann <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, September 08, 1997 at 21:04:21 (CDT)

I am making a graphic adventure called Smooth Jerry. The main character is a normal teenage male. Can anyone draw this character? It should be simple, cartoony, kind of like the character in Hero Quest. If anyone can help, thanks?

Chris <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 20:40:46 (CDT)

Hmm. I haven't been able to check my e-mail all day. Some network prob. Oh well.

Oh yeah. Net-Edit 1.2 is up.

Now you can view your html file. There's no bug in it anymore, lus I've added a bunch of tags. Go now.

Mystion <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 20:08:10 (CDT)

Oh come now, Piar, that wasn't nice..Either way, I don't think he'll succeed either, but Aquaris, prove me wrong, man! Prove me wrong!

"We've reached the dawning of the age of aquarius, age of aquarius, age of aquariuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssssss....

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 20:08:06 (CDT)

Mattimeo-Babyfuffle-CyberMuffin-TelianPiarr-whatever FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STICK WITH ONE NAME!!!!! on another note, a demo of a game that crashed due to too many bugs that i sent silky in june is up.. download it in her gmaes section if you wish.. the full version exist but it will never grace the screen of another computer other than mine... sorry.

see ya

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 18:23:06 (CDT)

Aquarius, Your dumb, they didn't use 3D graphics for Doom they used 21/2D!!!

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 18:14:11 (CDT)

This is so funny i could post again!!

P.S. C'mon tell us more funny stuff!! I LOVE TO LAUGH!!

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 18:04:47 (CDT)

what a joke Aquarius. Your the funniest person i've met.
i havn't laughed this much in years.



Jeff <>
h;ghm, uogfgv iyfv. - Monday, September 08, 1997 at 17:55:21 (CDT)

I know you probably don't care or know who I'm, well maybe some of you. Anyway, I just wanted to say, "I FINALLY GOT KNP WORKING!!!!!!!" My father fixed it for me last night. I'm gonna go start my new game right now. I'm not sure what I'll call it but it'll be a cool pong type game!

See ya'll, Jeff

Please e-mail me if you know who I am, bonehead I think I know him from bonehead software.

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 17:41:16 (CDT)

Sit down...good boy/girl. Now read this:
I am developing a Polar Vision game (read: demo). Polar Vision games will be the ULTIMATE 3D games. The images will "pop off" the screen. Not cheap 3D effects like in Doom...visit your local IMAX 3D Theater to see what my games will look like! To view Polar Vision, you will need a pair of Polarized Glasses.
For more information get on DALNet and type: /msg MemoServ SEND Aquaris I want more Polar Vision info!!!
Thanx for reading!

Chris <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 17:29:53 (CDT)

Josh-I have taken that into consideration. I will definetly slow down the aging process, as well as fix the death bug where if you make your fishies have babies, they can die instantly.

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 17:12:49 (CDT)

Hey everyone :D I have been away from the wall for a while... I am learning VB4. it's a cool laguage... so far i can't find anything it does that C&C can't....

that's my monthly status report, unreliably monthly,

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 16:28:23 (CDT)

Chris, heres some advice for Sim Fish 2, you should slow down the aging to about a half a minute if your going to have all these anger factors and other things added because on Sim Fish 1 sometimes you don't have time to even feed your fish cuz they age so fast.

Area51 Productions

Chris <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 16:24:42 (CDT)


Siggen: You can download Sim-Fish at

Some news about Sim-Fish 2: I have deleted 1 species of fish, because it was a dumb idea, and it looked crappy. But, you will be able to buy fishies, pellets, and more. There are many different pellets-Pleasure Pellet, Anger-B-Gone, and more. There are a bunch of things that will also be in SF2, including an anger guage, which tells you how mad your fishies are. The madder they are, the more they'll attack other fishies. And fishies will also have some sort of a damage guage, where if it gets full (from being attacked by aggressive fishies) it will die. And also, some fishies are cheaper than others, which means that some fishies die sooner, are less likely to survive attacks, age faster, etc.

So, there's your weekly update. Btw, The Extacy 2 is going pretty well. I'm almost ready to make the 2nd level. (!)

Come to irc

Ry Guy <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 15:59:28 (CDT)

Speaking of emulators, a good friend of mine is translating a game gear game, Shining Force 2. It's looksing good so far, check out if you are interested.

Thanks to all who visited the Realm, more to come :)

~Ry Guy

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 13:36:14 (CDT)

seems like I'm the one holding the mic in here ;) I was just going to say :

Have you ever faced the problem of not knowing how to draw? It can be solved with the "Animation Wizard Idea". Go to the support board at the conference room to see the idea - it will solve all your graphx problem - IF Europress listens. Write an e-mail to tell them how good the idea is if you like it - it would increase the chances of them putting it in.

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 13:13:25 (CDT)

I hafta make a review of Sim Fish, where can I download it?

Siggen <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 11:42:38 (CDT)

I know, Rikus, it isn't possible to compare games made with k&p and games made by pro - BUT compare it with the potential of k&p or tgf, you see if suddenly a really good game comes out, it wouldn't look that much better even if you gave it a ten. Take this as an advice - don't be defensive about criticsm.

Rikus Kras <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 11:27:50 (CDT)

Hello, Siggen i dont and i repeat dont compare k&p, tgf or c&c games with real games like quake. Like if i review maniac island and i compare it to another k&p,c&c or tgf game it would get an 8, if i would compare to Monkey island 3 the it would get a 2.
You see its a to big of difference. Thats why i look at other games made with tgf,c&c or tgf that people created and base my grade on that. Thats it and thats that.


come to irc

- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 06:45:08 (CDT)

I missed a pont here. You would give a game that was cool in the early eighties (forgot the early, and late seventies too) a 7-8, maybe (and probably?) 9 IF it was made with k&p/tgf.

I was gonna say one more thing, but I can't remember, so I'm just pressing that neat little send message button right now

Siggen <>
- Monday, September 08, 1997 at 06:41:07 (CDT)

No, Rikus - you go to easy on the games. If a game is a killer, everyone agrees. If you let PC format review a 7-8 rated game, they wouldn't give it any more than 50%, and PC Games wouldn't either. PC Review wouldn't rate it as high, and any player wouldn't either. You have to review both k&p games and ordinary games made by the pros from the same view, at least closer than it is today. A platform game that would be cool on the 80s, you would give it an 8 or a 9. Frankly, I haven't seen any good platforms (In The Pit is the best) when I compare it to Super Mario Bros 1 - ONE!!! And then try comparing it to 3 or 4!

Hope you all reviewers out there get this message straight. I really don't rely on any k&p reviews that says I must download the game now. It could be a clone of a stinky game from the early 80s. It would be best for the Realm to do this, because they've just launched. So if you do it now, realm - to set other rating standards -, I know you'll be the most succesful review place.

Ben Gregory <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Monday, September 08, 1997 at 01:35:04 (CDT)

Tommi: I can tell that it's the .img file in SW3 that is destroyed because I can't take any graphics out of SW3's library through another game.
This is not going to happen again because I've gone and made about 3 backups of all my games. I now use the strategy someone mentioned where you check if the file is okay by reloading immediately after you save.

Crankshaft Derby is now re-released with bug fixes, some new music and tracks and stuff. If you missed this 'innovative' 2-3 player KnP racer before, laugh at it now at my site:

Chris <>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 21:37:05 (CDT)

Heh. I don't think people are going to sell a $580 program for a used price. ;) Unless they have 2 copies...

Anyway, I have just made a new version of Net-Edit (again) and it fixes the View HTML File bug, where it doesn't read the file correctly. Plus, every time I update it I add about 5 new tags, so I did. Now it has over 30 different tags to use. Anders was interested in making a version of Net-Edit that could make frames, but I don't know if he's going to do that.

I'll post when I've uploaded it.

Michael Dickerson <>
Statesville, NC USA - Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 17:04:08 (CDT)

I would like to buy a USED copy of Corel Click and Create. If you have one for sale, please email me at:


K-J N. <>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 16:10:25 (CDT)

Zamfir: The new Sceptre demo doesn't work.

Siggen: You are right, many reviewers go to easy on the games and looking at my own reviews I know at least one game which I should have given a lower rating.

- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 13:12:36 (CDT)

Seems like someone gotta be fed with imformation with a spoon. I mean esnes, snes emulator, with sound! with the speed! with the name! with the game! with the uh...

wow. all of a sudden, it was that important to keep this k&p related.

rk <rk@rk>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 13:09:21 (CDT)

i was talking about the supernes

rk <rk>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 13:09:02 (CDT)

i was talking about the supernes

- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 13:00:33 (CDT)

I need to say more : esnes have sound too. Daaaaa!

Rikus Kras <>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 12:47:44 (CDT)

then click on the emulator page graphic.
Thats all.


Rikus Kras <>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 12:46:06 (CDT)

Siggen: Well I , think that snes9x is a great emulator and it has sound do i need to say more, and another thing this wall is for knp,c&c and tgf related things not for emulators if you wanted to say that snes 9x is a bad emulator just e-mail me. Thanks.

Well i think that a game gets less then a 6 it is a bad game.
Whats wrong with that?

On the reviewers guild: The games i review are my opinion,
just open up lets say: pc-format and pc-zone
In pc-format. Pandora directive got a 2 or something in pc-format and a 9 or something in pc-zone. So everyone has a differend mind on whats bad and whats good. Thats why more people can send in reviews to the reviewers guild so the makers of the games can see
reviews from more then 1 person(you can still send in your review)

I hope this answers your questions.
Good day.


Siggen <>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 12:34:30 (CDT)

Rikus : Snes 9x is NOT the best emulator!!!!! esnes runs (the roms it can run) perfectly on my pentium 100, but since the rom support is nothing but average, I have snes96 too. but please...snes 9x?

BTW, I think you should change that "If a game get's 6 or more it's a good game and if it gets less it's a bad game. Picture the Richter's scale as "If a quake is bigger than 3 it's a cool quake and if it's less it sucks."

And (this is about all of the review places) : You all go to easy on the games!!! You call average graphics superb, stinky concept well and so on. I mean like someone could get a bad knp game instead of getting Dungeon Keeper.

I don't know, but I do know that I live somewhere. - Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 12:32:47 (CDT)

Hello, haven't posted in a while, mainly since I haven't had a reason to. Well, here is a progress report on Terragon.
Yeah, yeah, I know, it was supposed to be finished 3 weeks ago. Well, I got caught up in this spiffy program called 'Real Life'. I'm not sure where you can download it.
Anyway, I have decided that there will be 20 levels. I am working on Level 14 as we speak - my progress is about a level a day.
Don't like my levels? Well I've also decided to add a Level Editor. It'll have everything that's in the game.
Now you might be asking, "What is this Terragon thing anyway?"
Well, I'll tell you now..
'Terragon' is a puzzle game inspired by a C64 game, Paragon. Basically, you are an orange ball (which is JUST A ICON, NOT MR. BALL OR ANYONE LIKE THAT). You bounce around a room, avoiding acid patches and swinging off of cables. It is actually quite interesting, and it is also the most complex coding I've done (even though it isn't very complex). The goal of each level is to collect all of the Orbs.
And guess what - I have made a little thing for it called a 'Storyline'.
It should be out within 2 weeks. I am encouraging everyone to download it, since I want it to have LOTS of publicity. I want everyone to know about it, since I am getting suspicious that a certain person wants to copy it and slap their own name on it.
So I am taking a precaution:
When I am done up to Level 15, I will send a pre-release version to 5 people I trust explicitely. I will also add a notice saying that it is authentic.
I have already chosen the 5, and their names are NOT being disclosed.

I am downloading Paladin now
I can't find the emulator page on Rikus's page
The Realm has a huge amount of potential
Polraven has joined RP as a music maker
The plot for Power of the Star 2 is in development
'Escape from Mynrr' was a great idea but I don't have enough knowledge - cancelled
'Star Legion' is being delayed until I feel like working on it again
And I got a score of 714 in Subspace.
That's all.

- Aximili

Many Bothans died bringing you this information.

mdark <>
France - Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 11:32:51 (CDT)

***Click&Create Gazetta update***

C&C gazetta has been updated today!
What's new?
- review of Bug Fest, from 100% product
- new links
- new section: download


Rikus Kras <>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 11:22:54 (CDT)

Hello, and yes yipeee wowowowow its weeeekkkeeennnddd!!!
And that means that The Rikus Kras homepage is updated again
with 8 new reviews, a new menu system on the main page with new graphics (ohhhhhhh:-) and 2 new midi's, so check it out.
Have fun.

Come to irc.

- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 10:41:13 (CDT)

Just a small not that I won't be on until next saturday due to be going to america for the week with school so please Silky do not delete the wall until I'm back. thanks oh and the gfp pages will be up next week still is faster

Zamfir <>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 08:51:54 (CDT)

Hey. Finally got my home page up and running. You should check it out. It's not much yet, but it's getting there. Oh, and you can download the latest demo of SCEPTRE. Which is a must. Just check it.


Zamfir <>
- Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 08:50:27 (CDT)

Hey. Finally got my home page up and running. You should check it out. It's not much yet, but it's getting there. Oh, and you can download the latest demo of SCEPTRE. Which is a must. Just check it.


Christian Wiehl, - Sunday, September 07, 1997 at 05:04:16 (CDT)

I've created a page with the Frequently Asked Questions about the Free KNP/TGF/CNC related webspace. Check it out at

- Christian Wiehl

Jonathan Hill - Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 23:53:08 (CDT)

From the computer of a member in GoldFish Productions comes

------ I I I--------I I------ ------- I I
I I I I I I - I I I I
I I I I I I - I I I I
------ I-------I I I I I I I I I I
I I I I--------I I I I I I I I
I I I I I I - I I I I I
I I I I I I - I I I I I
------ I I I I I------ ------- ---- ----
(I hope that came out alright)

Anyway Shadows isn't really scary except I wanted a cool name. It's a full screen adventure and even though the file corrupted I worked hard for 3 hours and re-did it! I will be releasing a demo when time premits, enjoy...

Sprite <>
USA - Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 23:39:02 (CDT)

KidHype : Hi! Where have you been? :)

High score objects are unpliable buggers ... they scan all players' scores that are higher than those in the table, and automatically ask for the player's name. You can't specify the initialization file for it; the only way to do that is to make your own high score table out of texts made of alterable strings, an INI object, and some counters. (It's also bad for full-screen.)

So far I've seem to have wiped out the problem that caused my game to go cuckoo-for-coco-puffs ... some event line there, whenever you add an action to it it crashes. I just deleted the line and made it again, doesn't seem to have any problem with it right now. I've got around eight to nine backup copies of it lying around on my hard disks. ^^;; Thanks for your concern Karl!

- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 19:05:00 (CDT)

Hey Christian Wiehl,

Do you tolerate pages made half about K&P and half about something like MIDI music? If so, I'd really like a web page! My e-mail address is


Ben <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 18:13:32 (CDT)

Come to my page and check out the preview of my first game which will be released this week (it could be a great game.)
If you liked LBC and Hero Quest you will love TOAST.

Lafe Travis <>
Calgary, Alberta Canada - Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 16:56:25 (CDT)

Venture 2 Beta 1 is now available.

Yep, it's the entire game. (Klik & Play won't allow a game any bigger :<)

It's 9.8mb zipped, so it took me awhile to upload it at 14.4 speed.

Download (from Silky's Game Links area) and enjoy.

There is a hidden warp zone and every world has hidden 1UPs to be found.

It's been two years of hard work. Now the thing is finally done!


[Hi KidHype!]

Tommi / Absusoft
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 15:13:09 (CDT)

And, as usual, if you don't see any changes on my site, press that little reload-button. And btw, I won FrontPage in Jon Hill's competition! Whoohoooo!!! :D

Tommi / Absusoft
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 15:12:46 (CDT)

And, as usual, if you don't see any changes on my site, press that little reload-button. And btw, I won FrontPage in Jon Hill's competition! Whoohoooo!!! :D

Tommi / Absusoft
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 15:12:14 (CDT)

And, as usual, if you don't see any changes on my site, press that little reload-button. And btw, I won FrontPage in Jon Hill's competition! Whoohoooo!!! :D

- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 13:57:33 (CDT)


My GoldFish pages are updated with more music, in depth review of Net - edit, previews updated,some new looks and more and next week the biggest update ever!

Paul Howerton <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 13:43:42 (CDT)

Ok.Here's my problem.I'm making a knp game using a PC.Say I want
to convert the files to make it work with a macintosh so mac users can play my game...How do I do this?(P.S>Don't ask for the game,It's not done yet.) It would be best to just e-mail me because I'm not on the wall often.

David Willis <>
Bloomington, Indiana USA - Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 13:02:11 (CDT)

Hey, KH! Whassup? Long time no see, man. Anyway, W4's a long ways off. In the meantime, you can wait for SEMY-Automatics, which is comin' a whole lot sooner, and I promise you'll like it MUCH better than ol' W4 any day. :)
The Realm is up! Although there were a few "incidents" yesterday, when it finally opened up for real, it blew most of our minds away! Woo! I must say, though, the K&P Honors page kinda helped tip me in that direction, heh heh heh. ;)
I've already downloaded some stuff, and look for a review of Peanut the Penquin 2 and others in the future.
But, it's always nice to come home to Silky's, where everyone still congregates (of course). There's room in this here town for the both o' ya, and we're all okay. :)
--David "Going back to work on S-A" Willis

Tommi / Absusoft <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 12:14:07 (CDT)

Absusoft's pages at have been completely redone!!! Go there now! Examine the "Previews"-section with brand new pics from Faith II, go to the "Games"-section for some downloadable games... be sure to check out the Top 5, and to contribute for it + lots, LOTS more! Whoohoow! Go! Go!


Mystion <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 11:53:56 (CDT)

Hmm, it's a font problem.

Mystion <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 11:52:18 (CDT)

Oh, all you pretending to be Kevin, just
__ _ _ _ ___ ____ ______ __
/ / | || | / \ \\ // | __| |_ _| |__ __|| |
\ \ | == | ||| \\// | |_ _||_ | | | |
/_/ |_||_| \_/ \/ | __| |____| | | \/
| |_ | | /\
|___| |_| \/
You don't even sound like him!
(Gee, I hope that came out, it was s'posed to say SHOVE IT!)

- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 10:49:05 (CDT)

Crashes seem to spread from Sprite, to Rikus to Samkin and now to ME! yeah I worked on a game, I quit and shut downand then restarted 30 minslater, only to find it was corrupt ( the game ) anyway I worked for 3 hours no stopand finally got to the stage I was before..oh and thegame is top secret

Erik M
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 08:16:33 (CDT)

Yeeeessss.... Finally got my internet connection back up!!!
My hard drive crashed and ever since my modem has made strange noises and refused to connect

anonymous <funny>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 07:42:12 (CDT)

the realm is at


mdark <>
France - Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 07:22:02 (CDT)

***Click&Create Gazetta***

Hi all, there will be an update on Click&Create Gazetta tomorrow, if you have made new games please tell me where I can download them. DON'T SEND ME GAMES BY E-MAIL, thanks.


Craig Jardine (Virtually Real) <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 05:56:36 (CDT)

Whoa.. just got back to Melbourne and what do I see? My quota at hildas has gone up from 2.5MB to... 20MB! I am so happy I think I'm gonna scream.. 20 Megabytes of storage.. **grin** Craig..

Jordi/Spaceface <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 05:15:24 (CDT)


I won't be alive in the KNP scene for about a few weeks...
I'm now real busy creating gabber/hardcore music.

I will check them pages though...

And the Hobbit will be availible soon :)

Well , CYA

Jordi Scharp
Blockhead Entertainment

KidHype <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 04:08:58 (CDT)

Heeeeyyyyy!!! I'm baaaaaaccck!

And I am in the process of writing my first TGF game. Its a puzzle game called Cotton but I am having one itty bitty problem.


Can someone help me, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE????

Other news:

The Realm...hmmmmm....I would say something, but like the Realm, its coming soon :)

Sprite: Hey guy, long time no talk! I still have your scrolling demo. It helps out alot. I would love to see your Sira game (I have a year old pre alpha version that you sent me one night on irc. Is the game actually done or is it just a one level demo?)

Rikus: I have come back to the wall just to harass you..hehehe...seriously though, good to see that you are still around and now you are on a Eggit sequel thingy and whats this Locked 7? I am still waiting for Locked 3D.

David Willis: Walkerton 4...Is it lost on the Bermuda Triangle too? Just Kidding, I really want to play W4 really bad.

Havoc and Izzy: If you two still read the wall or if anyone sees them on chat or something, please tell them to e-mail me!!! Just to say hi so I can have their e-mail. Thanks

Rumor has it that GTS³ still might come out. To each their own huh? But I think I am beating a old dog here on this one :)

Well...thats all for right now


- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 04:05:24 (CDT)

Hey Ben, I had the same problem once. And guess what it was? I had accidentaly change the name of the .img. Try to change the name of all the files in the game to something different, lets say temp-1. Then the files names should be temp-1.img temp-1.dat, temp-1.gam, temp-1.mus, temp-1.wav and so on. It could be that because you said the file refused to open.

K-J N. <>
- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 03:06:31 (CDT)

Sprite: When does Sira crash.

All: There semes to be a lot of people having trouble with crashes right now. I've encountered several of them to but I have so far allways been able to work around them. To elimintae the risk for a crash this is what I do:

After I have saved the game I quit the program, then I restart the program and reload the game. I play the level I was working on and try to edit an object. If there is no problem I quit the program again and goes to the filemanager or explorer, there I copy the file to another catalog. When that copy have been updated a few times I copy the new file to another catalog. I allways have about four backups of each game.

Talk about being on the safe side but it realy helps if a bug shows up.

- Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 00:58:17 (CDT)

The Realm seems to be an intresting website

Ben Gregory <>
Auckland, New Zealand - Saturday, September 06, 1997 at 00:06:46 (CDT)

I haven't been on the net for a while.. exams, Track Attack, Fatal Racing, you know... Anyway, here's the good news. I'm on a search engine (Webcrawler), so I've reworked my page to make it easier to follow. I've started a small reviews section (8 games so far) which will probably end up getting me hate mail. Crankshaft Derby Special Edition should be done in a couple of days too.

Here's the bad news. Space Wasters 3 got all corrupted again. %$#^@!!!
This time I did not even receive an error message, it just wouldn't load when I tried to run it the next day. I was even closer to completion than last time. The .img file was over 2 megs, and just like last time it was only this file that got corrupted. I had about 30 frames, but I think it's also the size of the frames and my old 486 that is the reason for the crashes. I have decided to give up, and release the game as only 3 levels. Forget the locking up in a room, Europress' staff should all be shot at dawn.
It must be my 3 letter name that's the problem.

Visit my page, to see the changes, and the counter that has gone down to 30 again.

-Ben 'Write Error' Gregory.

Cragmyre <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 23:08:59 (CDT)

If anyone is interested, I've created a toolbar type of active object.
Got a toolbar active object thingy working. I have it that when
you click on an active object that is 128x32 divided into 4 colors,
whichever color you click on, that color's name shows up in a
text object.

This technique could be used for floating toolbars. If anyone is
interested, please write to me, or see me on IRC (when I'm on).


rod orcajada <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 22:45:38 (CDT)

A few months ago I ran across a website that had a list of limitations and bugs for click and create.

I'd like to find this site again. can anyone gaive me a URL ?

Christian Wiehl, - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 21:27:08 (CDT)

Again, another call for KNP enthusiasts who want free space for a knp page! Even if you are an established company with a web page and have no need for space, I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider my server as a mirror for your site. Please email me at And thanks to those of you who already have emailed me. I'll reply asap, but I've got some stuff to do... I'm trying to get everything on the server working right, and email still is messed up, so I won't be able to provide your pop3 accounts until it works. But eventually...

When you (either as an individual or company) sign up for a *FREE* knp/cnc/tgf related page, you get....

*Webspace (I'm not sure how much yet), FULLY VITALIZE CAPABLE
*Ability to upload your pages via FTP
*An FTP site that users can browse and download from
*a pop3 email account
*access to great CGIs

So please email me and tell me your company name, how long you've been around, any significant apps you've made, and how much space you think you'd need.



Kevin Smets <>
USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 21:01:28 (CDT)

Hello everyone!

This is the true Kevin, I promise! :) I would like to let you all know that the MAJESTIC REALM, has been OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED! Come one! Come all! :)

I hope you enjoy your stay at the Realm! :)

Kevin Smets

James Borden <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 20:20:00 (CDT)

it 9, where realm?

David Willis <>
Bloomington, Indiana - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 19:40:18 (CDT)

You stinkin' poophead! Whoever's puttin' down all these fake URLs are makin' me steamin' MAD!
Darnit, do these people have NO lives outside of ruining others?
Gosh darnit!

--A very mad David

Piccolo <>
USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 19:36:55 (CDT)

Must the fake Realm URL posting by some immature people who shall remain nameless continue? It's not a good way to make friends...

At the bottom of that warez page, it says "This page and all contents © 1997 by Kevin Daniel,"

Hmph. You people are jsut trying to steal Keven's thunder, aren't you?


PS If this is the true URL for the realm, than I apologize.

Pug <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 19:36:52 (CDT)

It's not
That wasn't Kev, it was a guy from Erols...


Kevin Smets <>
CA USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 19:26:27 (CDT)

Ok all here it is, the relm url, that youve been eagerly awaiting.....

K-J N. <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 18:41:18 (CDT)

Joined the Klik & Play webring. About time too.

Chris <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 18:29:14 (CDT)

Smets: The graphic doesn't bother me. It was actually made by Todd Spangler. Not me. He let me use it. I don't think he'd care if you used it. Btw, the realm is cool. No need to take it offline. :-|

- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 18:14:27 (CDT)

Well, apprently, PUG, yes, PUG decided HE had the right to go ahead and post this "Sharp's" URL. Why? Pug feels "The public has a right to see it". YES. THE PUBLIC HAS A RIGHT TO SEE IT...
BUT not until the DAMN site is LAUNCHED for heaven's sakes. First off, that site links to an OLD version of KNPU. The final version is NOT on my AOL server space (leaving AOL sometime next month). Second off, I would NEVER go and PREVIEW MY section, when I have vowed from the beginning that we will ALL launch together.
PUG, and SHARP, you had NO RIGHT to go and peek into my ftp, and then go ahead and LINK to my site. IT'S WRONG, it is NOT FAIR, and for THAT, I am VERY UPSET. Almost so upset to the point of TAKING MY page offline.
If you think it was a "joke", you are grossly mistaken. PUG did this because he has always had something against me, and has always tried to ruin things and events that my friends and I have planned. Fact is, not a single person was supposed to visit the KNPU section right now, NOT until the entire site was launched. Please delete that bookmark if you have it, the true KNPU page is up at the SIMPLENET account, which will not be devulged until the official announcement of the URL.
PUG, and SHARP, and WHOEVER else decided to be "funny" today... please know that it's NOT often I get TRULY in my heart upset. Now I am. I look forward to the FUTURE, that's all I am going to say.

Kevin Smets

Kevin Again
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 17:49:57 (CDT)

As for the graphic in question, Sprite, I do not know where I got that individual graphic from. I found it lying around in one of my Knp libraries. If it does offend Chris or anyone (if it is the same graphic in question), let me know, and it will be changed immediately.


Kevin Smets <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 17:48:09 (CDT)


That post which "OFFERED" you a sneak peek was NOT, I repeat NOT made by me, I did not and would not give anyone a chance to see it before the official launch. I am VERY UPSET that a friend of mine "Sharp" would go and do this to me. I am very offended, and the site should NOT have been previewed to any of you. Fortunately, the fool did not link you guys to everything, so there still should be some suprises in store.
I cannot believe that someone would do this to me. as you know, the AOL FTOP space is easily hackable, and somehow Sharp found out the URLS. The final version of KNPU is up at the SIMPLENET account, so please excuse the previous post that TRIED to ruin everything.


Chris <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 17:29:06 (CDT)

(Sarcastic Voice)

Sprite: Great pic!! :)

(/Sarcastic Voice)

All: I have uploaded a NEW version of Net-Edit!!! It's way better, with a toolbar, fixed syntax errors, new tags, and a new helpfile.

Go now!!!

apologies for this third message ..., USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 17:07:32 (CDT)

Welcome back, Chris! :)

All, I've got this terrific new screenshot of Defender Sira up! Go take a look now!!! It's what I currently have. ;)

Sprite <>
USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 17:02:39 (CDT)

Just out of curiosity, Kevin, where exactly did you get the background for the image that contains the link back to the K&P World? That same image was in Chris Perry's PSI pages, and Chris Perry originally created it.

Sprite <>
USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 16:58:35 (CDT)

Thanks, Brian. :) Maybe I should change my name to Sprit or Steve, hehe...

Tommi / Absusoft <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 16:49:50 (CDT)

I just want to welcome any eventual AOL'er to Silky's. Oh yeah, and Kevin, please put frames on knpu, it's hard to always have to jump back to the main-page to be able to access some other part of knpu.

Go to, the home of Wanderer of Absu :)))

Chris again <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 16:40:40 (CDT)

Keving Smets: The realm is cool. :) Ok. Here's some tips 'n tricks for ya:

Hidden game in The Extacy Full Version:

There is a secret scrolling platform game in The Extacy Full Version! You must get over 7500 points, I think, and at the end when it totals up your scroe, it'll give you the option to goto the scret game if you have more than 7500 (I think) points!

Secret Jukebox in The Extacy Full Version:

If you manage to beat the platform game, you get a password to goto the Jukebox, a bunch of cool midis!

Cheats for The Extacy Full Version:

F: Full Lives
S: Skip Level

There's 1 more, but I can't remember. :(

There ya go. Also, were you going to review Sim-Fish and Elmo's Adventure?

Chris <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 16:29:30 (CDT)

I'm back!

Hello. It turns out that the university never deleted my net account, so I still have it. :P Anyway...

Rikus: Are you going to put in a cool 3d intro to dragon's tail like in tsotls?

Oh yeah everyone: I have been working on Net-Edit, and I would like to tell ya about Net-Edit 1.1! It's totally re-done and awesomely cool. (Awesomely?) Anyway, I'll uplaod it soon. It's much better than 1.0

Um... come to #k&p?

Smets97 <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 15:40:25 (CDT)


The Realm isn't officily up yet, but The Realm team has set up a special sneak peak!
Go to:
And You'll see the Realm BEFORE the rest of the world...
So, what'ree you waiting for? GO GO!!!!

Kevin Smets

Brian Easton <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 15:33:04 (CDT)

B-R-I-A-N OOOOHHHHH!! Five letters!! Does this mean that Infinity Quest will dominate? I hope so ;). But wait! S-P-R-I-T-E oh my gosh! six letters!! Sprite is the devil!! -Ok, Sprite isn't the devil. But Sira rocks so your theory has some holes in it.
I know what you mean about college taking alot of time out of your life, but it's the week-end now. That means no partying for me but 48 solid hours of C&C and home-work. (YEAH RIGHT!). Now I must stop babbleing like a senile old man and do somthing constructive. Oh-yeah I am the "director" of an independent C&C Company called Salamander Software. Just to let you know.


Kevin Smets <>
San Diego, California Majestic Realm, USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 15:24:02 (CDT)

Hello everyone!
As the official "executive of Realm public relations", I must say this is a very exciting time for us right now! I know you are all waiting patiently (whats this I hear about a 'WE WANT REALM' scroll in IRC?) for the release of the Majestic Realm.
As promised, we WILL launch The Realm today. It is Friday, September 5th, 1997, the time for the true Realm to open, the time for the two worlds to collide.
In the next few days, the Silky's crowd will encounter a whole new relam of Knp/TGF/CNC, as will the AOL crowd encounter this whole new realm as well. This will open the eyes of many of you, and forge new friendships, and unite new comrades.
In the next few hours, you will experience a brand new relam of entertainment, intrigue, and information, as the Realm brings you the latest and greatest information in a wild, yet professional look.
As PR director and webmaster of the Klik & Play Universe section, I can honestly tell you that The Realm has exceeded the dreams and visions that Ryan and I had a few months ago. This makes me very pleased with all of our hard work, it has been truly worth it.
As I might not be on hand for the official REALM release (which IS today), I can tell you that Ryan will be in IRC around 9pm est (6pm pst), and will plan to post the URL in there as well as here at The Wall. When I get the chance (I don't know my schedule right now), I will post the official URL here as well, that is if I can beat Ryan to the punch :) So just stick around, have a good time here at Silky's, and expect the official announcement from either Ry or myslef around 6pm pst... or possibly a tad later, but within that vicinity of time.
I am excited, the rest of the Realm-staff is excited, and time is almost here...
Again, thank you for your patience, and I will see you all at the Klik & Play Universe section, at The Majestic Realm! :)

Kevin Smets

Tommi / Absusoft
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 14:11:55 (CDT)

Woohoo... It's five letter in Tommi. T-o-m-m-i. That means I am dominating the knp-land too :D

Oh, it's friday... dunno where the Realm is.

David Willis <>
Bloomington, Indiana USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 13:36:43 (CDT)

Ooh! Ooh! My name has five letters in it too! Does that mean I get to dominate all K&P land with Havoc and Rikus and Peter too? Ooh ooh! :D

--David "Hey, Silky has five letters....I think this theory has some validation...." Willis

- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 12:19:13 (CDT)

'The Magestic Realm' is also known as 'It's The Late Magestic Realm':D Jon

Rikus Kras <>
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 11:44:32 (CDT)

Hello, Hey kenneth: Where is the realm? I really tought it would be up today.
Come to irc.


- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 11:36:42 (CDT)

Hey! I noticed that our world know as KnPer's Land is almost always dominated by someone with a 5 letter name. First there way Havoc, then Rikus, and now Peter. (Newman) Well, i am tired, i'm bored, and I'm young. What can I say? My name has 5 letters in it. If you like, shorten it.... or something.

Ken H Out

David Willis <>
Bloomington, IN USA - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 10:40:38 (CDT)

From the desk of someone else:

Where's The Realm? Huh? Huh? Where is it? C'mon, it's Friday....

Just kiddin', Smets. I know how these things take time, specially when y'all be in college. :)

--David "Back to French homework, sigh" Willis

Sister Hazel
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 09:38:55 (CDT)

Hard to say what it is I see in you... Wonder if I'll always be with you.....

The Warrior of Light
- Friday, September 05, 1997 at 09:26:58 (CDT)

From the Cloud of the Highest Order, I bring you the data of the gods.

Down to tha point.

Crash 2 is out! Kinda. Not on a server yet...but, its made. It's much better. Its the best game out there. Nothing can even remotly compare to it. It rules. Now that controversy has been made.... Just kidding. Its alright. =P

I have joined PSI Software. Yay! Beta tester man, I am.

Kenneth Hughes out.

Postscript: Your probally tired of hearing it but, Princess Diana was NOT killed by the paparazzi. It helps to be sober when yer going 190 KPH. The driver had the equvilant of 1 AND 1/2 bottles of wine in his blood.

See yas

Christian Wiehl, - Friday, September 05, 1997 at 08:40:27 (CDT)

If you are the director of any of the many KNP/TGF/C&C Companies, tell me, and your company will be entitled to some free web space on my server for a company page, and to post your applications.
My server can now be considered STABLE. It's still not up 24/7, and email still doesn't work properly, but it's looking pretty good. The KNP pages are almost done, but I still have a few CGIs to work on for those. Oh yeah, my email is

College is getting more interesting. I still don't know anyone, but they skipped me to a Senior-level programming course. Woo hoo!

- Christian

Lafe Travis <>
Calgary, Alberta Canada - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 22:25:44 (CDT)

Well folks, Venture 2 (Beta 1) is just about ready for release.
It will include Exidy's Castle and the rescue of Pinky, as well as the finale to the whole story.

I've been having all sorts of headaches getting it done.
I think I've hit the limits of a Klik & Play game, at about 80 levels. I had made about 90 levels, but Klik & Play would crash if I tried importing more than 80. I was able to convert a few intermission levels to pictures, allowing me 83 screens in the game. But I doubt any more than that is impossible.

Also, I think I've hit the limit on music, because when I add a MIDI song, it writes over another song somewhere else in the game. I had to play through every frame of the game to find what music had been changed! What a pain!

I tried putting my 90 levels into TGF, and it would only allow around 80 levels as well. I wonder if C&C is any different?

The levels that were scrapped (because of the 80 level KNP limit) were mostly in Exidy's castle, so I may take those levels and make them into a separate game. I had to remove the first two screens of OZ-Ball Park too, but I don't think they were essential to the game.

Is anybody still interested in playing the Venture game in its final Beta version? I haven't released it on the internet yet, because it's 12mb zipped, and about 21mb uncompressed. Expect to see it shortly though.

Pug <>
To Andy Hull From Sprite - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 21:13:30 (CDT)

(Argh, I think this got posted twice!)
Andy, sprite asked me to post this:
Andy, I can't accept you into GFP, sorry. This "leader of a group" is
hitting me horribly into the head, and I need to continue learning
the ropes of managing it. If you are abandoning Flying Elephant
Productions (because GFP seems to be as big as the state of Texas
with Sira Shmira), don't, leave it there. Everyone is happier if they
are their own boss (I think). If, however, you feel you *must* join a
group, you should join a friendly group such as Cellosoft (where we
all know atleast half of the members there!). I'm sure Marcello,
Cragmyre, Erstam, Black Rogue, and I will welcome you, your
wonderful talents, and your vast imagination.
By the way, isn't your email address?

Sorry Andy,

Telian Piar
- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 19:23:08 (CDT)

Well, back to school. What sad fate could have brought me there? hmmph, oh well. I'm gonna get CnC soon probly.

Jonty Bell <>
Bendigo, Victoria Australia - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 18:00:55 (CDT)

People...Please go on irc...I'm lonely...
Or got to my page

Holt, MI USA - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 17:58:07 (CDT)

Hy guys! I'm at the library and this is the first time I've been on the net in a while so I'm checking things out to see what's going on. Hopefully I'll check back again later.

Severe Hellfire

- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 17:52:52 (CDT)

Santa Claus,

Netscape did not copy the interface, IE 3.0 was merely a buffed up copy of Mosiac. They are supposedly redoing IE so that it runs off of it's own design, rather than a bought one.

Sprite <>
USA - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 17:20:28 (CDT)

And gee, where did IE come from? Everybody shout, NCSA Mosaic!

Well, TGF is bugging me and preventing Sira from being completed, wahoo, and I'm reeeeeally mad at Europress. Philip Chapman emailed me around the beginning of July, said something about the next 6-8 weeks they will lock a handful of programmers in a closet until the debugging in C&C is completed. Isn't 6 to 8 weeks already up?

Siggen <>
- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 13:33:06 (CDT)

Okay, if no-one wants my really cool puzzle idea, then I'm gonna write it down to the wall, and then you can all argue of whos gonna make it. Hah!

Well, the deadline will be soon, so contact me if you want it.

(I can't handle an idea like this going into the trash can)

- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 12:15:29 (CDT)

My first day of 8th Grade went well, must go do things ta ra :D Jon

Rikus Kras <>
- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 11:49:25 (CDT)

Hello: Mystion: In the intro you see that grandpa-dino is using his old magic powers to unluck the powers to hatch the egg. (wowowow:-)
When the egg hatches a blue dino/dragon comes out and grandpa-dino say's that the golden egg has been stolen by a "catter" and that you are the last dino to save eggit world from destruction. You have to collect coins and shoot fire balls at enemey's, unlock doors and do allot of other weird stuff to get to the next level. When you have finished all the levels. You get the golden egg back. You will have a power up called: Jumping power so you can jump all the time like in eggit but allot of times you have to pick up another power up called: The normal mode power up so that you wont jump anymore but that you can shoot fire balls and that you can solve another puzzle. Its really cool. Like i said before i made shure that dragons tail will not be totaly like the other eggit games. So you wont see the bouncer, the nasty twirlies, and you only see the egg in the intro. So thats good news for all you people that wanted to kill the egg:-) But also goo news for the people that loved the original eggit games becouse trust me when i say that this game is even better the the other eggit games.
But you have to play it to know if i am telling the truth. The game will be out in 4 weeks.

Come to irc.

- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 10:08:38 (CDT)

frames are all right, but I hate it when people put links to other sites in their frames!

- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 10:04:52 (CDT)

If you can't see any changes press that reload button.

Tommi / Absusoft <>
- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 10:03:40 (CDT)

My web site is updated once more after some criticism... It has got frames this time, and is overall, better than the former. Just go there! Remember the 800*600 though =)

Christian Wiehl, - Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 09:18:03 (CDT)

YES! My domain is registered and is now My server won't be up 24/7 for a while still, so don't bother trying to go there.

My proxy server works flawlessly, allowing internet access on all the computers in my house through the LAN to the webserver.

I got another 300 MHz machine for my new desktop :D

Once again, if there is anyone who wants to help administer the KNP site, please drop me a line at

- Christian

Santa Claus <>
- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 08:55:16 (CDT)


Internet Explorer 4.0 RULES !!! :D

Ok 2.0 wasn't so god but number 3 was great.

And Netscape 4.0 has copied the interface from Explorer 3.0
Isn't that rude...

Tommi / Absusoft <>
- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 06:31:50 (CDT)

Hiihaaa! Wanderer of Absu 1.5 got into HappyPuppy!!! :D
Just go to and follow the "New" link. It will also propably be on various magazine's gover-CDs. I will keep you infromed. Not bad for a K&P-game? You can download it from

Siggen <>
- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 06:23:14 (CDT)

I just got the coolest idea ever for a puzzle game! but as I'm working on Elven, I need someone to make the game, I can assist with various stuff, but mostly the idea and concept. Mail me or write to the wall.

- Thursday, September 04, 1997 at 06:00:34 (CDT)


Jeff <>
gh, jghv .hjvyjf - Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 17:50:11 (CDT)

I read on the wall something about Alice The easy to learn 3D graphics thing. It's ok so far. I just recieved it yesterday. Please e-mail anything you've made with Alice. I wanna see what people can do besides what the programmers made.

See ya'll, Jeff

Karl-Johan Nilsson <>
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 17:32:25 (CDT)

Go to my page and you will find a little Vitalize demo. Just a little example on how you can use a highscore table to save data to a users hard drive. It's perfectly safe to.

- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 17:18:17 (CDT)

Haha. Sure.
If you have TGF, look at the percentage thing when you are saving or loading. Sometimes it jumps back to zero or it snaps to 100% from like 50%. Isn't that neat?
How come my version number of TGF is 1.04 and my friend's version number is 1.03?
That's All, Folks!
Copyright 1956 WB
This is a fake copyright and should not be confused with the real one that is used on a 1956 episode of Merrie Melodies.

Mystion <>
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 16:45:32 (CDT)

Rikus, just a sort of warning..I have this feeling, that when Dragon's tail comes out the egg is already going to be hatched and you are going to say something like (on the title screen)
Dragon's Tail
the egg has hatched!
But I just thought that it would be cool if you have some sort of way that the egg hatches. For example..
You start the game by showing a frame with a reddened version of an eggit game, and then have it be going like a regular game (this is before you play, so just program what happens) and then suddenly the egg comes down and slowly stops bouncing, shakes and hatches.. That'd be cool.
oh yeah, if you already have something cool, ignore me. :)

Kenneth Hughes
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 16:21:09 (CDT)

Brian Kent: Pachinko is great!
Vang: So how's the deal with Paramount doing. (*chortle*)

Crash 2 is almost done. All i gotta do is add the actions for dying and its done. Don't worry, Crash 3 will proballly be the last. If there is a 3. Gameplay has been qweaked. Powerups have been added. I played it with my brother yesterday and I couldn't stop laughing. We both had the Hi-Speed Powerup, he had Bombs, and I had a gun. Well, hope ya like it. I'll keep ya posted.

KH Out

Pug <>
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 15:50:38 (CDT)

Brian, you should use MCI all the time, anyway, it's much more reliable than the standard C&C if done correctly.
I always use MCI for all my MIDs and most of my WAVs.


- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 15:22:39 (CDT)

Hey, Sprite, can you come on IRC? I didn't get that attachment you sent me... grr... :)


Brian Easton <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 13:45:16 (CDT)

WooHooo!! I'm back!! OK, so half of you probably don't know who I am and the other half don't care, but I do!!

Sprite- Defender Sira is excelent!! I want more!! One question though, to the left of the screen there is a a pit with spinning stuff and a floating object above it, What is the object? Is it the helper? and how do I reach it?

And now for an announcement: My new game Infinity Quest is in development. The gameplay is loosely based on Links Awakening. Expect a small demo soon.It also uses a new method I've developed for flip-screen scroling that alows for a smooth running 9X9 screen playing field (no more screwing arround with MCI devices).
So far that's about it.



Jon Again
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 12:14:34 (CDT)

Oh and please visit my web site which is moving to in a day or so!

Jonathan Hill - Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 12:09:06 (CDT)

Whoa looks like a lot to read and I go back to school tommorow!ahhh! -:D Jon

Sprite <>
To Rikus, - Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 11:51:20 (CDT)

Describe the "new puzzle game" part of Dragons' Tail, please.

Rikus Kras <>
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 11:39:49 (CDT)

Hello, Hans welcome back. Dragons tail is differend from the other eggit games becouse its a mix between eggit/and a new puzzle game. In this game the egg from all the other eggit games has hatched. Also this will be a special game becouse 2 pro's in making 3d graphics are working on the 3d graphis from dragons tail. Is that cool or what. David willis made the main character
and i am making shure that the gameplay and puzzles will be new and frech. thats why it has a differend name. And i am sorry you dont like other parts from other games, but locked 7 will be here soon. But dont worry. There will be coming some totaly new games from ap to like:
The Strange killer and the new adventures of coconut monkey.

To irc or not to irc thats the question

Brian Kent <>
NY - Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 11:29:22 (CDT)

Cool! Now you can download my game PACHINKO from Maxis's site. To see a small pic of the game screen go to:
To download the game from Maxis go to:

Have Fun,

Santa Claus <>
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 08:13:00 (CDT)

Visit my homepage at


Mystion <>
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 06:49:21 (CDT)

Hi all. I have to leave for my 1st day of 8th grade in ten (10) minutes!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did anyone else notice problems in the contest rules?

Hans Christian Vang <>
- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 04:19:34 (CDT)

Hi all you Klikkers!
i know i havent been here for a long time
but i HAVE een on mIRc a few times
Vang entertainment is doing some productions for the trekkers of the world!

STAR TREK: EXPLORER is well underway!
and the stories of STARTREK: BLaCK OpS is going even better
we'll have a demo of it soon!

about this VITALIZE! thing
i think that Europress should get a grip
and get this thing functional
luckily my version works fine (however its the old one)
but TGF3D is said to include this feature so what are we worrying about?

and...eggit !4!??????
ohno! i cryied at the end of Eggit Gold
and i dont really want another eggit, Rikus
you shouldnt over-use this license i mean:
eggit one , locked3, or whateer
i dont want eggits right after eachother
this is what i call: Overmarketing
Rikus: dont overuse this license or else you will get rediculed like Tebanis! did when they overused LOgger

think about it.


- Wednesday, September 03, 1997 at 01:33:09 (CDT)

No wonder Europress hasn't any Mac Vitalize yet... Just look what happened to the PC version. Could this be the end of Vitalize?

Sprite <>
USA - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 20:17:29 (CDT)

Carl : In Europress, they either email you within a day or never.

As for Chris, he writes to you all this message -----


I'm having Sprite post this, since my internet connection has been
deleted. I should be getting a new connection in 1-3 weeks and I'll be
able to have a new e-mail address with attachments!!! Yeah! Woo! Anyway,
if you have replied to anything on the wall about something I may have
posted, please e-mail me the responses.


(his email still works, because Juno is a dial-up connection)

Christian Wiehl
- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 20:14:22 (CDT)

Christian Wiehl

Regarding the mac issue, I have had the beta of the Mac Runtime for quite some time now, I am under lock and key, so I can't really answer questions about it or comment on its performance. Also, about two months ago, I emailed Europress about the mac vitalize plugin and they said that at the earliest it would be done in August, but more likely later than that. Welp, they were right.

I finally got the alice servers to work, it seems that they are down late at night, and downloaded the full 18 meg version of alice. There are a couple of things I don't like about it...
1. Apps only run in a little itsy bitsy window.
2. You can't save as standalone.

Other than that, it's cool. Sigh. I'm still working on the 3D Engine for the 3D Game maker that I've been working on for over 2 years. I'll have more info when my server is up. I'm writing the webserver for it right now.

My server will have a REALLY AWESOME feature NEVER seen before on ANY server. I call it "fluid HTML." Basically, when you write your web page, if you want like a counter or something, you don't have to mess with all the stupid CGIs and put IMG SRC="", all you have to do is put like,
This page has been visited %counter% times.
and it will automatically replace "%counter%" with the proper number. You can still use standard CGI graphics based counters too.

Also, my domain was registered today! I will be! Don't bother going there because I'm still waiting for my ISP to configure their DNS servers to map to my static IP. Another sigh.
If anybody has any cool ideas for CGIs, please email me at Thanx!

- Christian

Josh <>
Rainy Central Valley, Cali USA - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 19:18:55 (CDT)

Cool!!! I recieved Alice today in the mail on CD (much better then net d/l, for me anyway). =) I'm gonna install it later tonight.
Visit Area51 Productions

Son of a Patent Attorney <>
Cleveland--no, Los Angeles, OH--no, CA USA--yes, still USA - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 18:05:31 (CDT)

The claims of the patent referenced below are--excuse the pun--patently ludicrous. No doubt it will successfully overturned in court if its owner is so foolish as to persist in claiming ownership of the technique of putting video in an interactive environment.

The abstract of the patent in question can be read at the following URL under IBM's online patent search server.

For those of you who remember me, I have relocated to LA, but I'm not sure if that fact is germane considering that we're all "online" all the time anyway.

Robert K S

Philip W. Kelley <>
Raleigh, NC USA - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 17:53:11 (CDT)

It would appear my services are again needed. For those of you expieriencing EMM386 errors - this happens to me too - pay no attention to it. It means absolutely nothing - simply push the RESET button on your computer and it should go away. If this doesn't work then turn your computer off, wait 30 seconds and restart it.

Those expieriencing invalid page fault errors - replace your CNCS.DLL and CNCS32.dll (in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM) directory) with fresh ones from the root directory of your CD-ROM.

- Philip W. Kelley

Kenneth Hughes
- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 16:29:00 (CDT)

I've never seen a General Protection Fault in TGF. But everytime I click on something... "Ivalid Page Fault." Yeah, they do the same thing. GFP, IPF, it doesn't matter. Someone get me a bug-less version. SOMETIMES I WANNA SMASH MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!


Pug <>
- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 16:24:42 (CDT)


Sorry, but it gets anoying.


- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 16:15:19 (CDT)

From The Desk Of Aquaris:

Oops. I have never had the EMM386 error. I have never had any errors with TGF. Must have the perfect hardware...
Aquaris of Aeronautics

- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 16:11:13 (CDT)

From The Desk Of Aquaris:

Is there a bug in TGF or something? Lots of people have gotten a EMM386 fatal exception think while using it, including: MusicSK, my friend, me. None of us have the same type of computer. That's bad. Also, my friend gets a LOT of GPFs when he uses TGF. That's bad. See why you shouldn't buy version 1.0 (or 1.03 or anything that's 1.xx) of something? I know I have posting alot. Really.
Aquaris of Aeronautics

- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 15:57:11 (CDT)

From The Desk Of Aquaris:

You Can Join Aeronautics Just Go To #Aeronautics You Gotta Have Either K&P Or TGF.
Aquaris of Aeronautics

- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 15:53:28 (CDT)

From The Desk Of Aquaris:

Elfnet? Whatever.
Overheard In #K&P: weebee!
I am working on a text editor, a tetris game, a (gasp!) paint program, a network chat program, a virtual pet (he's so cute!), and, uh, a lot more. If I'm not in #K&P, I just might be in #AquaZone and if you wanna ask me 'bout my other games, go there. Visit Aeronautics at #Aeronautics
I have sent many letters to Europress and none have benn answered and I wonder why. Really.
Aquaris of Aeronautics

- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 15:39:05 (CDT)

Just a very, very quick note.

Puggy: LOL! (Sorry all y' others... inside joke ;)


Pug <>
- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 15:32:43 (CDT)

Kev: Another week for the Realm? Some people... :)

Guy-who-wants-Mac-Vitalize-plug-in: Actually, C&C's far better than Director, Shockwave's almost dead, id not already...I remember the days when Shockwave and Netscape both ruled the web.......
ANYWAY, I could care less about a Mac Vitalize plug-in, the Mac runtime'll be nice...But, in all honesty, what intelligent person uses a Mac? (I just KNOW I'm going to be flammed!)

Samkinnacious: I'm such a goon, all I do is flame people!


Carl <>
Chicago, IL - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 14:38:18 (CDT)

Can I please get some help.... Could everyone interested in making their websites with Vitalize apps embeded crossplatform (accessible to PCs and Macs) email Vitalize, Europress, and Corel. I've been sending mail for weeks with no response and would honestly like to know if they shelved the idea or are having major problems.

Thanks in advance. Please send them mail.


Carl <>
Chicago, IL USA - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 14:22:54 (CDT)

Yeah, where is the Mac Vitalize plugin????? I swear, I should've invested in Macromedia. It would've been a bit tougher to program but the final product IS cross platform. And to get a response from anyone is literally impossible.

If anyone from the respective companies can let us THEIR consumers know when anything please let us know.

Thank you.

Rikus Kras <>
- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 12:36:02 (CDT)

Hello, I am back. Elfnet sounds really cool. David willis: Welcome back. So how is everything there? So did anyone release any games this weekend?


Come to irc

Sean Poling <>
St. Helens, Oregon US - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 11:52:52 (CDT)

Hey All

ElfNet, which will allow 'online' multiplayer capabilities for any application that can read INI files (ie. CNC, TGF) is nearly complete. Right now my 6 member testing team and myself are creating apps and examples to be included with the development release of ElfNet. It will be completely free and the source code made available on my web page.

The only problem I have right now is speed. Softhead Productions has been kind enough to host the ElfNet server side on their server, but I would like to try out some other servers, compare the results. ElfNet requires only one port and must be running when the server is on. The default port is set to 8411, but that can be changed if that port is taken. Please, let me know if you can help by e-mailing

BTW, the chap apps created with ElfNet are working great!!!


Mystion <>
- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 09:35:02 (CDT)

Christian: That patent doesn't scare me, nor should it scare anyone else! Um, also, why would it be called a patent? You put a patent on an object to keep everyone else from stealing it. Wouldn't that be a regulation? And besides, why should that worry anyone? if it's been around since 1986 and it hasn't caused any trouble, who the hello cares? I'll make a bet with you that Dukey's not in any trouble.

Christian Wiehl, - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 05:03:08 (CDT)

Hey, has anybody gotten that "Alice" thing to work yet?

I just went to go download it, but for some reason the site isn't responding right now. :(
oh yah, it's

Tommi / Absusoft <>
- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 01:51:06 (CDT)

Hey guys... even though I said the site should be viewed in 800*600 doesn't mean it must be viewed in that resolution. If you use 640*480 you have to use the horizontal scrolling-bar.
Oh, and please click on the Hot-Site button in the bottom of the page to vote this page as a Hot-Page! Thanks :)))

newman <>
- Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 00:57:27 (CDT)

Oh cheesesticks.

Kevin Smets
Majestic Realm - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 00:33:10 (CDT)

Okay okay okay.
Everyone has been looking for The Realm, and I am sorry but it is not up yet. :( We want to pride ourselves in being one of the best websites for information and entertainment.
We also vowed that we would ALL launch TOGETHER. The Knp section, the TGF section, and the CC&C section will all be available at the time of launch. Through this promise, we regret to announce that The Majestic Realm will be postponed until FRIDAY, September 5th.
On behalf of the Realm crew, I apologize for this dela, but we promise that the results will be worth the wait.

Sorry again, but with patience and understanding come true greatness. :)

Kevin Smets

Siggen <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 23:46:33 (CDT)

This thing about pre-recorded video - I don't quite understand it. Does it mean video - pictures in movement or just a picture? And is it illegal to use graphx from another game - whether it's PC, sega, Ultra64 - whatever?

Siggen <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 23:40:20 (CDT)

Well, it's not easy to explain if I don't know whether it's a platform game or something else.

If it is a platform game, you have to make your own platform movement in the event editor - for both of the players - and have a counter counting down the time player 2 has been idle. So if he's been idle long enough, he follows player twos movement. You have to use flags (or values, but flags would be best) in the events - flag1= 0 means player 2 is active, flag1=1 means player 2 is idle.

That's a pretty rough explanation, it requieres a lot of coding to make such a movement.

David Willis <>
Bloomington, Indiana USA - Monday, September 01, 1997 at 17:18:34 (CDT)

I'm BACK!!!!! :D

Yep, I KNEW I had to get back on the Net by September 1st. And you know why?

Cuz I wanted to be here on The Realm's openin' day! And where is it, huh?! ;)

Alright. I'm sorta pithed.

Oh well. It's not like SEMY-Automatics is done today like I wanted, either. :)

--David "I hate my college email't laugh, please." Willis

- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 16:15:46 (CDT)

From The Desk Of Aquaris:

How do I make it so I can have a two-player game where if player two dosen't press anything for a while, it will follow player one and do whatever player one does (jump etc.)? This effect is used in Sonic 2 for the Sega Genesis. No, I do NOT own one. My friend does.
Aquaris of Aeronautics

- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 16:10:27 (CDT)

From The Desk Of Aquaris:

Thank you for not using my E-MAIL address. More news/info/stuff tomorrow.

Aquaris From #K&P
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 16:08:59 (CDT)

From The Desk Of Aquaris:

The Princess Died. Snif.
By Next Year I Will (Probably) Be At Least Half Done With My Flight Simulater (3D, Of Course!). Hooray!
That is a stupid patent.
When will there be a Mac version of the Vitalize! Plug-In?
Why do they show that circuit board backdrop on the TGF box when TGF dosen't come with that backdrop?
Need a ray-tracer? Visit
My Flight Sim Will Have Some Ray-Traced graphics. Hooray!
Look For More From Me Soon.
Aquaris of Aeronautics
P.S. To The Editor IOf This Message: Don't Use My E-MAIL Adress. I mean it.

KH <sam@slasttime>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 16:03:52 (CDT)

Okay. KnPers UNITE! Storm the gates! Silky's get 200 hits a day! Fling the crap! Lets do this! Lets kick some..... uh oh. Electro Shock time.

I'm fine now.

KH out

Kenneth Hughes <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 16:01:15 (CDT)

Okay, here's the deal. I have a right to play games. And NO ONE is going to take it away. Not the President, not the general and certainly not some monomaniac woman against games! By letting these kind of people have their way, we create a "Fahrenheit 451"-like situation, and that's not something we want.

Ken Out

- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 15:55:52 (CDT)

Whoa. Doesn't this mean Sierra's controversy-ridden "Phantasmagoria" (tm) is one big patent infringement? Or did they actually pay for that ridiculous obsolete patent?


- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 15:48:14 (CDT)

Gee, that patent IS rather stupid... Keep us updated Christian!

About that bouncing rocks thing...
[rock]'s direction is [all directions except up and down facing left checked], then [direction = direction + (maybe minus) old direction...] and same for the other one.


Chris <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 14:40:09 (CDT)

Christian: Actually, the part in Bubblechug where Pete walks into the game, is a scanned image of his school picture. Not pre-recorded video.

Pug <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 13:46:14 (CDT)

Christian: Yea, that patent came unto the spotlight quite awhile ago...Actually, it's ONLY prerecoreded video of real people, so a spinning logo doesn't violate it...etc.


Ezra Hanson-White <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 13:32:16 (CDT)

I just got TGF in the mail a week ago. Its awesome, way better than Knp! I'm currently working on a TGF version of Bombing Run. Its going pretty good so far. I have made a gravity effect, I made some chunks of rock have a bouncing movement, and always add three to their Y cordinate, so the objects shoot out at a random direction and as they decelerate they fall down the screen. I'm also trying to make a bouncing effect for when they hit the ground. If anybody has a better way of doing this gravity effect please email me telling about it.

Christian Wiehl, - Monday, September 01, 1997 at 13:09:48 (CDT)

This is very very very bad. It seems there is a patent out on video games using prerecorded video. 3D Realms is in hot water right now because they used things that they videotaped in Duke Nukem 3D. THIS SUCKS - according to this patent, issued in 1986, NOBODY can use ANY prerecorded video in videogames. We must fight to have this patent overturned based on two criteria:

1. Pre-patent works: If someone could dig up some old game that used prerecorded video prior to the date that the patent was applied for, that would construe an invalid patent.

2. Obviousness of the technique to experts in the gaming field at that time - if it could somehow be proven...

This would mean that HUNDREDS of game developers, including myself and many other people here would be guilty of patent infringement - just to give you an example, remember in Bubblechug 64 when Peter Newman walked out in the beginning? THAT could be construed as a violation!

This patent sucks! I hope we can all do our part in having it overturned.

Read about the patent at

- Christian

- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 12:33:47 (CDT)

Howdly Doodly Doo all, I usually don't post on the Wall, but I need to know something. I just got CnC, and I need to know something about the scrolling feature. How can I make the scrolling as it is in a fighting game? ie. The screen won't scroll scroll unless both players are moveing in the same direction. I don't know how I oculd explain it more clear..but I think you get the idea. Thank you in advance - James MacPherson

Christian Wiehl, - Monday, September 01, 1997 at 12:29:51 (CDT)

There is a big misconception that I'd like to clear up. This goes way back to the Klik n Play manual. Most people seem to think that games compiled on fast machines will run slow on slower machines. The fact is, those games will run slow on 486's REGARDLESS of the fact that they were compiled on fast machines. KNP/CNC/TGF doesn't know the difference between fast machines and slow machines. It's not based on what kind of machine you make it on, it's based on what kind of machine you run it on.

This all made theoretical sense, but when I told this to people on IRC they didn't believe me - so just to prove it to myself, I made an app on my 300 mhz machine, and compiled it on my 486/33 laptop as well. Both versions ran the SAME speed on the 33 machine.

Anyways, there's always that nice "Machine-Independent Speed" option. :-)

- Christian
P.S. Still waiting for a reply from Internic about my domain. Also having problems with my computer running CGIs - all kinds of OCX errors and stuff... Well, I expected that since I programmed the server software myself ;)

Chris <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 12:09:33 (CDT)


The next time any of you goto my site, could you please vote for it as a hotsite? Just click on the graphic to vote.


Jonathan Hill <> - Monday, September 01, 1997 at 11:54:52 (CDT)


I scrapped Supreme Spy even though I did all the graphics except hte character but I didn't like it so a game like Rubble Trouble is good! Remember it on the BBC, I started the game engone looks promising
Oh and the gfp pages (mine) have been updated

Max C. (DRIPress)
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 11:19:33 (CDT)

well, umm, i was kinda looking forward to the realm today. Oh, well. My Redwall RPG is doing real good. Anyway, bye.

Pug < :)>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 07:39:24 (CDT)

Weird guy without a name: The URL for The Realm is Sadly, it doesn't seem to be up yet.
Some people...

I wish I could run 800 x 600, my comp can handle it, but my moniter can't, it looks really small on a 14"
Btw, why do so many people use 256 colours? That's sooooo ugly.
I'm much happiere at 640 x 486 in 16 bit colour than 800 x 600 with 256 colours.


Siggen <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 07:09:25 (CDT)

I only have 640x420 resolution *sob*. But I'll buy a Pentium 200 MMX this week, so I guess I can view it then. If I create a game and compilate it on a Pentium 200 MMX, it would go very slow on 486. But if I made it with the pentium and then compilated it with a 486 - would that be better?

? <??@??>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 07:01:55 (CDT)

Its september now so where is the link for that new website?

Tommi / Absusoft
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 04:45:57 (CDT)

I have redone my site... it's located at
I hope you like it, even though it's not 100% finished. Just note it should, or MUST be viewed in 800*600! When you are there, don't miss the opportunity to download Wanderer of Absu 1.5!!

Siggen <>
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 04:30:40 (CDT)

Okay, Jon, just remember to take back ups this time, ok?

And I'm working on getting Elven out in a couple of weeks maybe (the preview of course), thought you might wanted to know.

- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 02:49:08 (CDT)

I've jumped on the bandwagon, Area51 Productions new homepage is

Mr Shadow
- Monday, September 01, 1997 at 02:05:32 (CDT) <>, - Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 22:43:19 (CDT)


Marcello <>, - Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 22:42:48 (CDT)



- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 22:33:26 (CDT)

Drum roll.......................

Here is a program that I made up for download now.


I recommend anyone who reads this get it. It is worth the 4.5 meg download (little?).

Here are it's functions.

* Ability to save a list of programs that when you double click on a name it will load it up and run it.

* Full cd controls. Plus a list of the tracks on cd (no more or less) that you can pick by clicking one.

* Volume controls for midi and wave.

* Date and Time setting and viewing.

* Midi playing with time in minutes, seconds, and miliseconds.

* Wave Recording, Playing, saving, and of course opening. all on one screen. Plus minutes, seconds, and miliseconds.

* Plus a extra 4 Cellosoft demos including:

---* Dark Power Revised Demo (by Brian Su)

---* 3D Maze Full (by Cragmyre) (plus bugs fixed)

---* Defender Sira Demo2 (by Steven Chan)

---* Robot Tanks demo (by me)



"I'm just going to tell you once so if you don't read this tough for you"

Mystion <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 20:08:45 (CDT)

Naw, Pug, that's the way it's s'posed to look. I didn't chat in IRC, it was a local BBS chat, and I just copy and pasted.

It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum and I'm ALL out of gum.

JuninhU2 <>
TEEN SQUAD Home - Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 19:58:23 (CDT)


I`m needing 800 Kb for a game,if you have space in your page,
or account,and you can give to me,please e-mail me now! :)
And Cybermuffin: believe Chris,I did a scrollling game with Elmo`s


- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 18:08:19 (CDT)

Cool!!! My homepage is now over 3000 hits.

Max C. (DRIPress)
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 16:52:10 (CDT)

Hey, Chris, AAV Arena isn't David Laceys new game, it's dakrstars new game. :) Anyway, yes the view is from the top, with a slight angle, like Mechwarrior i suppose, although I've never played it.

Josh (Area 51 Productions)
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 16:14:33 (CDT)

Visit Area 51 Productions

Mike in Texas
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 16:08:08 (CDT)

How about a website devoted mainly to game design?

Jonathan Hill - Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 14:41:19 (CDT)

Hi Guys

Chris to answer your questions: I got in a contest! I got 71 fished born in your game I just think it's missing something! and if you work hard you could get sim fish 2 out by octobre!

And I just finished all the music to my game!whooo hooo and it rocks big time!!!hahh I love making games

Chris again <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 14:23:42 (CDT)

Oh yeah CyberMuffin: If you want scrolling, you can use the Elmo's Adventure code if you want. It's parallax scrolling too.

Chris <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 14:21:33 (CDT)

JonH: Well, I'm sending in Sim-Fish not because of it's difficulty or whatever, but because everyone says they liked it. I haven't heard anyone complain a lot that it was hard, but just like what David Lacey said-you have to practice. Then you'll get b etter. Oh yeah, and I won't be able to finish the sequel by the time the contest gets around. :)

Oh yeah, how'd you get! That's so cool!!! :)

All: I have fixed the fatal bug in The Extacy 2. It turned out, the group that the code was in had been corrupted, and messed up the code in the process, so I deleted the corrupt group and replaced it with a good one. I still can't figure out the sound pr oblem though, so it'll just have to be that way. It doesn't screw anything up, it's just annoying that C&C won't play the sound I want it to play. :P

David Lacey: Have you ever played the original Mechwarrior for the Sega Genesis? If not, the mechs that were in that were kinda a top view/diagonal view, and they looks like walking robots. I would suggest that you make your new mech game like that. It wo uld be cool. ;)

Jonathan Hill <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 14:03:41 (CDT)

Hi Guys

My new Games - Supreme Spy is goign well. I worked on the midi's for 15 hours and most are complete! They sound awesome on a Sb64!\Rock it!haha The game might be freeware or shareware but nothing is definte! And the GoldFish Productions pages update is on tuesday, all bugs gone, new previews, counters working (thanks anders) and more.

- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 11:55:47 (CDT)

Kevin did you say that the Realm's launch date was 1st September?

- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 11:49:12 (CDT)

If Darkstar doesn't want to produce it than CyberMuffin Ent. can.

- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 11:48:05 (CDT)

ooops, sorry. Silky can you please delete that?

- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 11:45:16 (CDT)

I was playing Donkey Kong Land on a Super Gameboy when i came up on a great idea. The Darkworld Cruise. This is going to be by DarkStar Productions and PugSoft. Of course since i don't have K&P back and it doesn't allow scrolling easily puggy will be d oing the programming. I will be planning the levels. Story:

Soon after World War II. A man opened a cruise. The Darkline Cruise. Exactly after it was finished being built an atomic reactor exploded. The owner got reactor poisoning and he was turned into a grotesque monster. He was so mad that he kidnapped the mayo r of Jerrysville, ME. One day a person went to The Darkline Cruise. He immidiatly disappeared and the Cruise was changed to The Darkworld Cruise. Never to be seen again. Nemo, the pet iguana of the man stole aboard the cruise before it set sail. Nemo
wanted to save his owner so he snuck into the cargo hold. The Owner of the Darkworld Cruise had many henchmen that were transformed into creatures and multiplyed. You control Nemo and you have to save your owner from The Darkworld Cruise.

This game is planned like Donkey Kong Land 2 but there's only one guy to be and you have a life meter before you die. There will be secrets and coins you need to save your game and stuff. It isn't exactly like DKL2. There are at least 50 levels being plan ned for 5 worlds. 10 levels each world. I will have maps just in case your having problems with the game. There will be puzzle peices scattered around the levels. and if you have enough peices there's a level in the end that tells the truth about the expl oding of the atomic reactor. Enough said, there's going to be much to be done and it'll take A LOOOOOOOONG TIME!!!
thanks for listening if you did,


- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 11:43:40 (CDT)

I was playing Donkey Kong Land on a Super Gameboy when i came up on a great idea. The Darkworld Cruise. This is going to be by DarkStar Productions and PugSoft. Of course since i don't have K&P back and it doesn't allow scrolling easily puggy will be d oing the programming. I will be planning the levels. Story:

Soon after World War II. A man opened a cruise. The Darkline Cruise. Exactly after it was finished being built an atomic reactor exploded. The owner got reactor poisoning and he was turned into a grotesque monster. He was so mad that he kidnapped the mayo r of Jerrysville, ME. One day a person went to The Darkline Cruise. He immidiatly disappeared and the Cruise was changed to The Darkworld Cruise. Never to be seen again. Nemo, the pet iguana of the man stole aboard the cruise before it set sail. Nemo
wanted to save his owner so he snuck into the cargo hold. The Owner of the Darkworld Cruise had many henchmen that were transformed into creatures and multiplyed. You control Nemo and you have to save your owner from The Darkworld Cruise.

This game is planned like Donkey Kong Land 2 but there's only one guy to be and you have a life meter before you die. There will be secrets and coins you need to save your game and stuff. It isn't exactly like DKL2. There are at least 50 levels being plan ned for 5 worlds. 10 levels each world. I will have maps just in case your having problems with the game. There will be puzzle peices scattered around the levels. and if you have enough peices there's a level in the end that tells the truth about the expl oding of the atomic reactor. Enough said, there's going to be much to be done and it'll take A LOOOOOOOONG TIME!!!
thanks for listening if you did,


- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 11:43:08 (CDT)

I was playing Donkey Kong Land on a Super Gameboy when i came up on a great idea. The Darkworld Cruise. This is going to be by DarkStar Productions and PugSoft. Of course since i don't have K&P back and it doesn't allow scrolling easily puggy will be d oing the programming. I will be planning the levels. Story:

Soon after World War II. A man opened a cruise. The Darkline Cruise. Exactly after it was finished being built an atomic reactor exploded. The owner got reactor poisoning and he was turned into a grotesque monster. He was so mad that he kidnapped the mayo r of Jerrysville, ME. One day a person went to The Darkline Cruise. He immidiatly disappeared and the Cruise was changed to The Darkworld Cruise. Never to be seen again. Nemo, the pet iguana of the man stole aboard the cruise before it set sail. Nemo
wanted to save his owner so he snuck into the cargo hold. The Owner of the Darkworld Cruise had many henchmen that were transformed into creatures and multiplyed. You control Nemo and you have to save your owner from The Darkworld Cruise.

This game is planned like Donkey Kong Land 2 but there's only one guy to be and you have a life meter before you die. There will be secrets and coins you need to save your game and stuff. It isn't exactly like DKL2. There are at least 50 levels being plan ned for 5 worlds. 10 levels each world. I will have maps just in case your having problems with the game. There will be puzzle peices scattered around the levels. and if you have enough peices there's a level in the end that tells the truth about the expl oding of the atomic reactor. Enough said, there's going to be much to be done and it'll take A LOOOOOOOONG TIME!!!
thanks for listening if you did,


Pug <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 10:59:31 (CDT)

Mystion, Your log got all messed up :(( Anything in greater and less than signs >< is deleted since the Wall doesn't like HTML :\


Mystion <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 10:12:00 (CDT)

That kinda sucks about Princess Di....Di died...hmm..are you guys in a state of Anarchy now? To liven up the mood a lil' bit, I brought along a humorous bit of comedy, done with a gentleman I like to call Ozz. He logs on to a local bbs sometimes and, ( no offense, Rikus) his English is worse than Rikus's, and a lot of the time, unreadable! So here it is, my brother's chat with Ozz:
(Oh yeah, they're talking about a game called TradeWars 2002, and if you've ever played it, this is even more funny! Oh yeah, and I'm Fess...Seagun is another player, and the first thing said is said by Ozz.)

*** Chat Mode Activated ***
Type 'X' on a blank line to exit.

i allmost did it i have almost all the money i trade and i have the money tell fes
fess he's getting his ship to marrow and you know whats cool?


when i go into a excape pod i get a fess podule i get the same one fess has and i
then get a scout and so on

Uhh, I'm glad.

well cause he has that denisty scanner it ands just enough to buy a new ship

What ship had the Density scanner?

his escape pod has one

Hang on. Conferring with fess.
...He says it doesn't have a density scanner.

well i've been get ing a escape pod from a colinal strans port and i get 30 fights
fighters 30 shields and i have a deinsty scanner and 1 hold with equipment

Okay. Forgive me if I take a second, I'm just reading what you wrote.


All right. So, just tell me this. Where is Fess's ship, and what will you be flyin
flying once he gets one?

merchent ferighter i'm in his pass word soon to be bob

I'm sure.

well i have to go see if i have 20 more turns now

Okay. When you buy that Merchant Freighter, don't do anything crazy and end up in
Fess's ship, okay? And IF you happen to get yourself killed, it's up to you to get
yourself back in a real ship. Don't use Fess's.

i know the only reason i had used fesses was i could not get the with that ship to
many turns so i pulled that ship and then sold the to to get a ship and i'm now b
buying him a new one but when you log off fess has to come on so i know he will st
still play tell fess

Okay. I will. And you, don't do anything with Fess's ship once you've bought yours
yourself one of your own. Okay?

ok where will i hide it i can't move it my self i'll run out of turns fess has to
go on to take it before seagun takes it or a alein

Okay, you go back, right now, and buy a ship for Fess. Leave it where it is; anyon
anyone in the corp should be able to find it.

no have fess go on now!

Okay. Go buy that ship now!

when you log of i buy the ship only if fess goes on

All right. Deal.

i'm gonna go play i know if you log on and if fess logs on i meant off

Okay. See ya later.


Mystion <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 10:03:41 (CDT)

Jon: Cool idea...I already got to it, sort of. It's been a secret, but before KNP crashed for me, (I DID fix it, with help from Phil) I had started to work on a thing for the ever-popular internet game, SubSpace. So, in hoping to get my name on the pag e, I'm making a Subspace Trainer, and in it, in each screen you can change ships in the middle of the game. Each have a different on. They all sit nicely in a little box in the upper-right corner.

Dave Lacey <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 08:07:53 (CDT)

First thing first, Sim Fish 1 was one of my favourite games I ever
played, it was challenging but if you practise it's very fun. I have
got up to 53 fish born!

On another note Darkstar's latest project is comin's more info

- Mechs rendered in 3d Studio Max called AAVs(Airborne Assault Vehicles)

- Landscapes rendered in Vistapro 4.0

- Programmed in TGF

- Fun! Fun! Fun! :)

- Tear down trees, fall into acid pits, water pits and more

Jon Hill
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 07:29:18 (CDT)

Hi Again!

I am sorry to post so soon but their are a few things I have to say which I forgot to.

Sprite: firstly, my set of gfp pages aren't for my games but for the whole of gfp. I have spoken to Anders and he is emailing me pics and info on his games. And about sira2- that picture is the one in your sira demo with the sira 2 preview! and lastly www is now ours, all I have to do is set it up.

Chris: Don't send in Sim-fish 1 because when youplay the game is over inabout 3 minutes. I suggest yousend in the sequelwhen it's done!

Am I right in thinking that the contest ends in Octobre. If so when in that month

And lastly has anyone ever considered doing a 2 player game with 1 person. You have your tw ocharacters on screen each with different abilities and when you goto the menu and choose 1 player you play as the first character and shoot a bad guy and then cho ose 2 player and blow the dorr up!get my point.WHo knows that could be in my game



Jonathan Hill <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 06:52:04 (CDT)


I have heard about the sad and tragic news. I heard whe I woke up. I can hardly believe it. It feels strange. snif.

I'd just thought I'd say that I am working on a game called supreme spy and that's it'ls like secret agent

well bye

Me again (Jordi)
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 05:47:10 (CDT)

O yeah, Kermis (what Rikus always talks about)
is Dutch for FUN-FAIR (kinda).

Uhhh... Rikus now you know to use FUN-FAIR.

(Or you can call it Disneyland where you see 10 pink elephants instead of 1 Mickey Mouse !!! hehe)

Well, Rik, have fun and ask one of them elephants for diner :P


Jordi/Spaceface <>
Diemen, - Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 05:43:54 (CDT)

Yeah, heard it too.
Someone told it on this page and I thought he made a joke.
When I checked the TV it was true.

Weird story also.

I hope the bodyguard (who survived) can tell why the car rammed the pilar...

Well, that was it 4 me.

O yeah, my new e-mail address :)

BTW still worx
so all you chicks can still keep sending me those
XXX mails :P



Rikus Kras <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 04:55:50 (CDT)

Hi people, i just trowed myself out of my bed, and wnated to let you all know that i am still alive after 2 day's of kermis,
and i are getting ready for the third day of kermis. I had a fun
time and i still have 2 more day's to go:-) Well i just heard that princes diana died. Snif. Oh well. I hope everyone has
a great day see you in 2 day's.


mdark <>
France - Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 04:25:27 (CDT)

***Click&Create Gazetta update***

Hi all,

Click&Create Gazetta has been updated!! Two new reviews:
- Sim-Fish, from Psycho Software
- Paladin, from Sean Poling

New links and a new HTML editor made by me is available on my site.

Chris <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 00:40:31 (CDT)

Just so you all know, I wasn't crying or anything. I added the *sob*'s for dramatic effect.

it's still sad though. Even though I'm not english. I wonder where Martin B and Jon H are? I wonder if they know yet...

- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 00:17:12 (CDT)


Chris <>
- Sunday, August 31, 1997 at 00:09:00 (CDT)

Oh my god.

I can't eblieve it. Princess Dianna just died. Youre' right Toby.

It's that damn press that's to blame. They were chasing her down a tunnel and she, her driver, bodyguard, and boyfriend (Dodi) died!

My god! This is so horrible.

I can't even believe it.


Well, bye. Btw, I wasn't being sarcastic if my post sounded like it.

- Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 23:03:39 (CDT)

i know this isn't knp related at all... but princess diana just died.


jv <>
- Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 21:43:39 (CDT)

Where can I download Defender Sira?

Colin Marshall
- Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 20:55:29 (CDT)

CHRIS: Okay, I think I've been misunderstood. I'm not trying to create some cheezewad "trend" (Break away from the shackles of CNC!) but I was just stating that FunWare does not emphasize CNC - nor does the page mention any game creation kit. We use a lot more than CNC and we're a shareware\freeware group, not nessecarily a CNC one.

Sorry if my stumbly explanation causes an idiot (I AM NOT CALLING ANYONE AN IDIOT) to complain, what with their furrowed brows, in a vain attempt to understand the situation....

- Colin -

newman <>
get, dogs now - Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 19:39:44 (CDT)

Tommi - GTS³ has no release date. It was originally supposed to be released in January. That's what happens when you're lazy. All I can say is that we're only about 20% done.


Bubblechug 64½ =

Okay, so it's been around for a month or two. But those who missed it should get it now. 2.1mb.


Craig Jardine (Virtually Real) <>
- Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 19:16:48 (CDT)

Ahh.. good to be back in #k&p

The VReal URL is or (for those with crappy browsers..

Go there and drool.. It'll be updated soon.


Bristown, USA - Saturday, August 30, 1997 at 16:50:51 (CDT)

--- My text-viewer for the PDA ---

(1) Get one counter (holds ypos of screen)
(2) In event codes, have it so that pressing
up/down will subtract/add to the counter
(3) Have the screen continually shift its
vertical to the value of the counter.